DNR News Digest – Week of Aug. 9, 2021

DNR News Digest – Week of Aug. 9, 2021


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News Digest – Week of Aug. 9, 2021

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The Explore MI Wetland Wonders contest winners have been announced!

This week’s stories may reflect how the Department of Natural Resources has adapted to meet customer needs and protect public health and safety. Follow our COVID-19 response page for updates on access to facilities and programs.

We’ll continue to share news and information about the best ways to discover and enjoy Michigan’s natural and heritage resources! Here’s a look at some of this week’s stories:

See other news releases, Showcasing the DNR stories, photos and other resources at Michigan.gov/DNRPressRoom.

PHOTO FOLDER: Larger, higher-res versions of the images used below, and others, are available in this folder.

Photo ambassador snapshot: Sunny trails at Saugatuck Dunes

Saugatuck Dunes SPWant to see more pictures like this, taken by Michigan state parks photo ambassador Greg Viau at Saugatuck Dunes State Park in Allegan County? Visit Instagram.com/MiStateParks to explore photos and learn more about the photo ambassadors! For more on the program, call Stephanie Yancer at 989-274-6182.

Explore MI Wetland Wonders contest winners announced

Hadley & Bill StansberryWe’re pleased to announce the winners of the Consumers Energy-sponsored Explore MI Wetland Wonders contest. All four winners will receive Cabela’s gift cards in varying amounts:

  • Grand prizewinner ($1,000 gift card) – Hadley Stansberry of Monroe (pictured with her father, Bill)
  • 2nd prizewinner ($750 gift card) – Ryan Quackenbush of Freeland
  • 3rd prizewinner ($500 gift card) – Brian Barnabo of Brighton
  • 4th prizewinner ($250 gift card) – Isaac Terry of Saginaw

Being a part of this year’s challenge was easy and fun; all participants had to do was visit at least one of Michigan’s 15 Wetland Wonders and email a selfie taken next to the area sign.

“If you’re a birder in Michigan, there’s a chance you’ve visited several of these Wetland Wonders,” said third prizewinner Brian Barnabo.

“There are some birds that you’re just not going to find anywhere else,” he said. “Whether it’s American white pelicans at Shiawassee, yellow headed blackbirds at Nayanquing Point, or the rare birds that show up at Point Mouillee like black-necked stilts, these locations offer the best opportunities to observe migrating shorebirds and waterfowl. Every one of these locations offers a unique variety of species and habitat that the birding community here in Michigan utilizes year-round.”

Michigan’s Wetland Wonders, located across the state, are managed to provide high-quality wetlands for waterfowl and waterbirds while providing great outdoor recreation opportunities. These areas are funded by hunting license fees, but they are open for anyone to visit, use and enjoy most of the year.

“Our Wetland Wonders are well-known for some of the best waterfowl hunting in the state, but what many people don’t know about are the great wildlife viewing, hiking, kayaking, birding, fishing and other outdoor recreation opportunities there during the spring and summer,” said Barbara Avers, DNR waterfowl and wetlands specialist.

Special thanks to contest sponsor Consumers Energy and contest partners Michigan United Conservation Clubs and MI Birds.

Questions? Contact Holly Vaughn at 248-881-9429.

Check your trees for signs of Asian longhorned beetle

ALBImagine what the summer heat would feel like without the cooling shade of backyard trees. If you appreciate your trees, August is the time to show them some love! Take a few minutes to check your trees for invasive Asian longhorned beetles and the damage their larvae leave behind.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has declared August Tree Check Month because it is the best time to spot the round, drill-like holes made by the Asian longhorned beetle.

To date, the beetle has not been detected in Michigan, but has been confirmed in six states, including Illinois and Ohio. Discovering early signs of infestation can prevent widespread damage to Michigan’s forest resources, urban landscapes and maple syrup production.

What to look for

  • Dime-sized, perfectly round exit holes in trunks or branches.
  • Shallow chew marks in the bark where the beetle lays its eggs.
  • Material resembling wood shavings at the base of the tree, or where branches meet the trunk.
  • Dead branches on otherwise leafy trees.
  • Shiny black beetles, 3/4 to 1 1/2 inches in length, with white spots and white striped antennae.

What to do

If you see an Asian longhorned beetle, or a tree that appears to have ALB damage, report it. If possible, capture the beetle in a jar, take photos, record the location and report it as soon as possible at AsianLonghornedBeetle.com or contact the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development at 800-292-3939 or [email protected].

