Grants available to target invasive species

Grants available to target invasive species

Sept. 1, 2021

Contact: Joanne Foreman, 517-284-5814 or Erin Campbell, 269-300-9698

$3.6 million in grants available to target invasive species in Michigan

Proposals accepted through Nov. 1

Michigan’s Invasive Species Grant Program is now accepting proposals for the 2021 funding cycle, with an anticipated $3.6 million available to applicants.

The program – a joint effort of the Michigan departments of Natural Resources; Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy; and Agriculture and Rural Development – is part of a statewide initiative launched in 2014 to help prevent, detect and control invasive species in Michigan.

An invasive species is one that is not native and whose introduction causes harm, or is likely to cause harm, to Michigan’s environment, economy or human health.

“By engaging the public more actively and encouraging innovative new methods of keeping our Great Lakes water and land healthy this program will continue to be an asset in the battle against invasives,” said Liesl Clark, EGLE director.

Program handbook, webinar

The 2021 grant program handbook outlines program priorities and application guidelines. Applicants also can take advantage of a webinar Wednesday, Sept. 8, to learn more about general grant information, the application process and 2021 priorities.

Both the handbook and webinar registration information are available at A recorded version of the webinar will be available at this website after Sept. 8.

2021 priorities

The program supports projects that will prevent the introduction or spread of invasive species by engaging the public in prevention practices and reducing the risk of moving invasive species into high-risk areas.

Proposals aiding early detection and response efforts for species on Michigan’s Watch List and proposals increasing regional or statewide response preparedness for new or emerging invasive species are also requested.

Technician injecting treatment into a hemlock tree trunkTo manage invasive species already established in Michigan, the program targets proposals for novel and efficient control techniques and projects that improve detection and control methods through increased understanding of species biology and ecology.

Proposals to develop or improve tools, such as risk assessments and prioritization models, to inform management and control decisions also are encouraged.

Support is offered to Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas across the state to implement strategic plans for outreach, detection and control of regional priority species.

Program progress

The Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program supports projects throughout the state that prevent, detect, manage and eradicate invasive species on the ground and in the water. Total program funding is set by the Legislature and the governor during the annual budget cycle.

Researchers reaching into crayfish burrows along the bank of a lakeIn the last seven years, the program has awarded over $25 million to 173 projects, resulting in management of invasive species including hemlock woolly adelgid, phragmites and red swamp crayfish on more than 60,000 acres of land and water statewide.

Highlights of the 2020 invasive species program are available in the Michigan Invasive Species Program Annual Report, which includes program-funded projects.

Regional Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas operate in all of Michigan’s 83 counties, assisting the public in identifying and managing invasive species. Contact information for individual CISMAs can be found at in the Take Action section.

Important program dates and information

Local, state, federal and tribal units of government, nonprofit organizations and universities may apply for funding to support invasive species projects in Michigan. Full project proposals are due Nov.1. Award announcement is anticipated in March 2022.

Grant requests for general projects can range from a minimum of $25,000 to a maximum of $400,000. CISMAs can request up to $60,000 for annual implementation of prevention, detection and control activities and up to $40,000 for specific survey and treatment projects. Applicants must commit to providing a minimum of 10 percent (in the form of a local match) of the total project cost.

Competitive applications will outline clear objectives, propose significant ecological benefits, demonstrate diverse collaboration and show strong community support.

New this year, all applications must be submitted through the MiGrants online system. Applicants can access the system at or follow the link at

Michigan’s Invasive Species Program is cooperatively implemented by the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy, the Department of Natural Resources, and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

/Note to editors: Accompanying photos are available below for download. Suggested captions and photo credit information follow:

Tree injection: A certified pesticide applicator prepares a pesticide injection for a hemlock tree infested with hemlock woolly adelgid.

