DNR News Digest – Week of March 21, 2022

DNR News Digest – Week of March 21, 2022

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News Digest – Week of March 21, 2022

young boy wearing gray T-shirt and helmet rides a neon green bike toward camera on paved, tree-lined trail, two kids farther behind him

Find your next great trail adventure at Michigan.gov/DNRTrails!

This week’s stories may reflect how the Department of Natural Resources has adapted to meet customer needs and protect public health and safety. Follow our COVID-19 response page for updates on access to facilities and programs.

We’ll continue to share news and information about the best ways to discover and enjoy Michigan’s natural and heritage resources! Here’s a look at some of this week’s stories:

See other news releases, Showcasing the DNR stories, photos and other resources at Michigan.gov/DNRPressRoom.

PHOTO FOLDER: Larger, higher-res versions of the images used below, and others, are available in this folder.

Photo ambassador snapshot: Silver Lake sunset

dark, gray waves with white foam roll toward brown, sandy shore, against backdrop of an orange, blue and tan sunset sky, with thin gray clouds Want to see more pictures like this, taken by Michigan state parks photo ambassador Sarah Goodwin at Silver Lake State Park in Oceana County? Visit Instagram.com/MiStateParks to explore photos and learn more about the photo ambassadors! For more on the photo ambassador program, call Stephanie Yancer at 989-274-6182.

Love our lakes? Help monitor water quality, fish habitat

a smiling young woman with shoulder-length light brown hair and a wide-brimmed brown hat holds a small plastic bottle and pencil, water in backgroundIf your summer plans include time at your favorite lake, there’s an easy and rewarding way to show your lake some love: help the MiCorps Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program gather valuable information about water quality and fish habitat conditions.

The program is seeking volunteers who enjoy and want to help protect Michigan’s 11,000 inland lakes. Though there is still a lot we don’t know about many of our lakes, volunteering with MiCorps will connect you with a statewide network of people who are making a positive impact on these waters.

As a water monitor volunteer, you:

  • Choose which lake to sample.
  • Select which measurements to take. You can collect data on water quality (water clarity, nutrients, dissolved oxygen and algae), invasive species, native plants and shoreline conditions.
  • Will get detailed instructions, training and equipment.

There is a small fee to cover the costs of supplies and analyzing samples; volunteers often are able to collaborate with lake associations or other organizations to help pay for these costs.

All volunteer-gathered information is added to the MiCorps Data Exchange, a public database that includes Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program lake data back to 1974. This database is used by people, local communities and state agencies like the DNR to better protect and manage Michigan’s beautiful lakes and the fish and wildlife that live there.

Want to help?

Visit the CLMP enrollment webpage or contact Erick Elgin with Michigan State University Extension for more information.

The MiCorps Clean Lakes Monitoring Program is sponsored by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy and is administered in partnership with MSU Extension, the Michigan Lakes and Streams Association and the Huron River Watershed Council.

Questions? Contact Joe Nohner (DNR), 517-599-6825 or Erick Elgin (MSU Extension), 231-928-1053.

DNR website has a new look

screenshot of new Michigan DNR website, dark blue header and downtown park photo at top, then hunt, fish, camp and boat iconsIf you haven’t visited the DNR website recently, things will look a bit different next time you’re there: a new look, with different colors and page formats, that’s all a part of the state of Michigan’s effort to build a more unified brand. Our new site went live Friday evening.

Though the look and feel are different, some things will stay the same:

  • The navigation should look familiar, and you should be able to find things the way you did before.
  • You can still search for events, but the options are now more robust and include the ability to search by event type, location and date range.
  • Shortcuts to your favorite pages (those easier-to-remember website addresses like Michigan.gov/Fishing and Michigan.gov/Hunting) will still work and should go to their correct pages. However, with a total site overhaul there are bound to be some broken links. We are working to correct those over time.

Once you’ve had a chance to check out the new website, we’d love to hear what you think. Your feedback via this brief survey will ensure we continue to improve the website for all users. If you can take a few moments to complete it, thank you!

