Enjoy guided birding tours at Michigan’s Wetland Wonders

Enjoy guided birding tours at Michigan’s Wetland Wonders

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About a dozen white trumpeter swans fly over the water and brown and russet-colored reedy plants at Fish Point State Wildlife Area

Signs of spring: Enjoy guided birding tours at Michigan’s Wetland Wonders

As birds return to Michigan’s wetlands this spring, wildlife lovers are invited to experience the season’s beauty through guided birding tours at several Wetland Wonders locations across the state.

These tours offer a unique opportunity to observe a variety of bird species, including diving and dabbling ducks in full breeding plumage, trumpeter and tundra swans, osprey, bald eagles, sandhill cranes, and more. Led by Michigan Department of Natural Resources wildlife biologists, technicians and volunteers from local Audubon chapters, the tours will take you to premier bird viewing locations.

Birding tour dates and locations

Each tour will meet at designated areas before heading out to explore key birding locations. The Portage Marsh birding tour will be on foot, while the other tours’ visitors will drive their own cars throughout roads and dikes overlooking the wetlands. There will be opportunities for short walks to reach optimal viewing spots on all tours. Everyone should dress for the weather, wear boots to navigate muddy terrain, and bring binoculars or spotting scopes for the best viewing experience.

Michigan’s wetlands are essential for migratory waterfowl, providing critical food, shelter, and breeding habitat along the Mississippi and Atlantic Flyways. They serve as key stopover sites where migratory birds rest and refuel, offering nutrient-rich food sources and safe roosting areas. Many species rely on these habitats for nesting and raising their young. Additionally, wetlands support biodiversity, improve water quality and help manage flooding, benefiting both wildlife and local communities.

Wetland Wonders ►

These areas were created to provide exceptional waterfowl hunting and are managed to provide waterfowl habitat for nesting and migration and for the benefit of other wetland wildlife. Discover all they offer!

More birding fun ►

Follow the Audubon Great Lakes events page for more info on tours, as well as upcoming lunchtime webinars that take a deeper dive into the Wetland Wonders, demystifying these special birding destinations.

Questions about the tours? For more information, contact DNR wildlife outreach coordinator Rachel Lincoln at 517-243-5813.

Saugatuck Brewing Company and DNR to protect lake sturgeon

Saugatuck Brewing Company and DNR to protect lake sturgeon

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DNR News

March 19, 2025
Contact: Spencer Wheelock, 616-776-3511

Saugatuck Brewing Company and DNR partner to protect lake sturgeon

Lake Street Light campaign launching after successful Rainbow Rodeo IPA initiative, which raised $10,000 for habitat restoration across Michigan

Saugatuck Brewing Company is reaffirming its commitment to supporting conservation and habitat restoration efforts across the state by once again partnering with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.

Set to launch in April 2025, the Lake Street Light x Lake Sturgeon Program is a collaboration between SBC and the DNR designed to raise awareness and support the conservation of Michigan’s lake sturgeon population. A portion of proceeds from every Lake Street Light sold will be donated to DNR efforts aimed at restoring the lake sturgeon’s habitat and boosting its population.

The new light lager, Lake Street Light, is a crisp, refreshing brew with only 96 calories and 4% ABV, inspired by the beauty of Michigan’s lakes and waterways.

“Lake Street Light is more than just a beer—it’s a nod to Michigan’s wild heart,” said Sara Van Splinter, Director of Marketing at Saugatuck Brewing Company. “These shores, our ‘Lake Street,’ are home to countless species, and we’re proud to help protect one of them: the lake sturgeon, living fossils that have swum since the time of dinosaurs. This partnership with the Michigan DNR allows us to give back to the waters we love while sharing the story of these remarkable creatures.”

Lake sturgeon are critical to Michigan’s aquatic ecosystems, but their population has declined due to habitat loss, pollution, and overfishing. The program’s proceeds will directly support the DNR’s sturgeon conservation projects.