Crayfish: A team from DNR, EGLE and Michigan State University looks for red swamp crayfish in burrows./

DNR Get Involved – September 2021

DNR Get Involved – September 2021

Opportunities to get involved with the Michigan DNR for September 2021

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DNR Get Involved – September 2021

Aerial view of Walled Lake in Pigeon River Country State Forest

Here are a few ways to get involved in taking care of Michigan’s natural resources in September. For more opportunities to volunteer, contribute and provide input, visit

Help remove invasive species, restore natural areas at state parks

Group of volunteers remove invasive plants in fieldSeveral state parks in southern Michigan have volunteer stewardship workdays coming up in September. Volunteers are needed to help remove invasive plants that threaten high-quality ecosystems in the parks.

Please note that registration is required for all volunteer workdays.

Workdays will take place:

  • 8:30 to 11 a.m. Friday, Sept. 3, at Fort Custer Recreation Area (Kalamazoo County).
  • 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, Sept. 11, at Bald Mountain Recreation Area (Oakland County).
  • 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 11, at Muskegon State Park (Muskegon County).
  • 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 12, at Algonac State Park (St. Clair County)
  • 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 12, at Yankee Springs Recreation Area (Barry County).
  • 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, Sept. 18, at Belle Isle Park (Wayne County).
  • 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, Sept. 18, at Warren Woods State Park (Berrien County).
  • 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 19, at Waterloo Recreation Area (Washtenaw County).
  • 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 19, at Hoffmaster State Park (Muskegon County).
  • 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, Sept. 25, at Grand Mere State Park (Berrien County).
  • 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 25, at Island Lake Recreation Area (Livingston County).
  • 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 26, at Pinckney Recreation Area (Washtenaw County).
  • Noon to 2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 26, at Ludington State Park (Mason County).

More details about each workday and how to register can be found on the DNR volunteer events calendar.

Give input on state forest management plans

close-up of jack pine seedling being plantedThe DNR responsibly manages 3.9 million acres of state forest land using techniques such as timber harvests, planting and prescribed burns to keep forests thriving and healthy.

To make the work more efficient and easier to oversee, the DNR divides those millions of acres into 15 forest management units, which are further divided into compartments. Management activity in each forest management unit is finalized two years in advance. This summer and fall, recommendations for 2023 are being presented.

Open houses for 2021 are virtual, and you can give input by email, phone or mail during the designated time frame. This is a great opportunity to offer input to foresters, wildlife biologists and other DNR professionals regarding forest plans.

After the end of each comment period, a public compartment review meeting will take place, where foresters present the DNR’s final decisions on management activities. The DNR reviews 10% of the state forest annually. That equates to about 400,000 acres or roughly 220 compartments.

For more information, including a link to the interactive forest map showing details of all forest management activities, visit

Below are the comment periods taking place in September and the related compartment reviews. Contact the area unit manager to make arrangements to view the compartment review meeting online or listen over the phone.

  • Crystal Falls: Comments through Sept. 16; compartment review is Oct. 28. Contact Dan McNamee, 906-875-6622.
  • Grayling: Comments Sept. 7-Oct. 7; compartment review is Oct. 21. Contact Thomas Barnes, 989-348-6371, ext. 7440.
  • Gwinn: Comments through Sept. 21; compartment review is Oct. 12. Contact Kristen Matson, 906-346-9201.
  • Newberry: Comments Sept. 14-Oct. 14; compartment review is Oct. 26. Contact Keith Magnusson, 906-291-0120.
  • Sault Ste. Marie: Comments through Sept. 15; compartment review is Oct. 5. Contact Karen Rodock, 906-875-1039.
  • Shingleton: Comments Aug. 31-Sept. 30; compartment review is Oct. 14. Contact Bob Burnham, 906-420-1645.

See a full comment period schedule.

Help MUCC On the Ground with prairie restoration or tree planting

Man and woman put up fence around newly planted treeOn the Ground – Michigan United Conservation Clubs’ volunteer wildlife habitat improvement program in partnership with the DNR – is looking for volunteers for the following projects in September.