ICYMI: Thursday webinar on Clean Boats, Clean Water grants

side view of three people on a fishing boat in the middle of a sunlit lake, framed by green trees and plants in the foregroundIf you’re looking for resources to help your community protect a local body of water from invasive species, mark your calendar for 9-10 a.m. Thursday, March 24. In case you missed it, the latest installment in the state of Michigan’s NotMiSpecies webinar series focuses on the Clean Boats, Clean Waters program, which provides grants between $1,000 and $3,000 for groups that want to prevent aquatic invasive species through increased boater education and awareness.

Kelsey Bockelman and Paige Filice from MSU Extension and Kevin Walters from the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy will reveal 2022 Clean Boats, Clean Waters grant recipients, share information on past projects and help your group prepare to apply for a grant in 2023.

Sign up for the webinar and follow Michigan.gov/Invasives for program news, updates and opportunities to help.

Questions? Contact Joanne Foreman at 517-284-5814.

Weigh in on state land review recommendations by May 11

Tall, thin trees with mostly green leaves, some orange and yellow leaves, fill up the screen, with sunlight streaming throughStaff recommendations on whether to keep, exchange or sell state-managed land in 10 counties are nearing DNR director approval, but there’s still plenty of time to review and share feedback.

The counties in this stage of the DNR’s ongoing state land review process include Gratiot, Huron, Isabella, Lapeer, Lenawee, Marquette, Monroe, Roscommon, Sanilac and Washtenaw. The updated, interactive web map reflects the latest staff recommendations since the initial public comment period closed, making it easy for people to see what has changed. The state land review was implemented as part of the 2013 Managed Public Land Strategy and involves the review of DNR-managed lands that are 200 acres or less in size or that, due to an irregular boundary, may be difficult to manage.

“This county-by-county review process gives us the opportunity to evaluate and make decisions about how well the current land portfolio supports our mission of protecting natural resources while providing broad public access to quality outdoor recreation opportunities,” said DNR forest land administrator Kerry Heckman. “It’s critical that people who enjoy and use these lands are part of the discussion, and we appreciate everyone who has taken the time to get involved so far.”

Comments left on the interactive web map or emailed to DNR-StateLandReview@Michigan.gov by May 11 will be compiled and provided to the DNR director. A final decision on recommendations is expected at the May 12 meeting of the Michigan Natural Resources Commission.

Follow the latest updates on the state land review process at Michigan.gov/PublicLands.

Questions? Contact Kerry Heckman at [email protected].


Learn from the pros at the April 9 walleye clinic offered by the DNR Outdoor Skills Academy. These classes usually fill up fast, so don’t wait to register.


Renewing your vehicle’s license plate soon? Remember to “check YES” for the Recreation Passport; it’s your key to year-round access to outdoor fun.


Help monitor the state’s osprey population, find our biggest trees, report invasive species … there are lots of ways to support community science projects!

Showcasing the DNR: Prepping for spring fire season

Showcasing the DNR: Prepping for spring fire season

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– Showcasing the DNR –

A wide shows firefighters on a blaze in the Atlanta Forest Management Unit.

Prepping for spring fire season

Michigan Department of Natural Resources

Look out the window. Depending on where you are in Michigan, you might see tentative green grass, monumental spring mud or a stubborn layer of snow.

In any case, make no mistake: Michigan’s wildland fire season is on.

“Even though there’s snow on the ground in parts of the state now, some local fire departments have already started running wildland fires,” said Paul Rogers, fire prevention specialist for the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.

DNR staffers are shown gathered for instruction at a spring tactics meeting in Munising.Rogers and other fire-qualified staff in DNR’s Forest Resources Division met last week to discuss the outlook for this season and develop plans to keep Michigan’s people and forests safe from the threat of wildfire. The season generally begins in early spring, ending with winter snowfall.

DNR firefighters and equipment are stationed strategically across the state to protect Michigan’s 20 million acres of forest land, which includes nearly 4 million acres of state forest.

