Funding by 50% to Put More Officers on the Road

Funding by 50% to Put More Officers on the Road

Governor Whitmer Header


September 27, 2022



Gov. Whitmer Signs Bipartisan Bills Increasing Road Patrol Funding by 50% to Put More Officers on the Road, Keep Communities Safe

Building on public safety investments in budget, package of bills will increase funding to local departments, help them hire officers, investigate accidents, provide emergency assistance 

LANSING, Mich. – Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed three bipartisan bills increasing funding for the Secondary Road Patrol (SRP) program. These bills will keep drivers safe in their communities by putting more officers on the road, improving recruitment and retention efforts, and bolstering training. The bills build on the MI Safe Communities program the governor launched last summer to invest in local police, get illegal guns off the street, and expand opportunities in jobs, education, and the justice system.


“As a former prosecutor, public safety is a top priority for me,” said Governor Whitmer. “Today’s bipartisan bills will improve road safety by putting more officers out on patrol. The 50% increase in funding for the SRP program will also improve law enforcement recruitment and retention by bolstering the funding stream and enabling sheriff departments to give their officers more stability. I will work with anyone to protect public safety, and I am proud of the bipartisan budget I signed earlier this year that ensures law enforcement at every level, from the MSP to local departments, have the resources they need to keep people safe. No one should feel unsafe as they go to work, drop their kids off at school, or run errands in their neighborhoods. Let’s work together to protect public safety and keep drivers safe on the road.”


“I am thankful that both Governor Whitmer and the Legislature came together with a commonsense solution to the Sheriffs’ secondary road patrol concerns,” said Matt Saxton, Executive Director of the Michigan Sheriff’s Association. “These bills provide for stability in funding that will put additional deputies on our road to provide improved public safety response throughout the state of Michigan.”


Bipartisan Bills to Increase Road Safety

Today, Governor Whitmer signed House Bills (HB) 5569, 5732, and 5772. Taken together, these bills will increase the SRP fund by $5 million each year, up from $10 million to $15 million. This increased, dedicated funding is now coming from the liquor fund so the SRP fund doesn’t have to rely on fees and general fund dollars each year which can be unpredictable. The additional funding will be used to add officers to the road, and the consistent funding source will allow sheriff departments to plan better and give officers more employment stability, improving their recruitment and retention efforts. The fees that previously funded the SRP will now be redirected to MCOLES for law enforcement training grants.


  • HB 5569 adjusts the MOE for counties to be eligible for SRP dollars. In years past, the legislature would have to pass resolutions waiving county MOEs to receive their share of SRP dollars.


  • HB 5732 creates a new $15M earmark of liquor revenue to fund the SRP program


  • HB 5772 redirects a portion of the $40 fee that originally funded the SRP to MCOLES for law enforcement training grants.


Secondary Road Patrol Program

SRP funds efforts to monitor traffic violations, enforce the state’s criminal law, investigate accidents involving motor vehicles, and provide emergency assistance to Michiganders on or near a patrolled highway or road. The funds can be used for employing additional personnel, purchasing equipment, enforcing laws in state and county parks, and providing selective motor vehicle inspection programs.


Governor Whitmer’s Record Breaking Public Safety Investments

As a former prosecutor, public safety is a core issue for Governor Whitmer. She has worked closely with local leaders, law enforcement officers, and community organizations to ensure people feel safe in their neighborhoods. Since taking office, she has signed four balanced, bipartisan budgets, each making record investments to help communities fund local law enforcement departments and hire more first responders. These budgets have expanded training and resources available to law enforcement from the MSP to local departments in every region of the state.


Last summer, the governor proposed MI Safe Communities, a plan to invest $75 million in federal funding from the American Rescue Plan to reduce crime and keep families safe by getting illegal firearms of the street, tackle the criminal court backlog, expand resources available to law enforcement, and address the root causes of crime by investing in jobs programs, counseling, and education.


Governor Whitmer’s Criminal Justice Investments

Governor Whitmer has also worked across the aisle to enact historic criminal justice reform. She signed bipartisan “Clean Slate” legislation to help hundreds of thousands of Michiganders emerge from the criminal justice system with enhanced opportunities for jobs and housing, empowering them to pursue their full potential. She also launched task forces to address pretrial incarceration and juvenile justice and pursued reforms to improve relationships between law enforcement and the people they serve.


