by orionontv | Jul 28, 2022 | Scouting

Brandon Kathman For Immediate Release:
Operations Marketing Lead 7/26/2022
(947) 886-5736
Cub Scout Day Camp returns to Agawam
Cub scouts from across southeastern Michigan returned to Orion Township’s Camp Agawam for
Day Camp in late July, more than doubling the attendance of the event in 2021.
“This is a milestone to be proud of as we build this thing back up after COVID,” Keegan
Springfield, a field director for Scouting’s local Michigan Crossroads Council, said.
Over 100 elementary-age youth participated in this year’s “wild west” themed camp, along with
their siblings and parents. Twenty-four older youth staff from the Scouts BSA program also
supervised the games and activities. Many have volunteered to put on the program for years.
“I like to staff Day Camp because I get to meet people from different troops in the area,” Nick
McKinnon, 14, said. “I remember when I was a Cub Scout, and the staff made Day Camp a lot
more fun.”
Scouts learned how to make paper, shot BB guns and tried to “herd” beach balls. Other summer
mainstays like swimming and fishing also featured. Several scouts caught their first fish on
Tommy’s Lake, and one excited youth attested that a large fish had snapped his pole.
The increase in Day Camp attendance coincides with a marked growth in membership of the
national organization during 2022. With 35,789 more youth in the summer of 2022 than the
previous year, the Boy Scouts of America is outpacing its own projections. The growth is most
apparent in the Cub Scout program, which experienced a spike of 15.5% more active youth.
Cub Scouts teaches young people grades K-5 perseverance and develops their problem-solving
abilities, according to the Boy Scouts of America. It allows youth to develop foundations in
leadership, citizenship, and personal fitness through fun activities involving parents and guardians.
To learn more about local Scouting, visit or call the local office at (947) 886-5736.

A Cub Scout pulls a fish from Tommy’s Lake Campers participate in a team-building exercise

Theo Foss jokingly “rides” a pool noodle horse Campers “herd” beach balls
by orionontv | Jul 12, 2022 | Feature Writers, Scouting

Local Scouts serve at Selfridge Air Show
by: Doni Muzzy, Local Scout Leader
In an era where help wanted signs are apparent everywhere you look, organizations are also
usually shorthanded when it comes to volunteers. Thankfully, organizations such as the Boy
Scouts of America (BSA) are still coming through and assisting where needed.
The Selfridge Open House and Air Show is an extremely popular event, showcasing one of the
oldest continuously operating military airfields in the nation, and wowing the crowds with sky
performances by aircraft like the A-10C Thunderbolt II, CH-47 Chinook, the F-22 Raptor and
more. But with all the people enjoying the show, there must be others to serve them, and that’s
where the BSA units came into play.
Scouts from Troops 127 (Boy and Girl), 209 and 1927 were on hand to help, and although
originally were intended for use elsewhere, primarily served concessions to keep the crowds
hydrated during the perfect sunny day on the air field. The scouts worked both days of the air
show, leaving minimal time to actually enjoy the show. “It’s what we do…” is a common quote
from one of the scout leaders in regard to serving the community. The scouts stayed flexible
and served where they were needed.
During the events, Scouts have the opportunity to camp on site. The scouts, who operate
separately in different units, came together and camped at the Top 4 Park on base. The scouts
enjoyed friendly camaraderie, shared meals and desserts and enjoyed each other’s company
for the weekend. As an added bonus, Brigadier General Rolf E. Mammen, Commander of 127th
Wing stopped by the camp area and thanked the Scouts for their role to make the air show a
Even though units appear to be in competition, those in the program understand that each unit
has its own personality, and everyone wears the same uniform. At the end of the day, it makes
sense that multiple units would come together to help serve the community. And doing it while
having fun with your troop and making new friends? That makes it worth it.

