WEEKEND WORK for MDOT (I, M, US roads)

WEEKEND WORK for MDOT (I, M, US roads)


03/21-03/24/25                                                WEEKEND WORK for MDOT (I, M, US roads)

This is weekend construction, in addition to on-going projects other than these locations. Always check Michigan.gov/drive for this info and for ALL projects and follow @MDOT_MetroDet.

Multiple work crews may be involved in these closures. WEATHER AFFECTS ALL WORK AND MAY CAUSE DELAYS OR CANCELLATIONS.


Oakland – NB Dixie Hwy/Saginaw Rd RAMP CLOSED to I-75, Mon 7am-early Nov for construction.

Oakland – EB/WB E Holly RAMP CLOSED to NB I-75, Mon 7am-early Nov for construction.

Oakland – SB I-75 RAMP CLOSED to EB I-696, Fri 9am-3pm, for pavement markings.

Wayne – NB I-75 RAMP CLOSED to I-94, Sat 9am-10:30am, freeway cleaning.

Wayne – NB I-75 RAMP CLOSED to WB M-8/Davison, Sat 10:30am-noon, freeway cleaning.

Wayne – NB I-75 Service Drive at 8 Mile, 3 lanes open, Fri 7am-early April, pump station.


Macomb – WB I-94 at 9 Mile, 1 LANE OPEN, Sat 9am-noon, then reopens to 2 LANES, Sat noon-4pm, bridge inspection.

Wayne – WB I-94 RAMP CLOSED to SB I-275, Mon 9am-Wed 5am, drainage maintenance.

Wayne – EB I-94, Middlebelt to Inkster, 2 LANES OPEN, Sat 7am-5pm/Sun 5am-2pm, median work.  

Wayne – WB I-94 CLOSED, US-24/Telegraph to Middlebelt, intermittently, Sun 6am-10am, cable crossing.


Oakland – WB I-696, Farmington Rd to Halsted Rd, 2 LANES OPEN, Sat 9am-3pm, sign installation.

Oakland – WB I-696, M-10 to Telegraph Rd, 2 LANES OPEN, Mon 7am-Wed 4/2, slope restoration, etc.

M-8: (Davison)

Wayne – EB M-8 RAMP CLOSED to SB M-10, Sat 1pm-2:30pm, freeway cleaning.

M-10: (Lodge)

Oakland – SB M-10 at 8 Mile Rd, 2 LANES OPEN, Fri 9:30am-noon, bridge inspection.

Oakland – NB M-10 at Greenfield, 2 LANES OPEN, Fri Noon-3pm, bridge inspection.

Oakland – SB M-10 at 8 Mile, 2 LANES OPEN, Mon to early April, retaining wall.

Oakland – NB/SB Greenfield RAMP CLOSED to SB M-10, Mon 6am-early April, retaining wall.

Oakland – SB M-10 Service Drive, 8 Mile to 7 Mile, 1 LANE OPEN, Mon 6am-early Apr, retaining wall.

M-102: (8 Mile)

Oakland – WB M-102, M-10 to Northland Dr, 3 lanes open, Fri 9am-3pm, utility work.


I-75, M-15 to Genesee County line, 2 lanes open

EB/WB I-96 FLEX Route now in operation

EB 696 CLOSED M-10 to I-75

EB M14/96, Sheldon-Newburgh, 1 LANE OPEN

Spring weight restrictions on state roads changing today

Spring weight restrictions on state roads changing today

March 20, 2025 
Dan Weingarten
[email protected]

Annual spring weight restrictions on Michigan state roads
changing at noon today

LANSING, Mich. ­- The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) continues to adjust spring weight restriction areas in an annual move to protect roads.

Effective noon today, March 20, weight restrictions will be lifted on all state trunkline highways from the southern Michigan border north to and including the route beginning on M-43 at the I-196 Business Loop intersection in South Haven continuing to the US-131 interchange in Kalamazoo County, then south on US-131 to the I-94 interchange, east on I-94 to the I-69 interchange in Calhoun County, north on I-69 to the I-96 interchange in Eaton County, east on I-96 to the M-59 interchange in Livingston County, and then east on M-59, ending at the I-94 interchange in Macomb County.