“To say that lake sturgeon are a major part of Michigan’s aquatic history doesn’t quite do them justice,” said Patrick Ertel, with the Habitat Management Unit of the DNR’s Fisheries Division. “These fish have been around for more than 100 million years, which may be hard to even comprehend. In terms of more recent generations, there are individual sturgeon in our waters today that are older than anyone reading about this partnership. We’re excited to partner with Saugatuck Brewing Company to highlight this incredibly persistent fish and the fact that some lake sturgeon currently in Michigan waters have been there since before the invention of the automobile. Think about that!”

SBC is planning to extend the Lake Street Light x Lake Sturgeon Program to neighboring Great Lakes states, collaborating with other DNR agencies on lake sturgeon conservation and habitat restoration efforts across the region.

This announcement comes on the heels of a successful partnership between Saugatuck Brewing Company and the Michigan DNR through the Rainbow Rodeo IPA Program. From May through October 2024, the initiative raised $10,000 to support habitat restoration projects focused on Michigan’s trout population.

“Working alongside the Michigan DNR was an incredible experience and a true team effort,” said John Miller, CEO of Saugatuck Brewing Company. “Together, we raised not only funds but also awareness about the importance of protecting Michigan’s natural habitats.”

Saugatuck Brewing Company also highlighted this important initiative through its sponsorship of the West Michigan Whitecaps Bung Hammers game, spreading the message to baseball fans across West Michigan.

Both the Lake Street Light x Lake Sturgeon Program and the Rainbow Rodeo IPA Program are part of Saugatuck Brewing Company’s vision to promote sustainable practices and engage the community in preserving Michigan’s natural resources. For the latest news and announcements on Saugatuck Brewing Company’s 2025 programs, follow the brewery online at saugatuckbrewing.com or on Facebook or Instagram.

About Saugatuck Brewing Company: Saugatuck Brewing Company, established in 2005, is an independently owned craft brewery situated next to Saugatuck along the shores of Lake Michigan. With a commitment to quality and innovation, the brewery takes pride in crafting unique and flavorful beers that capture both tradition and the spirit of the region. Saugatuck Brewing Company’s footprint covers 13 states and 7 foreign countries with plans for continued growth. Follow their journey online at saugatuckbrewing.com or on Facebook or Instagram.

About the Michigan Department of Natural Resources: The DNR is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state’s natural and cultural resources for current and future generations. The department strives to protect resources, ensure sustainable recreation use and enjoyment, enable strong natural resources-based economies, improve and build strong relationships and partnerships, and foster effective business practices and good governance. For more information and updates, visit Michigan.gov/DNR or follow on FacebookXInstagram or YouTube.

Note to editors: An accompanying photo is available below for download. Caption information follows.

Check presentation: A 2024 DNR/Saugatuck Brewing Company partnership raised $10,000 to support fishing habitat restoration. Shown here are Scott Whitcomb, director, DNR Office of Public Lands; John Miller, CEO of Saugatuck Brewing Company; Patrick Mohney, senior lands program manager, DNR Office of Public Lands; and Scott Bowen, director, Michigan Department of Natural Resources.

Natural fish kills may be common during spring thaw

Natural fish kills may be common during spring thaw

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DNR News

March 17, 2025
Contact: Jeremiah Blaauw, 906-235-7679 or Aaron Switzer, 231-383-2565

Natural fish kills may be common during spring thaw

A fish floating on the water's surface, likely a result of winterkill.As ice and snow cover melt on Michigan lakes this spring, you may see dead fish or other aquatic animals. Given the return to a more “normal” Michigan winter this year — with more cold days and near-average snowfall across the state — you may notice more dead fish than you have in the past few years. While such sights can be startling, the Department of Natural Resources reminds everyone that it is normal for winter conditions to cause some mortality of fish and other creatures such as turtles, frogs, toads and crayfish.

“Winterkill is the most common type of fish kill,” said Aaron Switzer, DNR Fish Production Program manager. “It can be particularly common in shallow lakes, ponds, streams and canals during seasonal changes. It’s a natural phenomenon, and these kills are localized. They typically do not affect the overall health of fish populations or fishing quality.”

Shallow lakes with a large amount of aquatic vegetation and soft bottoms are more prone to winterkill, particularly when a deep snowpack reduces sunlight for the plants. Canals in urban areas also are quite susceptible, due to the large amounts of nutrient runoff and pollution from roads, lawns and septic systems that flow into these areas, especially after large storm events.