The season generally begins in early spring, with the highest danger in spring and early summer. Risk lessens somewhat as trees “green up,” or bring sap up from their roots, in summer.

Because of Michigan’s wetter climate, the state rarely sees fires as vast or long-lasting as the fires they assist with in western states.

A DNR firefighter uses a drip torch to ignite some brush during a prescribed burn in Delta County.During 2021, Michigan’s largest fire was the Brittle Fire, about 5,600 acres in the northeastern Lower Peninsula on federal land. Prior to that, the most recent large fire was the Duck Lake Fire that started with a lightning strike in May 2012 north of Newberry in the Upper Peninsula. It burned 21,135 acres in three weeks’ time.

Those large fires are rare and the exception to the DNR’s goal – put out wildland fires as quickly as possible, while they’re still under 10 acres in size.

During 2021, DNR firefighters battled fires on 2,379 acres and conducted prescribed burns on about 5,100 acres. Prescribed burns are carefully planned fires that mimic the effect of natural fire on the landscape. They are used to improve habitat for wildlife and remove invasive species.

Despite mud and snow, prescribed burns are likely to start this month.

DNR firefighters pose for a photo next to a helicopter while on assignment in Manitoba.In addition, the spring danger of wildland fire from natural or human causes is very real.

“Last year was probably one of the busier springs we’ve had in a long time,” said Jeff Vasher, fire specialist in Roscommon. “It was really dry, and we started really early. Our unit started running fires on March 13 and went into June.”

This year may pose similar challenges.

“We didn’t get a lot of snow this year, and the vegetation from last year is still standing up,” he said. “That makes it rough for us, because when it stands up like that it dries out quicker and it burns a lot faster.”

Even though the ground may be saturated with water, grasses that have been dormant through the winter are dried out and burn quickly.

This means that people need to be very careful and check to see if the DNR is issuing burn permits prior to burning yard waste or other allowed materials.

“Always check on the status of burn permits with your local fire department or with the DNR before you start burning,” Rogers said. “Always check the weather. If it’s windy, dry and warm, do not burn. A fire can escape very quickly under those conditions.”

A DNR staffer inspects a fire supply trailer for readiness in Marquette.Before burning yard waste, go to Michigan.gov/BurnPermit to make sure weather conditions allow.

Some additional important fire safety tips include:

  • Never leave a campfire, bonfire or yard waste fire unattended.
  • Always keep a shovel, metal bucket and water source nearby.
  • When finished with your fire, douse it thoroughly with water, stir the ashes and douse again. Repeat until cool.
  • Your fire should be at least 10 feet away from logs, stumps or debris. Remember to make sure no branches are hanging overhead.
  • Do not burn on windy days or during periods of dry weather.
  • Consider composting yard waste instead of burning.
  • If the fire escapes your burn barrel or designated area, call for help immediately.

Another thing to think about in springtime is keeping homes safe from wildfires.

  • Homeowners can make their homes less susceptible to wildfire by taking some simple steps towards Firewise landscaping:
  • Create a “fire-free” area around your home. Trim branches, mow the lawn regularly and remove dead vegetation near the home.
  • Use non-flammable landscaping materials and plants with a high moisture content. Water plants, trees and mulch regularly.
  • Create “fuel breaks”, like driveways and walkways, in your yard.
DNR firefighting equipment sits ready on shelves at the Incident Coordination Center in Marquette.Throughout spring, summer and fall, DNR fire managers have a phone call every Thursday to discuss the weather forecast and the risk of fire in each area of the state. If needed, they’ll move staff around geographically to meet expected needs.

“We’re ready for the season,” Vasher said. “The tactics meetings get us started. It’s to get your mind set that fire season is coming, that your equipment is ready, that you have everything you need for the year.”

Check out previous Showcasing the DNR stories in our archive at Michigan.gov/DNRStories. To subscribe to upcoming Showcasing articles, sign up for free email delivery at Michigan.gov/DNR.