Prairie Restoration at Pierce Cedar Creek Institute in Hastings (Barry County)
9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 11

Help remove woody vegetation to begin restoring a prairie located on publicly accessible Pierce Cedar Creek Institute land. To prepare the field for a prescribed burn and other ecological restoration efforts, a hedgerow and other woody shrubs need to be removed from a 5-acre field. This project will benefit a variety of native wildlife and pollinator species. All necessary equipment, including personal protective equipment, will be provided, although volunteers are encouraged to bring their own work gloves. All registered volunteers will receive a free lunch and volunteer appreciation gift.

Register for prairie restoration event.

Tree Planting in the Escanaba River State Forest (Menominee County)
9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 18

Help plant and fence more than 100 native trees and shrubs to improve wildlife habitat throughout openings within the Escanaba River State Forest near Daggett Township. These native, mast-producing trees will benefit a variety of wildlife including ring-necked pheasant, wild turkey, ruffed grouse, golden-winged warbler and American woodcock. Shovels and all necessary equipment will be provided, although volunteers are encouraged to bring their own work gloves if possible. All registered volunteers will receive a free lunch and volunteer appreciation gift.

Register for tree-planting event.

Share thoughts on new Pigeon River Country State Forest locations

The beloved Pigeon River Country State Forest in the northern Lower Peninsula recently added two new properties, and we need your input on how outdoor enthusiasts will access this land to hike, fish, hunt, view elk and more. Share your thoughts via two short surveys, available now through Sept. 17, and help us shape the type of recreation opportunities and access, including motorized access, offered in each area.

Join webinars to learn about managing invasive species

Check out new NotMISpecies webinar series sessions for an abundance of information, resources and field experiences to help identify and manage invasive species in Michigan. Sept. 15, it’s “Fowl play,” exploring the work of protecting  managed waterfowl hunt areas from the threat of invasives. Oct. 21, learn about how volunteering for a state park stewardship workday can help manage invasive species with “Just Do it!

DNR, DTE Energy agreement on nation’s carbon-credits project

DNR, DTE Energy agreement on nation’s carbon-credits project

The deal will help DTE Energy reduce its carbon footprint and add an estimated $10 million in revenue to natural resource management.

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– DNR News –

Green, gold and orange ground cover in the foreground, tall trees in the background, stretching to the skyAug. 25, 2021
Contact: Scott Whitcomb (DNR), 231-373-3007 or Anne Santori (DTE Energy),

DNR, DTE Energy finalize agreement on nation’s first carbon-credits project on state forest land

Michigan’s 3.9 million acres of state forest land provide space for outdoor recreation, cleaner water, habitat for wildlife and many other benefits. Thanks to a recent agreement between the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and DTE Energy, Michigan’s largest energy company, part of that forest land now will yield carbon credits that will help DTE reduce its carbon footprint and add an estimated $10 million in revenue to natural resource management.

The Bluesource/Michigan DNR Big Wild Forest Carbon Project is the first of its kind in the nation to leverage the carbon storage capacity of trees in state forests. The pilot project offers a portfolio of carbon offset credits generated from sustainable forest management activities on more than 100,000 acres of the celebrated Pigeon River Country State Forest – known as “The Big Wild” – in the northern Lower Peninsula.

“Our natural resources are a core aspect of our identity as Michiganders,” said Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. “To meet our long-term commitment to decarbonization we need to utilize innovative partnerships to increase revenues for land and climate programs. Under today’s program, we are pursuing a climate-smart forestry strategy and effectively utilizing our natural and working lands to decrease pollution and protect public lands.”

The pilot project

Stacked logs from an aspen harvest on Michigan state forest landA single tree can absorb as much as 48 pounds of carbon dioxide in a year. By the time a tree is 40 years old, it can store 1 ton of carbon. If these trees are then used to make long-lasting wood products, the carbon they absorbed from the atmosphere is captured or “stored” within the manufactured furniture, houses or countless other items.