by orionontv | Jul 8, 2022 | Scouting

Brandon Kathman For Immediate Release:
District Executive 7/5/2022
(947) 886-5736
Scout plans project at therapeutic riding center
Local scout Vivien Burke of Troop 185 aims to renovate the viewing room at O.A.T.S. (Offering Alternative Therapy with Smiles), a nonprofit equestrian center located in Ortonville, to fulfill her last requirement for the rank of Eagle Scout.
O.A.T.S. offers alternative therapy through the healing power of horses for special needs children and adults, disabled veterans, and youth campers. Their facility spans 40 acres and offers year-round programming for those they serve. According to Burke, she has volunteered as a horse guide for O.A.T.S. several times, and her cousin received therapy through their programs.
“This project will help O.A.T.S. for years to come, providing a welcoming space for parents to watch their kids, volunteers to relax, or even help clients decompress if they get overwhelmed,” Burke said. “My hope for this Eagle Project is to help people in the community for years to come.”
The viewing room presently fulfills multiple functions, serving also as a family gathering area and volunteer break room. With many years of intense use having taken a toll, Burke endeavors to make the room warm and inviting. After removing the old furniture, she will give the space a deep clean and paint the walls to match the O.A.T.S. color scheme. The prospective Eagle will also install new flooring and furnishings, including sensory games and activities tailored for O.A.T.S.’ many autistic riders.
“It will benefit so many people here at O.A.T.S.,” Doug Rohrabaugh, the center’s executive director, said. “The Scouting community has been very kind to O.A.T.S. throughout the years and we are happy to continue to have scouts here at the farm.”
Burke seeks to raise at least $2,000 for this renovation and is also looking for potential partners. Michael Keene of M&K Floors in Oxford has pledged materials and labor to refurbish the floors of the viewing room.
“It would be great to find someone to partner to paint, so it looks professional and not like a bunch of kids did it… to donate new furniture that is comfy but has a material that won’t collect dust,” Burke said. “The lighting could use some help, as it’s kind of dark in there.”
Those interested in supporting Burke’s project can mail checks payable to “Troop 185” to the treasurer at 5724 Shannon Lane, Clarkston, MI 48348, noting “Vivien Burke Eagle Project” on the memo line. For other ways to donate (online, partnerships, etc.), call 248-843-9386.
by orionontv | Jun 28, 2022 | Scouting

Scouting delegation presents report to state legislators
Scouting’s Michigan Crossroads Council held its first ever “Scout Day at the Capital” in Lansing on June 23.
Written by Jesse Quintana
Scouts from all over Michigan attended to represent the organization at the state legislature. The event included activities like archery and rock climbing on the lawn as well as a free lunch.
Over 500 scouts flooded the grounds from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Throughout the day, scouts entered the capital building and took hour-long guided tours. The tour took scouts through all five floors. The floors had many educational features, including portraits of former governors and a room full of past state flags.
“I think scouts can learn a lot about our state government,” Council CEO Don Shepard said of the event. “Whatever these scouts participate in, they’re bound to learn a little bit of something.”
At 11:30 a.m. twelve youth delegates selected from across the state assembled at a podium on the capitol steps. They expressed how the Scouting movement has changed their lives and the lives of others around them.
“Scouting does truly care about how their nation is and how it’s running,” Vivien Burke of Waterford Troop 185 said. “They care about the future, and the younger scouts are definitely the future. Showing them how everything works and runs will definitely teach them.”
After the speeches, scouts dispersed across the lawn to participate in other activities. One of the more popular activities was the rock climbing wall. Scouts went head-to-head with politicians in the “challenge a scout” competition.
Another activity was archery. The inflatable range used bows with foam-tipped arrows. The targets were plastic balls suspended by air streams. There was a science table with many experiments that the scouts could conduct. There were balloons that scouts would fill by running and rockets that would run on water and “fizz tablets.”
After the speeches, a hotdog lunch was provided to all in attendance. According to the scouts, it was a great experience that also showcased the institution’s functions.