Note to editors: Contact: John Pepin, Showcasing the DNR series editor, 906-226-1352. Accompanying photos and a text-only version of this story are available below for download. Caption information follows. Credit Michigan Department of Natural Resources, unless otherwise noted.

Text-only version – Showcasing – Fire Season

Atlanta: Michigan Department of Natural Resources firefighters responded to this fire off Canada Creek Highway in the Atlanta Forest Management Unit in May 2021. Michigan’s fire season begins in spring, and DNR firefighters are ready for it.

Helicopter: When Michigan’s fire season is less busy later in the summer, Michigan Department of Natural Resources firefighters often help put out wildfires in other locales. This DNR crew was working with an international team to battle wildfires in Manitoba in 2021. From left, Steve Schummer, Courtney Moore, Doug Tyran and Matt Tonello.

Prescribed: Firefighters led by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources conducted a prescribed burn May 8, 2018, at Fayette Historic State Park in Delta County. This was the first time a fire was burned by the DNR for historical purposes, that being to reopen what would have been the infield of the half-mile, oval-shaped horse racing track.

Spring: Scott Lakosky of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources provides instruction and refresher information at the 2017 Upper Peninsula spring tactics meeting at American Legion Post 131 in Munising.

Supply: Wildland firefighting supplies stored at the ready at the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Incident Coordination Center in Marquette.

Trailer: Keith Murphy inventories the cache of equipment inside the mobile trailer that supports an Upper Peninsula Michigan Department of Natural Resources incident management team when it rolls out on an incident like a wildfire.

DNR COVID-19 RESPONSE: For details on affected DNR facilities and services, visit this webpage. Follow state actions and guidelines at Michigan.gov/Coronavirus.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state’s natural and cultural resources for current and future generations. For more information, go to Michigan.gov/DNR.

DNR: Fish kills may be common during spring thaw

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– DNR News –

March 21, 2022
Contact: Gary Whelan, 517-242-2764 or Sierra Williams, 517-230-8788

DNR says fish kills may be common during spring thaw

Fish Kill After ice and snow cover melt on Michigan lakes early this spring, it may be more likely for people to discover dead fish or other aquatic animals. While such sights can be startling, the Department of Natural Resources reminds everyone that this is normal, since winter conditions can cause fish and other creatures such as turtles, frogs, toads and crayfish to die.

“Winterkill is the most common type of fish kill,” said Gary Whelan, DNR Fisheries Division Research manager. “As the season changes, it can be particularly common in shallow lakes, ponds, streams and canals. These kills are localized and typically do not affect the overall health of the fish populations or fishing quality.”

Shallow lakes with excess aquatic vegetation and soft bottoms are more prone to this occurrence, particularly when a deep snowpack reduces sunlight for the plants. Canals in urban areas also are quite susceptible due to the large amounts of nutrient runoff and pollution from roads and lawns and septic systems that flow into these areas, especially from large storm events.

Fish and other aquatic life typically die in late winter but may not be noticed until a month after the ice leaves lakes. That’s because the dead fish and other aquatic life are temporarily preserved by the cold water. Fish also may be affected by rapid changes in water temperature due to unseasonably warm temperatures leading to stress and, sometimes, mortality. That could be the case this year with the record or near-record cold temperatures and the large snowfalls Michigan experienced this month and any rapid warming in the coming months.

Fish can become easily stressed in winter due to low energy reserves because feeding is at a minimum in winter. They are then less able to handle low oxygen and temperatures swings.

“Winterkill begins with distressed fish gasping for air at holes in the ice and often ends with large numbers of dead fish that bloat as the water warms,” Whelan said. “Dead fish and other aquatic life may appear fuzzy because of secondary infection by fungus, but the fungus was not the cause of death. The fish actually suffocated from a lack of dissolved oxygen from decaying plants and other dead aquatic animals under the ice.”