Questions? Contact Joanne Foreman at 517-284-5814.

Hitting the water? Remember life jackets and safety smarts

kayakers with lifejacketsWe’re coming into what traditionally is the hottest part of Michigan summer, and that means many people are flocking to the water for relief and relaxation. Whether plans include time on the Great Lakes or inland lakes and waterways, a little preparation will go a long way toward ensuring everyone in your group has a great time and stays safe.

When swimming or boating in any body of water, make safety your first priority. Never swim alone, always keep close watch over children and bring U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets, especially for new and inexperienced swimmers.

Many, but not all, state parks on the Great Lakes offer designated swimming areas that are identified by buoys or buoys and markers, a beach flag warning system and water depth less than 5 feet at the time of installation. You also may find other designated swim areas in places other than state parks.

Visit Michigan.gov/BeachSafety for more on warning flags, types of currents and other safety information. Where beach flag warning systems are available, check the flag upon arrival and monitor it throughout the day because conditions can change rapidly.

  • Green flag = Go. Enter the water but stay aware of changing conditions.
  • Yellow flag = Caution. Watch for dangerous currents and high waves.
  • Red flag = Stop. Stay on the beach; do not enter the water and do not swim.

When boating, have life jackets available for everyone aboard, leave a float plan with someone on shore, stay alert and carry a cellphone or marine radio. That goes for those on personal watercraft like Jet Skis and paddle boards, too. The DNR’s boating safety webpage offers more tips.

Questions? Contact Ron Olson at 517-243-1477.

‘I Voted’ exhibit open now in Lansing

i voted exhibitA new exhibit at the DNR’s Michigan History Museum in Lansing shares the history of voting rights in Michigan and showcases stories about the people, protests and policies that transformed voting in our state.

The exhibit, which is open through spring 2022, features documents, photographs and objects – including a 1920s voting machine, artifacts from the 1961 Constitutional Convention and a variety of campaign ephemera.

The museum is open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays in August, and reopens seven days a week starting Sept. 7. The exhibit is free with museum admission.

Visit Michigan.gov/Museum for visitor information. Questions? Contact Tobi Voigt at 517-898-6067.


The Great Lakes offer world-class fishing opportunities and are perfect for your next fishing trip. Check out the DNR’s Roadmaps to Fishing the Great Lakes for tips.


Free ORV weekend (Aug. 21-22) is coming up fast! You can ride DNR routes and trails without an ORV license or permit, but still need a Recreation Passport where applicable.


Want to become a community scientist? Check out the new community science opportunities page and see how you can help across the state and around the world!


Communities and organizations get grants to plant trees

Communities and organizations get grants to plant trees


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– DNR News –

Aug. 9, 2021
Contact: Kevin Sayers, 517-582-3209

26 Michigan communities and organizations get grants to plant trees, enhance communities and protect water quality

Wheelbarrows, shovels and mulch are at the ready for planting of burlap balled trees. From Iron Mountain in the western Upper Peninsula to the village of Dundee in the state’s southeast corner, 26 communities across Michigan will share $92,500 in grants this year to plant trees.

The trees, to be planted along streets and in parks and other public spaces, come courtesy of a program sponsored by the DTE Energy Foundation and administered by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and nonprofit ReLeaf Michigan. This year’s individual grants range in size from $1,800 to $4,000.

“The DTE Energy Foundation looks forward to seeing this year’s seedlings become catalysts for environmental change statewide,” said Lynette Dowler, president of the DTE Energy Foundation. “That’s why our foundation continues to support tree plantings and other initiatives that protect our air, land and water in communities across the state.”

An annual request for proposals goes out each spring; the next opportunity to apply is in late April 2022.

The DNR’s Urban and Community Forestry Program helps municipalities and community groups promote and manage their urban trees and forests. It supports efforts to increase education and training and to implement projects. To learn more, contact Kevin Sayers at 517-582-3209 or visit Michigan.gov/UCF.

Communities interested in volunteer tree plantings or educational events should visit ReleafMichigan.org, email [email protected] or call 800-642-7353.

For information about DTE Energy Foundation programs, contact Aimee Ridella at 313-235-4347.