Frost restrictions are still in effect for the remainder of the state and will be imposed and enforced on all state trunkline highways north of the route detailed above. State routes typically carry M, I, or US designations.

In the restricted areas, the following will apply:

  • On routes designated as “all-season” (designated in green and gold on the MDOT Truck Operators Map), there will be no reduction in legal axle weights.
  • All extended permits will be valid for oversize loads in the weight-restricted area on the restricted routes. Single-trip permits will not be issued for any overweight loads or loads exceeding 14 feet in width, 11 axles, and 150 feet in overall length on the restricted routes.
  • On routes designated as “seasonal” (designated in solid or dashed red on the MDOT Truck Operators Map), there will be a posted weight reduction of 25 percent for rigid (concrete) pavements and 35 percent for flexible (asphalt) pavements, and maximum speed of 35 mph for some vehicles.

Drivers must follow the speed limits for weight restricted roads, per state law. Go online for speed restrictions for trucks and the rules for propane fuel delivery and public utility vehicles.

When roads that have been frozen all winter begin to thaw from the surface downward, melting snow and ice saturate the softened ground. During the spring thaw, the roadbed softened by trapped moisture beneath the pavement makes it more susceptible to damage. This contributes to pothole problems already occurring due to this winter’s numerous freeze-thaw cycles.

MDOT determines when weight restrictions begin each spring by measuring frost depths along state highways, observing road conditions and monitoring weather forecasts. Weight restrictions remain in effect until the frost line is deep enough to allow moisture to escape and the roadbeds regain stability.

County road commissions and city public works departments put in place their own local road seasonal weight restrictions, which usually but not always coincide with state highway weight restrictions. Signs are generally posted to indicate which local routes have weight restrictions in effect.

For weight restriction information and updates, call 800-787-8960, or you can access this information on MDOT’s website at www.Michigan.gov/Truckers, under “Restrictions.” All-season routes are designated in green and gold on the MDOT Truck Operators Map, which is available online. You also may sign up to receive e-mail alerts.

Trucking companies located in New Jersey and Canada can obtain information by calling 517-373-6256.

Talking Michigan Transportation: Road building 101

Talking Michigan Transportation: Road building 101

MDOT header (SOM branding)Talking Michigan Transportation (TMT) banner with the Mackinac Bridge.

Road building 101

Jason Gutting joins the Talking Michigan Transportation podcast this week to talk about his role as director of MDOT’s Bureau of Field Services.

Construction work on M-46 in Sandusky, Sanilac County.As talks heat up between Michigan lawmakers and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer over various road funding proposals, the discussion again turns to paving standards and practices.

Gutting talks about standards and specifications for paving materials and how MDOT engineers confer with counterparts from across the country; innovations in road building, winter maintenance and operations; and ongoing challenges because of inflation and supply chain pressures since the pandemic began.

Jason Gutting portraitGutting was previously the administrator of the Construction Field Services (CFS) division. He also worked in Operations and was the construction contracts engineer for CFS as well as the construction engineer and an assistant construction engineer at the MDOT Lansing Transportation Service Center (TSC).

Other references in the podcast:

Gov. Whitmer’s Rebuilding Michigan program www.Michigan.gov/MDOT/Projects-Studies/Rebuilding-Michigan-Projects

MDOT winter road maintenance  www.Michigan.gov/MDOT/Travel/Safety/Road-Users/Winter-Safety

Listen now at https://www.buzzsprout.com/1374205.

Stay connected by subscribing to Talking Michigan Transportation e-mail updates. 

Spring weight restrictions on state roads changing today

Weekend construction MDOT Metro Region


Friday 03/14-Monday 03/17/25                                 WEEKEND WORK for MDOT (I, M, US roads)

This is weekend construction, in addition to on-going projects other than these locations. Always check Michigan.gov/drive for this info and for ALL projects and follow @MDOT_MetroDet.