Dissolved oxygen is required by fish and all other forms of aquatic life. Once daylight is greatly reduced by ice and snow cover, aquatic plants stop producing oxygen and many die. The bacteria that decompose organic materials on the bottom of the lake use the remaining oxygen in the water. Once the oxygen is reduced and other aquatic animals die and start decomposing, the rate that oxygen is used for decomposition is additionally increased – that means that dissolved oxygen levels in the water decrease even further, leading to increasing winterkill.

For more information on fish kills in Michigan, visit Michigan.gov/Fishing. The public is welcome to report fish kills at Michigan.gov/EyesInTheField; such reports are valuable to the DNR’s ability to manage the state’s aquatic resources. If you suspect a fish kill is due to non-natural causes, call the nearest DNR office or Michigan’s Pollution Emergency Alert System at 800-292-4706.

DNR COVID-19 RESPONSE: For details on affected DNR facilities and services, visit this webpage. Follow state actions and guidelines at Michigan.gov/Coronavirus.
As part of a project to modernize websites for all state agencies, we will be launching a new website in the coming weeks. The site will look different and you will need to update any bookmarks. Learn more at Michigan.gov/WebsiteUpdate.
Tuesday is Conservation Officer Appreciation Day

Tuesday is Conservation Officer Appreciation Day

Tuesday is Conservation Officer Appreciation Day

More than 200 men and women serve as Michigan conservation officers – a demanding career that continues to evolve since first being established here in 1887. Recognizing these officers’ many contributions, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer proclaimed Tuesday, March 15, as Conservation Officer Appreciation Day in our state.

“Michigan’s conservation officers are in the field every day, doing their utmost to protect our state’s unrivaled woods, waterways and wildlife and the Michiganders and visitors who enjoy them,” said Gov. Whitmer. “On Conservation Officer Appreciation Day and every day, we commend these officers for their service, bravery and unyielding commitment to public safety, positive outdoor recreation experiences and sustainable natural resources. Together, we will strive to be good stewards of our phenomenal parks and public lands so we can pass them on to our children and children’s children.”

As sworn law enforcement officers who live in the counties they patrol, conservation officers are embedded members of their communities, equipped with the tools they need to respond to life-threatening, general criminal, and search and rescue events where time is of the essence.

Last year, Michigan COs contacted more than 387,000 people, delivering natural resource protection, education, safety tips and general law enforcement services to ensure people responsibly enjoyed the outdoors.

DNR News Digest – Week of March 21, 2022

DNR: News Digest – Week of March 14, 2022

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News Digest – Week of March 14, 2022

a tight grouping of bright purple crocuses with orange stamens, green grass peering through part of the background

Need a spring boost? These crocuses might do the trick!

This week’s stories may reflect how the Department of Natural Resources has adapted to meet customer needs and protect public health and safety. Follow our COVID-19 response page for updates on access to facilities and programs.

We’ll continue to share news and information about the best ways to discover and enjoy Michigan’s natural and heritage resources! Here’s a look at some of this week’s stories:

See other news releases, Showcasing the DNR stories, photos and other resources at Michigan.gov/DNRPressRoom.

PHOTO FOLDER: Larger, higher-res versions of some of the images used below, and others, are available in this folder.

Photo ambassador snapshot: Bewitching Belle Isle

gray, glass-domed conservatory building against a cloudy, pink-lit sky, with pink, red and white tulips and lush green grass in foregroundWant to see more gorgeous pictures like this, taken by Michigan state parks photo ambassador Mike Sonnenberg at Belle Isle Park in Detroit? Visit Instagram.com/MiStateParks to explore photos and learn more about the photo ambassadors! For more on the photo ambassador program, call Stephanie Yancer at 989-274-6182.

Tuesday is Conservation Officer Appreciation Day

a smiling, red-haired woman, a bearded man in hoodie and a female conservation officer laugh while petting a white and brown dog jumping up More than 200 men and women serve as Michigan conservation officers – a demanding career that continues to evolve since first being established here in 1887. Recognizing these officers’ many contributions, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer proclaimed Tuesday, March 15, as Conservation Officer Appreciation Day in our state.