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state’s natural and cultural resources for current and future generations. For more information, go to Michigan.gov/DNR.
DNR News Digest – Week of Aug. 2, 2021

DNR News Digest – Week of Aug. 2, 2021


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News Digest – Week of Aug. 2, 2021

head and shoulders view of a red-haired boy wearing blue gloves, holding a bunch of green, weedy plants, in a forested area

It’s easy to make a difference at your favorite state parks; sign up for a volunteer workday!

This week’s stories may reflect how the Department of Natural Resources has adapted to meet customer needs and protect public health and safety. Follow our COVID-19 response page for updates on access to facilities and programs.

We’ll continue to share news and information about the best ways to discover and enjoy Michigan’s natural and heritage resources! Here’s a look at some of this week’s stories:

See other news releases, Showcasing the DNR stories, photos and other resources at Michigan.gov/DNRPressRoom.

PHOTO FOLDER: Larger, higher-res versions of some of the images used in this news digest are available in this folder.

Photo ambassador snapshot: Diamond-dusted dark sky

nighttime sky filled with stars, framed along the bottom and sides by shadows of treesWant to see more pictures like this, taken by Michigan state parks photo ambassador Jessica Sancrant at Port Crescent State Park (one of Michigan’s dark sky preserves) in Huron County? Visit Instagram.com/MiStateParks to explore photos and learn more about the photo ambassadors! For more on the program, call Stephanie Yancer at 989-274-6182.

Where has all the birdsong gone?

front view of a lesser yellowlegs bird, with a tan to dark brown color dotted with white, thin, yellow orange legs standing in shallow waterYou may have noticed over your morning cup of coffee or tea that more birds are flitting from tree to flower to ground in search of food and water. It also might strike you how quiet these birds are compared to the morning chorus common in May and June.

At the end of July, most chicks have fledged, meaning they have left the nest. Birds are most abundant now compared to other times of the year as fledglings join the ranks of their parents. Most adults stop singing – no longer defending their territories or in search of mates – and are busy rearing their young and teaching them how to find their own food before they fly south for the winter.

As birdsong quiets down, it can leave those of us who cherish the dawn choir longing for more. The good news is that with diminished birdsong comes the arrival of migratory Arctic shorebirds that only visit Michigan during their incredible journeys to and from their wintering grounds.

Most of these shorebirds breed in arctic tundra – some as far west as Alaska and others as far east as Russia, giving them some of the longest migrations! Some shorebirds, like the pectoral sandpiper, migrate to Argentina and Chile and have a round-trip flight of up to 19,000 miles each year. The least sandpiper, meanwhile, can fly nonstop for up to 2,500 miles.

The best places to look for these incredible travelers include coastal mudflats, rocky or sandy shorelines, and some inland habitats like flooded fields, wet meadows, and muddy edges of wetlands, lakes and ponds.

Here are some shorebirds to expect over the next few months in Michigan:

August and September

 August, September and October

Possible sightings in August and September

Learn more about Michigan’s birds on the DNR birding page, or from MI Birds, a public outreach and engagement program created by Audubon Great Lakes and the Michigan DNR. Follow on FacebookInstagram and Twitter and sign up for email updates.

Questions? Contact the DNR Wildlife Division at 517-284-9453.

Grant funding can aid communities’ green-up efforts

a group of men and women, some with shovels, planting a tree on a green, grassy areaOn the way to school, the park or a city walking trail, take a look around. Could your local trees benefit from increased maintenance, planning or management technology? Or maybe outreach and education could help share the importance of trees with the next generation. If you’re interested in helping to green your community, connect with your local municipal office, campus administration or other planning authority to share the Community Forestry grant opportunity, administered by the DNR.

Through this grant program, Michigan communities can obtain resources for improved management and grow connections to public trees and forests through inventory projects, Arbor Day celebrations, tree care outreach, urban forestry technology and more.

“These grants support communities and partners around the state in providing better management, maintenance and education related to community trees and forests,” said Kevin Sayers, coordinator of the DNR’s Urban and Community Forestry program.

A total of up to $125,000 in federal grant funding is available. Applicants may request between $1,000 and $15,000 in reimbursable, matching grant funds for a variety of project activities. A 1-to-1 match is required and can be nonfederal cash and/or in-kind services.

Eligible applicants include local units of government, educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, tribal governments and other public entities in Michigan. Applications must be received by Sept. 17, 2021, and projects completed by Sept. 1, 2022.

Find more information at Michigan.gov/UCF. Questions? Contact Kevin Sayers at 517-582-3209.