One carbon credit equals 1 ton of carbon dioxide emission. Studies show carbon capture (sequestration) could contribute up to 30% of the global effort to reduce carbon in the atmosphere. DTE Energy will offer these offsets to their larger industrial natural gas clients seeking to reduce the impact of carbon emissions, much as they do for their residential and small business customers through DTE’s voluntary Natural Gas Balance program.

DTE Energy has agreed to buy all of the carbon credits generated off the Pigeon River Country State Forest during the first 10 years of the program, at an estimated cost of more than $10 million. Payments (to the state) will start with the first delivery of carbon credits to DTE in 2022. Bluesource, the company managing the DNR’s pilot carbon credit marketing project, will provide updates on the revenue stream’s timeline and size.

The purchase of carbon credits allows DTE to offer carbon offsets to customers with significantly higher energy usage, a move that also aligns with DTE’s goal of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

“We’re proud to partner with the DNR on this innovative way to help Michigan get cleaner, faster,” said Matt Paul, president and chief operating officer at DTE Gas. “These offsets will be made available to our customers that are seeking impactful ways to reduce their carbon footprint and join DTE on its journey to net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The Pigeon River Country State Forest project is an excellent complement to the 24,000 acres of Michigan forest we are already protecting through Natural Gas Balance, our voluntary program that helps residential and small business gas customers reduce their carbon footprint.”

Support for forests, wildlife

face front view of mature bull elk, head and shoulders, in the forest, sunlight and shadows across his faceBeyond the air-quality benefits – Michigan’s forests can substantially reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that has been released to the environment, which cuts air pollution and helps mitigate the effects of climate change – the carbon-credits project will allow the DNR to credit crucial dollars to funding sources that support the Pigeon River Country State Forest.

Revenue generated from these carbon credit purchases will be directed to the state’s Forest Development Fund and the Fish and Game Fund for efforts that could include tree planting, forest infrastructure (such as roads, bridges and culverts), wildlife habitat improvements, recreation projects and more.

The environmental benefit of the project stems from the state’s ongoing commitment to sustainable forest management, while ensuring more trees will stay in place long term to enhance the carbon sequestration of the Pigeon River forest.

“We manage Michigan’s state forests with a firm commitment to the health and sustainability of this incredible resource, as well as to the people who enjoy the forests and the fish and wildlife that rely on them,” said Michigan Department of Natural Resources Director Dan Eichinger. “We’re excited to see this thoughtfully leveraged use of our state’s diverse forest land result in a program that works on so many levels.”

Getting started

shoreline view from Pickerel Lake State Forest Campground, reflecting the surrounding trees and skyBluesource, the company selected last fall to manage the DNR’s carbon credits development and marketing program, is a Salt Lake City firm that has pioneered creative solutions to climate risk since 2001.

“Bluesource projects have reduced hundreds of millions of tons of greenhouse gases over our 20-year history, and we can’t scale without the climate finance provided by progressive companies like DTE,” said Bluesource Vice President of Environmental Markets Ben Massie. “Their long-term investment in credits from Michigan DNR’s Big Wild Forest Carbon Project gives DTE customers an impactful way to reduce their carbon footprint, while at the same time driving sustainable forest management and value within the state.

“I hope other states and public lands follow the DNR’s lead and recognize that a change to progressive forest management, with an eye to promoting carbon stocking, not only nets revenue but allows for continued recreation, boosts the local economy, conserves water resources, and provides continuing educational opportunities,” added Massie.

Learn more about how and why the DNR takes care of state forests at

Organizational links:

  • The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state’s natural and cultural resources for current and future generations. Online at
  • DTE Energy (NYSE: DTE) is a Detroit-based diversified energy company involved in the development and management of energy-related businesses and services nationwide. Online at
  • Bluesource is the most experienced and most diversified corporate climate and energy advisor providing innovative, trusted environmental services and products in North America. Online at

Note to editors: Accompanying photos are available below for download. Caption information follows. Credit all photos to Michigan Department of Natural Resources.