“Michigan’s conservation officers are in the field every day, doing their utmost to protect our state’s unrivaled woods, waterways and wildlife and the Michiganders and visitors who enjoy them,” said Gov. Whitmer. “On Conservation Officer Appreciation Day and every day, we commend these officers for their service, bravery and unyielding commitment to public safety, positive outdoor recreation experiences and sustainable natural resources. Together, we will strive to be good stewards of our phenomenal parks and public lands so we can pass them on to our children and children’s children.”

As sworn law enforcement officers who live in the counties they patrol, conservation officers are embedded members of their communities, equipped with the tools they need to respond to life-threatening, general criminal, and search and rescue events where time is of the essence.

Last year, Michigan COs contacted more than 387,000 people, delivering natural resource protection, education, safety tips and general law enforcement services to ensure people responsibly enjoyed the outdoors.

A uniformed, male conservation officer stands in front of his black DNR patrol truck, next to Comerica Park baseball stadium in Detroit“The men and women who make up our ranks of conservation officers are the first line of defense in protecting Michigan’s world-class natural resources today, just as generations of officers have done every day for the past 135 years,” said Chief Dave Shaw, DNR Law Enforcement Division.

“In addition to our traditional fish and game role, our officers serve as an integral part of the community policing and public safety response networks in the counties where they are assigned.”

In this short video, meet a Grand Rapids man and his family who were helped by a DNR officer after a life-threatening chainsaw accident in Oceana County.

March 31 academy application deadline

If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a Michigan conservation officer, the DNR is hiring recruits for the upcoming 2022 academy. Get all the information you need about this unique law enforcement career and connect with a recruiter at Michigan.gov/ConservationOfficers.

Questions? Email DNR-LawEnforcement@Michigan.gov.

2022 fishing license season begins April 1; new underwater spearfishing licenses available

a Black man and little boy, both dressed in dark jeans and jackets, boy in a khaki baseball cap, hold a fishing pole while standing on a grassy shoreFor anglers eager to hit the water, a reminder that Michigan’s new license season – the 2022 fishing license season – starts Friday, April 1. Licenses for the 2022 season are valid through March 31, 2023, and can be purchased at Michigan.gov/DNRLicenses. Anyone buying a fishing license online will have the opportunity to sign up for auto-renewal through the DNR eLicense system.

Last month, the DNR announced upcoming regulation changes adopted by the Michigan Natural Resources Commission. One notable change is the expansion of underwater spearfishing opportunities that will now include the chance to harvest additional species.

Starting April 1, underwater spearfishing for walleye, northern pike and lake trout has been added for Lake Michigan (waters south of the southernmost pier at Grand Haven) and Lake Huron (waters south of the southernmost pier of the Thunder Bay River, extending south to the mouth of the St. Clair River [Fort Gratiot Light]).

This opportunity requires a new underwater spearfishing license along with monthly effort and harvest reporting requirements. The underwater spearfishing license is complimentary, unless a DNR Sportcard is needed, and will be available only online at Michigan.gov/DNRLicenses. See page 16 of the 2022 fishing guide (available on the DNR guides and digests page) for more on this spearfishing opportunity.

Everyone planning to fish is encouraged to periodically review the digital version of the fishing guide for regulation updates throughout the 2022 fishing season. For tips on getting started, choosing locations, targeting different species and other “how to” information, visit Michigan.gov/Fishing.

Questions? Contact the DNR Fisheries Division main line at 517-284-5830 and select option 4.

Traveling soon? Don’t forget your recreation safety certificate

a young woman with light brown hair, wearing black and blue life vest, steers a blue and white Jet Ski making waves on dark blue waterTaking an out-of-state hunting trip? Planning to rent a personal watercraft (such as a Jet Ski) on spring break? Don’t forget to take a copy of your Michigan safety certificate, demonstrating your completion of an appropriate safety program.

Many states require this documentation before you can rent a boat, personal watercraft or other equipment to participate in a season. If you’ve misplaced your certificate, don’t worry. Anyone who has already completed a Michigan hunter, bow, marine, ORV, snowmobile or trapper education course can request a duplicate safety certificate.