ICYMI: Let’s shell-ebrate the good work of turtle observers!

profile view of a dark green Blanding's turtle in green grass, sunny backgroundCommunity scientists throughout the state stepped up and answered the call for rare-turtle observation reports this spring, submitting over 200 confirmed reports of Blanding’s turtles (pictured) – a species of special concern in Michigan. Additionally, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is evaluating whether the status of Blanding’s turtle warrants listing as a federally endangered or threatened species.

Turtle sighting data submitted through the DNR’s Eyes in the Field online reporting system and verified by DNR and Michigan Natural Features Inventory staff have been submitted for inclusion in the USFWS Species Status Assessment process. That assessment helps inform the listing decision.

In case you missed it, read the full article in which the DNR Wildlife Division recently talked about the volunteer effort and how such observation reports help Michigan’s rare turtles.

Sightings of rare turtles, including the Blanding’s turtle, eastern box turtle, spotted turtle and wood turtle, can still be reported through the DNR’s Eyes in the Field turtle reporting form.

Public comment on forest road maps ends Aug. 31

three black and camo all-terrain vehicles driving away single file, down a muddy leaf-covered forest roadReady to ride where there’s plenty of woods and no pavement to be seen? State forest roads are your gateway to outdoor adventure.

To make sure people know which forest roads are open or closed to public use, the DNR annually updates its online maps on April 1 as part of its review process. This annual update helps ensure that the DNR’s forest road inventory is accurate and meets requirements outlined in Public Act 288 of 2016.

Comments on forest road maps may be submitted at any time. Feedback received by Aug. 31 will be considered when developing the 2022 maps. Public input helps the DNR decide which roads should be open or closed to off-road and conventional vehicles.

Updates may include decisions to open or close a road to ORV or conventional vehicle traffic, or to update a road’s status. These decisions are typically made to protect damaged natural resources, ensure public safety due to road conditions or fix data errors.

About 12,400 miles of forest roads currently are open to the public. View the status of forest roads and submit comments on an interactive map at Michigan.gov/ForestRoads, or email comments to DNR-RoadInventoryProject@Michigan.gov.

Questions? Contact Jason Caron at 906-235-4361.


Are you ready for the Perseid meteor showers, expected this year Aug. 8-14? Luckily, Michigan has plenty of places, including dark sky preserves and parks, with excellent viewing.


If you remembered everything for your day on the water or in the woods, except your license or permit, don’t panic! Getting licenses, permits and applications online is quick and easy.


Show state parks some love by helping pull invasive plants or clean up natural areas. Check the DNR volunteer events calendar for location, registration and other details.

DNR Get Involved – August 2021

DNR Get Involved – August 2021

Opportunities to get involved with the Michigan DNR for August 2021

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DNR Get Involved – August 2021

Road through forest

Here are a few ways to get involved in taking care of Michigan’s natural resources in August. For more opportunities to volunteer, contribute and provide input, visit Michigan.gov/DNRVolunteers.

Help remove invasive species, restore natural areas at state parks

volunteers in forest holding trash bagsSeveral state parks in southern Michigan will host volunteer stewardship workdays in August. Volunteers are needed to help with removing invasive plants that threaten high-quality ecosystems in the parks.

Please note that registration is required for all volunteer workdays.

Workdays will take place:

  • Sunday, Aug. 1, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Pinckney Recreation Area (Washtenaw County)
  • Saturday, Aug. 7, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Island Lake Recreation Area (Livingston County)
  • Sunday, Aug. 8, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Waterloo Recreation Area (Washtenaw County)
  • Saturday, Aug. 14, 9 a.m. to noon at Bald Mountain Recreation Area (Oakland County)
  • Sunday, Aug. 15, 8:30 to 11 a.m. at Fort Custer Recreation Area (Kalamazoo County)
  • Sunday, Aug. 15, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Brighton Recreation Area (Livingston County)
  • Friday, Aug. 20, 1 to 4 p.m. at Waterloo Recreation Area (Washtenaw County)
  • Saturday, Aug. 21, 9 a.m. to noon at Highland Recreation Area (Oakland County)
  • Saturday, Aug. 21, 10 a.m. to noon at Warren Dunes State Park (Berrien County)
  • Sunday, Aug. 22, 1 to 3 p.m. at Saugatuck Dunes State Park (Allegan County)
  • Saturday, Aug. 28, 10 a.m. to noon at Holland State Park (Ottawa County)
  • Saturday, Aug. 28, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Island Lake Recreation Area (Livingston County)
  • Sunday, Aug. 29, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Pinckney Recreation Area (Washtenaw County)
  • Sunday, Aug. 29, 1 to 3 p.m. at Hoffmaster State Park (Muskegon County)

More details about each workday and how to register can be found on the DNR volunteer events calendar.