Governor Whitmer signed her fourth balanced, bipartisan budget that included funding for Jobs Court, a program that offers non-violent, low-level offenders gainful employment with local partnering small businesses.


Governor Whitmer with Law Enforcement 1


Gov. Whitmer with Law Enforcement

The survey says… Michigan roads are improving

The survey says… Michigan roads are improving

The survey says… Michigan roads are improving

On this week’s Talking Michigan Transportation podcast, a conversation with Richard Czuba, a veteran Michigan pollster and founder of the Glengariff Group.

Listen now:

TMT - The survey

A recent poll commissioned by his clients, The Detroit News and WDIV-TV, included some questions to measure Michigan voter perceptions of road conditions and repairs.

Among issues discussed:

  • What drives perceptions of road conditions. Is it mostly informed by how rough the pavement is on the street where a person lives or a local arterial or freeway used for commuting?
  • Demographic breakdowns in the polling and differences in perception by gender and age group.
  • Czuba’s research over the years and his conclusions about why people might be expressing more optimism about road work in Michigan.
  • Perceptions of the Rebuilding Michigan bonding plan.

As Czuba told the Detroit News when the poll was released: “It’s a perfect example of the voters aren’t stupid — they can actually make sense of what the issues are, who’s doing what.”

Lowering Costs for Michiganders

Lowering Costs for Michiganders

U.S. Senator Gary Peters
Friend –

I was proud to help pass the Inflation Reduction Act into law to address some of the most pressing issues facing Michiganders and significantly lower costs for families across our state. Here are a few things you need to know about it!

FIRST: The law lowers prescription drug and health care costs.

  • This law allows Medicare to negotiate drug prices and cap out-of-pocket costs to $2,000 annually, which will lower prescription drug costs. It also will reduce the cost of insulin, capping at $35 per month co-pays for seniors on Medicare plans, and reduce Affordable Care Act premiums for Michiganders for three years, through 2025.

SECOND: The law makes the most significant investment ever to tackle climate change and drive down energy costs.

  • It will accelerate clean energy production, reduce carbon emissions, and encourage families to make their homes more energy efficient. This is also a huge economic opportunity because this new law will incentivize domestic manufacturing and help create millions of good-paying jobs here at home.

THIRD: The law fights inflation, reduces costs and lowers the deficit.

  • This law will fight inflation by reducing costs for families and will lower the deficit by closing tax loopholes to ensure the biggest corporations and the ultra-wealthy are paying their fair share and imposing a one-percent tax on corporate stock buybacks.



I recently went to the White House to highlight the enactment of the Inflation Reduction Act. To watch my breakdown of how this law will lower costs for Michiganders, click here.


This historic achievement will make a meaningful difference in the lives of Michiganders, and I was pleased to help make it a reality. To learn more about how this law impacts you, visit my website by clicking here. If you are interested in how this law’s clean energy investments can save you or your family on energy bills and beyond, click here.


Thanks for reading,

Gary Peters
United States Senator for Michigan

$65,000 plus raised at Fostering Futures Scholarship event

$65,000 plus raised at Fostering Futures Scholarship event

MDHHS banner with logo no names

Press Release


TREASURY MEDIA CONTACT: Ron Leix, 517-335-2167,

MDHHS MEDIA CONTACT: Bob Wheaton, 517-241-2112,

More than $65,000 raised at 10th annual Fostering Futures Scholarship event in Detroit

Nearly 400 youth eligible to receive higher education support

Fostering Futures 2022

LANSING, Mich. – Nearly 400 foster youth are eligible to receive college scholarships following the 10th annual Fostering Futures Scholarship Trust Fund Benefit Dinner organized by the Michigan Education Trust (MET) and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS).

Thursday evening’s event at the Roostertail along the banks of the Detroit River was attended by close to 200 guests who raised $61,555 for scholarships through MET, the Michigan Department of Treasury’s 529 prepaid education program. So far this year, MET has raised $68,355 for the scholarships.

Both the fundraiser dinner and raffle benefit youth who have experienced foster care in Michigan. A partnership between MET and MDHHS makes Fostering Futures Scholarships possible.