Recreational safety education courses are available to complete online from the comfort of your home and at your own pace at Michigan.gov/RecreationalSafety.

Questions? Send an email to DNR-LED-RecSafety@Michigan.gov.

Teachers: Salmon in the Classroom applications due April 15

young girl with light brown braid on one side, mouth open wide in a smile, holding a see-through cup of young salmon up near her faceIf you are (or know) a third through 12th grade classroom teacher who’s looking for a creative, hands-on way to bring science and conservation into the curriculum, consider applying for the DNR’s Salmon in the Classroom program – but make sure applications are in by April 15!

Every year, the program helps almost 300 schools around the state raise chinook salmon in their classrooms, in preparation for spring release during field trips to local, approved rivers, lakes and streams.

Participating teachers get free professional development, a teacher’s guide and a curriculum guide with more than 30 classroom activities to help students explore Great Lakes ecology, water quality, life stages, anatomy, invasive species and much more. Teachers also earn State Continuing Education Clock Hours, as approved by the Michigan Department of Education.

“Salmon in the Classroom isn’t just another routine activity; it’s a front-row seat to science,” said DNR aquatic education coordinator Tracy Page.

“Teachers and students commit to learning everything they need to know in order to raise these fish from egg stage to smolt stage, and it’s like the kids go through a transformation, too,” she said. “There’s just something special about seeing the pride in these kids’ eyes when they’re placing their young fish into the river for the first time.”

Questions? Watch this Salmon in the Classroom video and get more program details – including timeline and application process – at Michigan.gov/SIC or contact Tracy Page at 989-277-0630.


Archery instruction, lantern-lit hikes, volunteer days and more at Michigan state parks: See what events are coming up the rest of this month!


As temperatures warm up, many folks will be thinking about ORV trails. Visit our ORV info page and get up to date on everything you need to get on the trails.


Want to share your passion for the outdoors? Become a volunteer safety instructor and help people stay safe in the woods and on the water.

DNR’s 2022 elk population estimate shows healthy herd

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– DNR News –

March 11, 2022
Media contact: Chad Stewart, 517-282-4810

DNR’s 2022 elk population estimate shows healthy herd

An elk  herd bedded down in the snow in a forest opening photographed from above.

Results of the 2022 Michigan elk survey show the herd is healthy and growing.

During an aerial survey of the elk herd conducted over eight days in January, Department of Natural Resources staff flew over 1,080 square miles of predetermined sample plots across the northern Lower Peninsula to locate, count and photograph elk. Results from the survey estimate the population is between 870 and 1,684 animals.

A total of 793 animals in 92 groups were observed during the survey. A population estimate model was used to account for the animals that may not have been observed during the flight survey. Additionally, the photos taken during the survey were used to calculate the sex and age ratio of the herd. The 2022 survey estimates the population has increased 5% since 2019.

The elk population reflects the objectives and actions written in the Michigan Elk Management Plan.

“The latest estimates suggest that the elk herd remains healthy,” said Chad Stewart, DNR deer, elk and moose management specialist. “We will continue to sustainably manage the herd and habitat across the elk range.”

At Thursday’s Michigan Natural Resources Commission meeting in Lansing, the DNR recommended maintaining the current license quotas and season structure for the 2022-2024 elk regulation cycle.

The Michigan Elk Management Plan was last updated in 2012. In 2022, an update on Michigan’s elk management progress and accomplishments over the past decade will be developed and incorporated into the plan to guide management decisions for the next 10 years.

Elk are a valuable resource for Michigan’s ecosystems, while also providing opportunities for outdoor recreation such as hunting and wildlife viewing. Learn more at Michigan.gov/Elk.

Note to editors: An accompanying photo is available below for download. Caption information follows.

  • Elk herd: DNR staff flew across portions of the northern Lower Peninsula over eight days in January to locate, count and photograph elk. Results from the aerial survey estimate the population is between 870 and 1,684 animals.