Take part in state forest planning process

Man operating heavy equipment to harvest treeThe DNR responsibly manages 3.9 million acres of state forest land using such techniques as timber harvests, planting and prescribed burns to keep forests thriving and healthy.

To make the work more efficient and easier to oversee, the DNR divides those millions of acres into 15 forest management units, which are further divided into compartments. Management activity in each forest management unit is finalized two years in advance. This summer and fall, recommendations for 2023 are being presented.

Open houses for 2021 are virtual, with input invited by email, phone or mail during the designated time frame. This gives people the opportunity to offer input to foresters, wildlife biologists and other DNR professionals regarding forest plans.

After the end of each comment period, a public compartment review meeting will take place, where foresters present the DNR’s final decisions on management activities. The DNR reviews 10% of the state forest annually. That equates to about 400,000 acres or roughly 220 compartments.

For more information, including a link to the interactive forest map showing details of all forest management activities, visit Michigan.gov/ForestInput.

Below are the comment periods taking place in August and the related compartment reviews. Contact the area unit manager to make arrangements to view the compartment review meeting online or listen over the phone.

  • Cadillac: Comments through Aug. 4; compartment review is Sept. 7. Contact Dave Fisher, 231-745-4651, ext. 6946.
  • Roscommon: Comments through Aug. 11; compartment review is Sept. 14. Doug Bates, 989-275-5151, ext. 2722740.
  • Sault Ste. Marie: Comments Aug. 16-Sept. 15; compartment review is Oct. 5. Contact Karen Rodock, 906-875-1039.
  • Gwinn: Comments Aug. 22-Sept. 21; compartment review is Oct. 12. Contact Kristen Matson, 906-346-9201.
  • Shingleton: Comments Aug. 31-Sept. 30; compartment review is Oct. 14. Contact Bob Burnham, 906-420-1645.
  • Escanaba: Comments through Aug. 10; compartment review is Aug. 31. Eric Thompson, 906-786-2354, ext. 142.
  • Crystal Falls: Comments Aug. 17-Sept. 16; compartment review is Oct. 28. Dan McNamee, 906-875-6622.

See a full comment period schedule.

Give your opinion on latest state land review recommendations

bicyclists on paved trailStaff recommendations on whether to keep, exchange or sell land in the second set of 10 counties in the DNR’s state land review process are nearing DNR director approval, but there’s still plenty of time to review and share feedback via the interactive web map or by email to DNR-StateLandReview@Michigan.gov by Sept. 15.

The counties under review include Antrim, Arenac, Grand Traverse, Hillsdale, Iosco, Iron, Kalamazoo, Luce, Ontonagon and Van Buren. The updated web map reflects the latest staff recommendations since the initial public comment period closed, making it easy for people to see what has changed.

The state land review was implemented as part of the 2013 Managed Public Land Strategy and involves the review of DNR-managed lands that are 200 acres or less in size or that, due to an irregular boundary, may be difficult to manage.

“This county-by-county review process provides us the opportunity to evaluate and make decisions about how well the current land portfolio supports our mission of protecting natural resources while providing broad public access to quality outdoor recreation opportunities,” said DNR forest land administrator Kerry Wieber. “It’s critical that people who enjoy and use these lands are a part of the discussion, and we appreciate everyone who has taken the time to get involved so far.”

All feedback received now through Sept. 15 will be compiled and provided to the DNR director. A final decision on recommendations is expected at the Sept. 16 meeting of the Michigan Natural Resources Commission.

Follow the latest updates on the state land review process at Michigan.gov/PublicLands.

Become a volunteer scientist

man and three young girls measuring base of large treeCommunity science – or community members collecting data and observations – helps researchers and natural resource managers learn more about wildlife, invasive species, water quality, the effects of climate change and much more.

We’ve put together a webpage with a variety of ways, around Michigan and around the world, to get involved in community science projects – from finding big trees to counting birds to gathering water data.

Check out our list of community science opportunities and find out how you can help.