Oakland – NB I-75, M-15/Ortonville to Saginaw/Dixie Hwy, 1 LANE OPEN, Fri 9pm-Mon 5am, for pavement marking removal/replacements and intermittent ramp closures:

  • Oakland – NB I-75 CLOSED to M-15/Ortonville
  • Oakland – NB I-75 CLOSED to US-24/Dixie Hwy
  • Oakland – NB I-75 CLOSED to E Holly Rd
  • Oakland – NB I-75 CLOSED to Grange Hall
  • Oakland – NB I-75 CLOSED to Saginaw/Dixie Hwy

Oakland – Crossroads closed at I-75 intermittently, Fri 9pm-Mon 5am.

  • SB Dixie Hwy
  • EB/WB E Holly Rd
  • EB/WB Grange Hall Rd
  • NB/SB Ortonville Rd

Oakland – SB I-75 RAMP CLOSED to EB I-696, Sat 7am-3pm, for pavement markings.


Wayne – EB I-94, Middlebelt to Ecorse, 2 LANES OPEN, daily 9a-3p thru 5/4, median utility work.

Wayne – EB I-94, Middlebelt to Inkster, 2 LANES OPEN, left closed, Sun 5am-2pm, cable crossing.

Wayne – WB I-94 CLOSED intermittently, US-24/Telegraph to Middlebelt, Sun 6am-10am, cable crossing.


Wayne – EB I-96 ramp to EB/WB I-94, 1 ramp lane open, Mon 9am-Tue 5pm, drainage work.


Oakland – WB I-696, Ryan to Couzens, 2 LANES OPEN, Fri 9am-noon-ish, rumble strips.

Oakland – WB I-696, Orchard Lake to I-275, 2 LANES OPEN, Fri 9am-noon-ish, for rumble strips.

Oakland – EB I-696, I-275 to Orchard Lake, 2 LANES OPEN, Fri noon-ish-3pm, for rumble strips.

 M-3: (Gratiot)

Macomb – NB/SB M-3, Masonic Blvd to Quinn Rd, 3 lanes open, Sat 9am-Wed 3pm, for utility work.

Wayne – NB M-3, M-59/Hall to Cass Ave, 1 LANE OPEN, Fri 9am-3pm, manhole work.

 M-10: (Lodge)

Wayne – SB M-10 RAMP CLOSED to Larned, Mon 6am-late May, for bridge work

 M-85: (Fort Street)

Wayne – EB/WB M-85 at Livernois Ave, 1 LANE OPEN, Mon-late April 9am-3pm, utility/lighting work.

 M-102: (8 Mile)

Wayne- EB 8 Mile Rd, M-3/Gratiot to Brock St, 3 lanes open, Fri 9am-3pm, utility work.

Wayne – WB 8 Mile Rd near Lahser, 3 lanes open, Fri 9am-3pm, utility work.


Oakland – NB Telegraph Rd Lincoln Dr to Maple Rd, 2 LANES OPEN, Sat 9am-3pm, sewer maintenance.

 US-12: (Michigan)

Wayne – WB US-12, Beech Daly to Middlebelt, 1 LANE OPEN, Mon 9am-Sat 4/5 5pm, watermain.

 US-24: (Telegraph)

Wayne – SB US-24, Joy Rd to Warren Rd, 2 LANES OPEN, Fri-Thu daily 7am-5pm, utility work. 

 Corktown Races and St Patrick’s Parade –

Sun 9:30am-5pm CLOSED:

  • NB/SB 14th St, Michigan Ave to Dalzelle St,
  • EB/WB Bagley St, Brooklyn St to Rosa Parks Blvd
  • EB/WB Bagley St, 3rd St to 1st St
  • EB/WB US-12/Michigan Ave, Cass Ave to 17th St
  • NB/SB Rosa Parks Blvd, Howard St to US-12/Michigan Ave

Sun 6am-9:30am for race prep:

EB/WB US-12/Michigan Ave, 14th St to 17th St, 1 LANE OPEN for race prep.


EB 696 CLOSED M-10 to I-75

EB M14/96, Sheldon-Newburgh, 1 LANE OPEN

NB 275 ramp CLOSED to WB M-14

Bill to protect Mackinac Bridge moves forward

Bill to protect Mackinac Bridge moves forward

Talking Michigan Transportation (TMT) banner with the Mackinac Bridge.

Bill to protect Mackinac Bridge moves forward

On this week’s Talking Michigan Transportation podcast, conversations with state Sen. John Damoose and Mackinac Bridge Authority (MBA) Chairman Patrick “Shorty” Gleason about legislation to shore up protections of the bridge from trespassers.