  • Elk: Michigan’s core elk range is an integral part of the Pigeon River Country State Forest.
  • Fall in the Pigeon River: Scenic views like this are available throughout the more than 100,000 acres of the Pigeon River Country State Forest.
  • Stacked aspen: Stacked logs from an aspen timber harvest on Michigan state forest land.
  • Timber sale: A Michigan DNR forester inspects the harvest of a timber sale, this one in the Upper Peninsula’s Delta County.
  • Rainbow: A beautiful sight in the sky over the Pigeon River Country State Forest.
  • Campground view: Lakeshore view from the Pickerel Lake State Forest Campground, one of the many camping opportunities in and around the Pigeon River.

Environmental Hall of Fame first female conservation officer

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– DNR News –

Aug. 19, 2021
Contact: Amanda Ewald, [email protected]

Michigan Environmental Hall of Fame posthumously honors first female conservation officer in the U.S.

Huldah Neal – a Michigander who, in 1897, became the first female conservation officer in the United States – was honored by the Michigan Environmental Hall of Fame as a Legacy award recipient for her commitment to protecting natural resources. The ceremony took place Tuesday at Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids.

“This is an important milestone in history to recognize, not only for our state, but for our country,” said Chief Gary Hagler, Michigan Department of Natural Resources Law Enforcement Division. “Huldah Neal established a career path for many successful women who uphold her legacy today by protecting natural resources.”

Neal hailed from Grand Traverse County and lived from 1855 to 1931. She had a love for the outdoors and little tolerance for the fish and game poaching occurring in Grand Traverse County. Her knowledge of the outdoors and her shooting and fishing skills made her an excellent fit for the job – which she quickly demonstrated by bringing a well-known gang of poaching violators to justice.

“Neal paved the way for new generations of women who proudly serve as guardians of our natural resources,” said Ron Brown, chair of the Michigan Environmental Hall of Fame.

The Michigan Environmental Hall of Fame in a nonprofit organization that recognizes people and organizations that have made significant contributions to our environment over the years and individuals who are making contributions each day.

Today, there are 26 female conservation officers who serve at all ranks within the DNR Law Enforcement Division.

Michigan conservation officers are fully commissioned law enforcement officers who protect natural resources, ensure recreational safety and protect residents by providing general law enforcement duties and lifesaving operations in the communities they serve. Due to the nature of their job, they often work with federal, state and local law enforcement officers to ensure the safety of the general public.

DNR COVID-19 RESPONSE: For details on affected DNR facilities and services, visit this webpage. Follow state actions and guidelines at
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state’s natural and cultural resources for current and future generations. For more information, go to
DNR: Have a bushel of fun picking pine cones

DNR: Have a bushel of fun picking pine cones

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– DNR News –

A young woman wearing a pine cone gathering bag on her waist picks red pine cones from a felled tree top
Aug. 18, 2021
Contact: Jason Hartman, 989-390-0279

Have a bushel of fun picking pine cones

Looking for an outdoor side hustle? Collecting a bushel of pine cones next month will net you $75 and help the Michigan Department of Natural Resources plant trees in state forests.

Sept. 1 – 30, 2021, you can pick red pine cones and drop them off by appointment at six DNR locations: three in the Upper Peninsula and three in the Lower Peninsula.

Fresh cones can be found in felled treetops from recent timber sales, on state forestlands and in recently gathered squirrel caches (yes, you can steal from a squirrel). If picking from a recent timber sale, logger permission is necessary, and pickers must wear hardhats for safety. The simplest way, however, is to pick from living red pine trees where branches extend close to the ground.

Before you haul out your ladder, there are specific things foresters look for in a “perfect” fresh seed pine cone from a red pine – commit the following criteria to memory, because old cones or the wrong species won’t be accepted. You’ll also need to complete a few steps to register as a vendor in our online system so you can get paid for your efforts.