Comment on 2022 forest road maps by Aug. 31

Online maps of forest roads are updated each year on April 1 to share which roads are open and closed for public use by off-road and conventional vehicles. The process is ongoing, and comments on maps may be submitted at any time. Comments submitted on or before Aug. 31 will be considered for incorporation into the 2022 maps. View the current status of forest roads and submit comments.

Support waterfowl and wetland conservation

The 2021 collector’s-edition Michigan duck stamp and prints – featuring a drake wood duck painted by wildlife artist John M. Roberts – are now available. Proceeds will be used to fund projects for the Michigan Duck Hunters Association, a nonprofit organization dedicated to waterfowl and wetland conservation, with 10% used to match DNR funding for purchasing, restoring and enhancing wetlands.

Registration opens for Becoming an Outdoors-Woman program

Registration opens for Becoming an Outdoors-Woman program


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– Upper Peninsula DNR News –

July 28, 2021
Contact: Michelle Zellar, 906-293-5131 ext. 4004 or John Pepin, 906-226-1352

Registration opens for fall Becoming an Outdoors-Woman program in the Upper Peninsula

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources announced today registration is open for its Becoming an Outdoors-Woman program, which is set for Sept. 10-12 in Marquette County.

This will mark the first-ever Michigan BOW fall gathering for women, 18 and older, who are seeking an opportunity to improve their outdoor skills in a relaxed, noncompetitive atmosphere. The traditional February and June gatherings were cancelled earlier this year because of coronavirus precautions.

“Becoming an Outdoors-Woman is a program where each individual is encouraged to learn at her own pace,” said Michelle Zellar, BOW program coordinator in Newberry. “The emphasis is on the enjoyment, fun and camaraderie of outdoor activities and sharing in the success of one another.”

The fall BOW program is sponsored by the DNR and offers instruction in more than 20 different types of activities, including kayaking, wilderness survival, lake and fly fishing, rock climbing, geocaching, shooting sports, hammock camping, basic land navigation and introduction to turkey hunting.

“Volunteer BOW instructors provide basic and advanced teaching that is tailored to each participant’s individual ability, helping participants learn the basics in a short amount of time,” Zellar said.

Please take the BOW Participation Survey to provide important information that will help shape future BOW gatherings.

BOW participants in the fall program will stay and take their classes at the UP-Bible Camp, a universally accessible facility overlooking Farmers Lake, which is situated about 20 miles south of Marquette, near Gwinn.

Participants will be housed in a dorm-style facility with amenities, including a sauna, basketball courts, high ropes course, zipline, hiking and biking trails, along with easy access to a beautiful, forested area.

Registration enrollment will be limited to fewer attendees than our traditional summer event which typically hosts over a hundred participants.

“All of our programs typically fill quickly, so early registration is encouraged,” Zellar said.

The $225 registration fee includes all food and lodging, as well as most equipment and supplies. The deadline for registration is Aug. 15, 2021. A limited number of partial BOW scholarships are available to help low-income participants with the cost of registration. The scholarship application deadline is Aug. 6, 2021.

Class information and registration materials are available online at Michigan.gov/BOW. Registrations must be mailed, with payment, to the Newberry Customer Service Center stated on the form.

For more information on the fall BOW program, contact Michelle Zellar at the DNR Customer Service Center in Newberry at 906-293-5131 ext. 4004, or by e-mail at [email protected].

DNR COVID-19 RESPONSE: For details on affected DNR facilities and services, visit this webpage. Follow state actions and guidelines at Michigan.gov/Coronavirus.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state’s natural and cultural resources for current and future generations. For more information, go to Michigan.gov/DNR.
state-managed land available via online auctions

state-managed land available via online auctions

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– DNR News –

July 22, 2021
Contact: Michael Michalek, 517-331-8387 or Scott Goeman, 517-284-5972

Nearly 100 parcels of state-managed land available via online auctions in August, September

Surplus land sales are a regular part of the DNR’s public land strategy

view of a partially forested area, with a wide gravel clearing, and a camper parked in the back on the rightLake frontage, trail access, small lots to extend a neighborhood lot – these types of acreage and more are available in the next round of surplus land auctions from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. After careful consideration of properties it manages on behalf of Michigan residents, the DNR has selected 97 that are much better suited for private ownership and is preparing those for sale via online auctions in August and early September.