“Making dreams a reality is why we support the Fostering Futures Scholarship program,” said State Treasurer Rachael Eubanks, who spoke at the event. “This scholarship can make the dream of a college education come true for foster youth who may not have any other options available. None of this would be possible without each of you and your support for this outstanding program.”

Approximately 10,500 youth are in the Michigan foster care system run by MDHHS. Nationally, fewer than 10% of former foster youth nationally enroll in college after high school and fewer than 3% eventually earn a degree.

“Fostering Futures – investing in our students – is one of the best investments that all of us in and out of this room can make,” said Lewis Roubal, chief deputy director of opportunity for MDHHS, who also spoke at the event. “For proof, we need look no further than the former and current recipients here this evening. Whether someone wants to go on to a vocational school, an apprenticeship, or college, everyone deserves a chance and the option to pursue the path that is right for them and their goals”

Carolyn Clifford, anchor for television station WXYZ Channel 7, emceed the event.

Keynote speaker Stephen A. Queisser, vice president of strategic partnerships at Student Connections LLC, shared his life story as a foster parent.


“Your financial support of Fostering Futures will help a child survive whatever trauma the child may have experienced and give them an opportunity – not a handout but a hand-up – at the one thing that levels the playing field in our country, and that is a college education,” Queisser told attendees.

The Fostering Futures Scholarship Trust Fund provides former foster care students who may not have adequate financial resources to attend college with a scholarship. During the 2022-23 academic year, 381 students at 56 institutions are eligible for support.

Anyone who could not attend Thursday’s event can make donations to the Fostering Futures Scholarship Trust Fund by visiting Fostering Futures Scholarship Trust Fund is a Section 170 (c) non-profit organization.  All contributions are eligible for an income tax deduction.

Since 2012, fundraising efforts have totaled more than $1.3 million, with funds awarded as scholarships in the year they were raised.

Shown above is Anya Fuller, who received a Fostering Futures Scholarship to attend Eastern Michigan University, announcing the winner of a raffle at Thursday evening’s fundraiser. She is joined onstage by Diane Brewer, MET executive director, left, and Carolyn Clifford, anchor for television station WXYZ Channel 7, right.

Drugs covered by Medicaid topic of October meeting 

Drugs covered by Medicaid topic of October meeting 

MDHHS banner with logo no names

Press Release


CONTACT: Chelsea Wuth, 517-241-2112,

Prescription drugs covered by Medicaid health plans topic of October meeting 

LANSING, Mich. – The public is invited to attend a virtual meeting hosted by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) on Tuesday, Oct. 3, regarding the list of prescription drugs covered under Michigan’s Medicaid health plans known as the Medicaid Health Plan Common Formulary. The purpose of the meeting is to provide an annual forum for the public, stakeholders and interested parties to comment on the prescription list. This forum is in addition to the quarterly written public comment periods.

The annual Michigan Medicaid Health Plan common formulary stakeholder meeting will be held virtually from 9:30 a.m. to noon via Zoom. The Zoom can be accessed by clicking this link and the password is: s1GJxM. Participants may also access the meeting by phone by dialing 636-651-3128 and entering access code 287658.

“It is important for Medicaid and Healthy Michigan Plan beneficiaries to have the opportunity to comment on whether prescription drugs on the list will meet their health needs,” said Farah Hanley, MDHHS chief deputy for health. “We welcome their participation in this public meeting and look forward to hearing their input – as well as feedback from providers and other stakeholders.”

MDHHS created the common formulary in 2016 to streamline drug coverage policies for Medicaid and Healthy Michigan Plan beneficiaries and providers. The common formulary is required in state law and in the Medicaid health plan contract to ensure that prescription drugs are common across all contracted plans.

Medicaid health plans may be less restrictive – but not more restrictive – than the coverage in the common formulary for products not on the Michigan Preferred Drug List, which is a subset of the drugs listed on the common formulary.

As of Oct. 1, 2020, the common formulary coverage for products began aligning with the Michigan Preferred Drug List – including any prior authorization and step therapy requirements.

Anyone who plans to attend should notify no later than Monday, Sept. 29, and should request special accommodations if needed to join the meeting. Find more information about the common formulary including the list of covered prescription drugs at

Those unable to attend can submit questions or comments to the Common Formulary mailbox at