by orionontv | Jun 6, 2022 | Scouting

Brandon Kathman For Immediate Release:
District Executive 6/3/2022
(947) 886-5736
Oxford volunteer named “Scoutmaster of the Year”
Scouting’s local Pontiac-Manito District has named Blake Streeter of Oxford Troop 366 “Scoutmaster of the Year” in recognition of dedication to the youth of his unit.
Representatives from the district, which spans much of Oakland County, attended Troop 366’s Court of Honor at LakePoint Community Church on June 1 to present Streeter with the award. According to the district, this was so Streeter could celebrate with the families he has served for almost a decade.
“It was a great honor,” Streeter said. “I didn’t even know I had been nominated.”
For nine years, Streeter has worked with the young people of the troop, including his four sons. As Scoutmaster, he has empowered the youth leadership to succeed during weekly meetings and nearly a dozen campouts each year. Beyond weekend trips, Streeter has twice accompanied the troop to the National High Adventure Sea base in the Florida Keys, where the youth crewed and slept aboard a tall ship.
Other adventures have included a white water rafting excursion in Pennsylvania and a journey to Pictured Rocks in the Upper Peninsula. Under his guidance, Troop 366 has become the largest Scouting unit serving middle and high school aged youth in Oxford.
“I hope the kids learned everything related to the Scout Law, being involved in the community and becoming better citizens,” Streeter said. “I hope they learned from all the merit badges and perhaps found something that peaks their interest for what they might want to do.”
For Streeter, watching youth attain the rank of Eagle Scout, Scouting’s highest honor, has been among the most rewarding privileges of a scoutmaster. In April, he witnessed his own son, Dakota, receive the award.
“I’ve enjoyed every minute of it,” Streeter said of his experience in Scouting.
Those interested in learning more about Scouting in Oxford should visit or contact the district office at (947) 886-5736.

by orionontv | May 31, 2022 | Scouting
Brandon Kathman
District Executive
(947) 886-5736
For Immediate Release:
Oakland County scouts honor Memorial Day with service
Scouts across Oakland County honored those who made the ultimate sacrifice this Memorial Day weekend, carrying out multiple service projects and serving as flag details in parades across southeast Michigan.
“Scouts carry out service projects because it is part of our duty to God and Country,” Dane Bezemek, Scouting’s local chairman and member of Holly Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5587, said. “It is also part of our history.”
Scouting has maintained longstanding partnerships with local cemeteries, and thousands of youth across the state put flags adjacent to the headstones of those who served to mark the holiday, working alongside veterans groups and other volunteers. Troop 366 even erected crosses in downtown Oxford bearing the names of residents who gave everything in conflicts from the Civil War to the Vietnam War.
In Davisburg, Pack 192 and Troop 192 placed American flags on the lawns of any residents who requested them. In total, the youth distributed over 100 flags before the holiday, and they will retrieve them in the coming days. Still others carried the nation’s colors in parades. Lake Orion scouts marched in one such procession, though the flag they bore was far larger than most. Affectionately nicknamed “Flagosaurus” by some youth, the massive banner required dozens of youth from multiple units to carry it along the parade route.
“A couple of years ago, Pack 233 acquired it from a business that was getting rid of it,” Derek Krentz, scoutmaster of Lake Orion Troop 284, said. “Someone added pulls to it, fixed the frayed edges, and now they bring it out for stuff like this.”
The Boy Scouts of America are among only a handful of organizations that retire American flags worn beyond possible repair. The traditional ceremony calls for flags to be cremated in a dignified manner. Many units perform these rites to coincide with Memorial Day or Flag Day.
Members of Pack 182, Troop 128, Troop 185 and Troop 810 retired 20 flags on Memorial Day at Drayton Plains Nature Center in Waterford. Bugler Nathan Beutler played “Taps” as boys and girls from the units processed and gently placed each tattered flag atop the flames.
“I hope the scouts learned the true meaning of Memorial Day,” Pack 182 Cubmaster Chris Landrum said. “We teach them that a scout is reverent. It’s one thing to teach them, but it brings new meaning when we show them. It is our honor to show the next generation how to honor the tradition.”