Mackinac Bridge with a purple sky.The Senate voted unanimously on March 13 in support of Senate Bill 71, which now heads to the House.

This comes three years after some troubling incidents on the bridge involving people climbing a tower or otherwise trying to access the bridge to take photos, and another involving a bomb threat that closed the bridge on a busy weekend and disrupted travel for many hours. The MBA took the rare step at the time of adopting a resolution supporting the key facility designation.

The Michigan House of Representatives passed a bill, sponsored by then-state Rep. John Damoose, 99-6, in 2022, classifying the Mighty Mac and several other vital structures in the state as key facilities. The legislation later stalled in the Michigan Senate. Now, the Senate has reported out, unanimously, the new bill, sponsored by now state Sen. Damoose, which is narrower in focus, applying strictly to the Mackinac Bridge. The designation means trespassing on the bridge would be a felony offense.

Listen now at https://www.buzzsprout.com/1374205.

Stay connected by subscribing to Talking Michigan Transportation e-mail updates. 

Spring weight restrictions on state roads changing today

MDOT reminds drivers to be alert as clocks “spring forward”


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March 7, 2025
Michael Frezell
[email protected]

Max Fulkerson
Director of Safe Routes to School,
Michigan Fitness Foundation
[email protected]

MDOT and Michigan Fitness Foundation remind drivers to be alert as clocks “spring forward” on Sunday 

LANSING, Mich. – As clocks “spring forward” to daylight saving time at 2 a.m. Sunday, March 9, the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and Michigan Fitness Foundation (MFF) remind drivers to watch out for pedestrians, runners and bicyclists always, but especially in low light conditions. Sunrise will occur one hour later, meaning that it will be darker later in the morning. Drivers also should allow a minimum 3-foot distance when passing a bicyclist, according to state law.   

“Safety on our roads is a shared responsibility regardless of how you are getting around,” said State Transportation Director Bradley C. Wieferich. “Whether moving about by walking, rolling or driving a motor vehicle, it is essential everyone remain alert and avoid distractions to ensure everyone gets to their destination safely. Drivers are reminded that Michigan’s distracted driving law makes it illegal to manually use a cell phone or other mobile electronic device while operating a vehicle. Under the law, a driver cannot hold or support a phone or other device with any part of their hands, arms or shoulders. Road users need to be alert and eliminate distractions. Also, people travelling on foot or rolling are encouraged to wear brighter colored clothing with reflective material to enhance visibility.” 

Drivers are reminded that bicyclists are permitted to ride on most roadways in Michigan, unless otherwise posted. As legal roadway users, bicyclists are required to obey all traffic laws, signs and signals. 

Working with schools and communities across the state, MFF Safe Routes to School program staff provide best practices that help communities identify and overcome safety barriers that make it safe for children to commute safely to and from school. 

“Through our Safe Routes to School partnership with MDOT, we work with communities to create safe environments for children who walk, bike and roll to school,” said MFF President and CEO Amy Ghannam. “As we all adjust to the upcoming time change, it is important to remind ourselves to stay alert on the roadways to keep children safe.” 

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 7,522 pedestrians and 1,105 pedalcyclists (bicyclists and riders of two-wheel, nonmotorized vehicles, tricycles and unicycles powered solely by pedals) died in traffic crashes in 2022. In Michigan, 2,224 pedestrians were involved in crashes, resulting in 183 killed and 1,743 injured, according to the Michigan Traffic Crash Facts (MTCF) for 2023. Bicycle crashes accounted for 24 killed and 1,126 injured in the same MTCF 2023 report. Most pedestrian fatalities (76 percent) and pedalcyclist fatalities (50 percent) occur during dark conditions between 5 and 9 p.m. 

MDOT continues to work with partners statewide on the Toward Zero Deaths safety campaign based on the National Strategy on Highway Safety, which is intended to influence driver behavior and improve safety. For more information on the Toward Zero Deaths campaign, visit www.Michigan.gov/ZeroDeaths.



Crash Not Accident

Note to reporters: Crashes are no accident, they are preventable. Please use “crash” instead of “accident” when
reporting. Learn more at 