Get summer auction info ►

Land is available mainly in central/northern Lower Michigan and the Upper Peninsula in the following counties: Alcona, Allegan, Benzie, Berrien, Chippewa, Clare, Genesee, Huron, Kalkaska, Kent, Lake, Mackinac, Mason, Mecosta, Menominee, Midland, Newaygo, Roscommon and Saginaw. Several of the largest parcels are in Clare, Lake and Menominee counties.

Fourteen online auctions, featuring available land parcels by county, are scheduled:

  • Aug. 2 – Benzie
  • Aug. 3 – Chippewa and Mackinac
  • Aug. 4 – Menominee
  • Aug. 6 – Kalkaska and Roscommon
  • Aug. 12 – Alcona
  • Aug. 16 – Mason
  • Aug. 17 – Clare, Lake and Newaygo
  • Aug. 24 – Berrien
  • Aug. 25 – Mecosta
  • Aug. 26 – Allegan and Kent
  • Aug. 27 – Midland
  • Aug. 31 – Huron
  • Sept. 2 – Saginaw
  • Sept. 3 – Genesee

How bidding works

Fourteen online auctions will be offered between Aug. 2 and Sept. 3. Interested bidders may register in advance and get more information about the online auction schedule at Tax-Sale.info/. Those wanting to bid on a property must register before that property’s auction date. Absentee bids can be made online up to 30 days before the auction.

The “interactive” bidding portion of an auction will open at 10 a.m. on that auction date. At that time, bidders will be able to see current high bids for each property. Bidders can continue to place bids on a property until 7 p.m. when bidding closes and the winning bidder is determined.

Visit Michigan.gov/LandForSale for a detailed list that includes minimum bid, acreage and location information on the available properties. Interested bidders also are encouraged to review the DNR Land Sales: Terms and Conditions.

Land parcel details

Properties for sale range in size from under an acre to 120 acres. Many of the surplus properties highlighted in the auction are in Yates Township, Lake County. There are several larger 5- to 15-acre properties available in Yates Township.

In addition to these properties, two structures are being offered: an old DNR field administration equipment building in Caseville (Huron County) and the abandoned Big Rapids Railroad Depot in Mecosta County.

Notable waterfront properties that are accessible include:

  • A Berrien County property with frontage on Lake Michigan.
  • A Mason County parcel with frontage on Weldon Creek.
  • A property in Mecosta County along the Little Muskegon River.

Many of the sale parcels are forested and/or have road frontage but are better suited for private ownership. Much of the land offered in these auctions is isolated from other DNR-managed property, which creates some challenges and inefficiencies. Other parcels are included in the auctions because they offer limited recreation benefits to the public.

Separate from the online auctions, the DNR is offering additional properties (listed for sale at their former minimum bid prices) that were not sold in previous auctions. These properties are available for view and immediate purchase only via the BuyNow list.

For more information about the sale of surplus, state-managed public land, contact Michael Michalek, resource specialist in the DNR’s Real Estate Section, at 517-331-8387. Auction proceeds will help provide future outdoor recreation opportunities in keeping with the DNR’s mission to conserve, protect and manage the state’s natural and cultural resources for the use and enjoyment of current and future generations.

DNR public land management

Public auctions are one way the DNR achieves the results of its routine review of public land ownership. To learn more about the strategies that are used to administer those lands, go to Michigan.gov/PublicLands. There you’ll also find the DNR’s recently completed public land strategy, which lays out the framework for best management of those lands over the next six years.

Note to editors: Accompanying photos of several properties available during the auctions are available below for download. Caption information follows.

  • Mecosta-Big Rapids: The abandoned Big Rapids Railroad Depot, 0.4-plus acres on Maple Street in Mecosta County (Title-Check Lot 10083).
  • Lake-Yates Township: A forested parcel in Yates Township, Lake County, 28-plus acres on Nelson Road (Title-Check Lot 10057).
  • Lake-Lake Drive: A forested property across the street from Idlewild Lake, 0.6-plus acres on Lake Drive in Lake County (Title-Check Lot 10029).
  • Chippewa-Sault Ste. Marie: Forested property in Sault Ste. Marie, both approximately 0.5 acres, along East 11th Street in Chippewa County (Title-Check Lots 10005 and 10006).
  • Benzie-Thompsonville: A vacant lot in Thompsonville, approximately 1 acre on 3rd Street in Benzie County (Title-Check Lot 10002).


The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state’s natural and cultural resources for current and future generations. For more information, go to Michigan.gov/DNR.