CONTACT: Rob Morosi, MDOT Office of Communications, [email protected]
MDOT opens public comment period on I-375
improvement project in Detroit
January 5, 2021 — The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) today opened the official 45-day comment period on the Environmental Assessment (EA) portion of the I-375 project in Detroit. The EA is part of the federal requirement process to receive clearance to transform the current outdated freeway into a street level urban boulevard. A formal public hearing and virtual outreach event will be held later this month.
Interested parties can submit formal comments on the project website at An online comment form is available to allow the public to voice their opinion on the recommended alternative. All comments received prior to Friday, Feb. 19, will be included in the official record. In addition to the website, options include e-mailing or mailing comments via US Mail postmarked by Feb. 19 to:
Attn: Monica Monsma
P.O. Box 30050
Lansing, MI 48909
The preferred alternative involves building a boulevard from Gratiot Avenue to Atwater Street, creating at-grade intersections at cross streets, realigning the I-75 freeway from Mack Avenue to Brush Street, and building a single-point urban interchange (SPUI) to access the boulevard from the interstate. The design includes features to make the corridor walkable, additional options for nonmotorized users and future placemaking opportunities for the city.