A closeup image of red pine needles and ripe cones at the right age to pickHere are some tips to get started:

  • First, make sure you’re picking the right species. Red pines have craggy, reddish bark and 4- to 6-inch needles that grow in pairs. Scotch and Austrian pine cones will not be accepted.
  • Cones should be picked off the tree; fallen cones on the ground are likely to be too old or wet. No twigs, needles or debris, please!
  • Cone scales should be closed, with a little bit of green or purple tint – all brown and open, and they’re too far gone.

Store pine cones in a cool, dry place in mesh bags. Onion bags will be provided by the DNR at drop-off locations. Don’t use burlap or plastic bags, which can hold moisture and ruin the cones. Tag bags on the inside and outside with your name, county where you picked and if the cones are natural or from a plantation. Drop off cones by appointment at select DNR Customer Service Centers and Wyman Nursery:

A close-up image of hands holding a pine seedling, with a greenhouse of growing seedlings in the backgroundWhat happens to the pine cones once they’re dropped off? They’re put into machines that gently warm them up and then shake them, allowing the seeds to drop out and be stored until planting time.

This process helps foresters replant the forest and replenishes the supply of red pine seed, which is in high demand.

Michigan’s forests provide clean air and water, renewable resources, homes for wildlife and places to explore nature. It’s the DNR’s commitment to make sure healthy forests are here for future generations by replanting what is cut and maintaining sustainable management practices.

Note to editors: Accompanying photos are available below for download. Caption information follows.

  • Pine cone picking: An AmeriCorps member picks ripe red pine cones.
  • Ripe pine cones: Ready-to-pick red pine cones have closed scales and often show a green or purple tint.
  • Fresh-picked cones: Closed, freshly-cut pine cones will soon be processed to release the seeds to be collected for planting.
  • Pine seedling: A young pine planted from collected seed.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state’s natural and cultural resources for current and future generations. For more information, go to
DNR News: Free ORV Weekend Aug. 21-22

DNR News: Free ORV Weekend Aug. 21-22

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– DNR News –

Aug. 17, 2021
Contact: Jessica Holley Roehrs, 517-331-3790

Test off-road trails during Free ORV Weekend Aug. 21-22

a line of ORVs riding a trailOff-roaders, get ready! The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is hosting its second and final Free ORV Weekend of the year, Aug. 21-22.

During the weekend, Michigan residents and visitors legally can ride DNR-designated routes and trails without purchasing an ORV license or trail permit. All ORV rules and laws still apply.

“Free ORV Weekend is a great opportunity for riders to explore off-road trails and routes in the Upper and Lower peninsulas,” said Ron Olson, chief of the DNR Parks and Recreation Division. “It’s also the perfect time to test riding out for yourself or introduce friends and family to the sport.”

Free ORV Weekend includes the state’s 4,000 miles of off-road trails and the state’s six scramble areas, including Black Lake, Bull Gap, Holly Oaks ORV Park, The Mounds Scramble Area, Silver Lake ORV Area and St. Helen’s Motorsport Area. The Recreation Passport and other applicable vehicle entry fees still apply.

Olson said that the concept behind free weekends is to give a chance to those who might be thinking about purchasing equipment or dusting off their ORV. The hope is that riders will have a great time and consider purchasing an ORV license or trail permit.

Fees generated through the sale of ORV licenses and trail permits are reinvested back into the ORV system. These important dollars help fund trail expansion, maintenance and infrastructure improvements, such as bridge and culvert construction and repair, as well as law enforcement and the offsetting of damage created by illegal use. The cost is $26.25 for an ORV license and $10 for a trail permit for a total of $36.25.

For more information, contact Jessica Holley Roehrs, DNR statewide motorized trails specialist, at 517-331-3790 or [email protected] or visit

Note to editors: Accompanying photos are available below for download. Photos courtesy Michigan Department of Natural Resources, unless noted otherwise.

DNR COVID-19 RESPONSE: For details on affected DNR facilities and services, visit this webpage. Follow state actions and guidelines at
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state’s natural and cultural resources for current and future generations. For more information, go to