Fish also may be affected by rapid changes in water temperature due to unseasonably warm or rapidly warming temperatures, leading to stress and, sometimes, mortality. Fish can become easily stressed in winter due to low energy reserves because feeding is at a minimum in winter. They are then less able to handle low oxygen and temperature swings. That could be the case this year with the record or near-record cold temperatures and large snowfalls Michigan experienced, and potential rapid warming in the coming months.

Fish and all forms of aquatic life need dissolved oxygen to survive. When ice and snow cover reduce the daylight that reaches the water depths, aquatic plants stop producing oxygen, and many die. Bacteria use the remaining oxygen in the water to decompose the dead plants and other organic materials on the lake bottom. With available oxygen reduced, more aquatic animals die and start to break down, speeding up the rate that oxygen is used for decomposition. This further decreases dissolved oxygen levels in the water, creating a cycle of increased winterkill.

Fish and other aquatic life that die in late winter may not be noticed until well after the ice leaves lakes, as the cold water may temporarily preserve them.

“If you see dead fish as a result of winterkill, the fish may appear fuzzy. This is because of secondary infection by fungus, but the fungus was not the cause of death,” said Switzer. “The fish actually suffocated from a lack of dissolved oxygen from decaying plants and dead aquatic animals under the ice.”

Visit the DNR website for more information on fish kills in Michigan. You can report fish kills at Michigan.gov/EyesInTheField; these reports are valuable to the DNR’s management of aquatic resources in Michigan. If you suspect a fish kill is due to non-natural causes, call the nearest DNR office or Michigan’s Pollution Emergency Alert System at 800-292-4706.

Note to editors: The accompanying photo is available below for download. Caption information follows.

  • Winterkill: While such sights can be startling, the Department of Natural Resources reminds everyone that it is normal for winter conditions to cause some mortality of fish and other creatures such as turtles, frogs, toads and crayfish.
Conservation Officer Appreciation Day is Saturday

Conservation Officer Appreciation Day is Saturday

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DNR News

March 13, 2025
Contact: Katie Gervasi, 517-290-0679

Conservation Officer Appreciation Day is Saturday

Training Academy No. 13 is underway; follow the conservation officer recruits’ week-to-week journey

officer checking a duck on the back of a truckAs fully licensed law enforcement officers who serve a unique role in our state’s law enforcement community, Michigan Department of Natural Resources conservation officers receive additional training to protect fish and wildlife, state parks and forests, rivers, lakes and streams – and the people who enjoy them.

In honor of the 250 men and women who currently patrol all 83 counties of Michigan and who swore under oath to faithfully enforce the laws of Michigan and the rules and regulations related to Michigan’s natural resources, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer proclaimed Saturday, March 15, as Conservation Officer Appreciation Day.

The proclamation, in part, shares that:

  • The State of Michigan considers the protection of its citizens, environment and cultural and natural resources to be among its highest priorities.
  • Conservation officers continuously adapt to successfully meet emerging challenges, accept new missions and deliver premier customer service.
  • These officers serve with bravery, honor and distinction in locations ranging from urban communities to the deep woods and the Great Lakes.

“DNR conservation officers work hard every day to protect Michigan’s natural resources and the millions of visitors who value them. Their work is as much a calling as it is a job,” said DNR Director Scott Bowen.

These officers serve as front-line protectors, helping to ensure that the next generation can safely, successfully enjoy hunts that put food on the table, camping trips, hikes and other adventures on scenic public lands, and responsible participation in boating, off-road vehicle riding, snowmobiling and other outdoor pursuits.

In 2024, DNR conservation officers connected with more than 453,000 people through their patrols and outreach, in a job that is anything but predictable. A shift might begin at 3 a.m., gearing up in green with hunter orange and silently leaving home to ensure they are in the woods before the first shots of opening day, or responding to reports of ORV trespassing, illegal hunting from vehicles with loaded and uncased firearms, and hunters or hikers who didn’t return home on time. Sometimes it’s about celebrating an angler’s first catch or rewarding young boaters for properly wearing their life jackets.

“Conservation officers respond where they are needed, when they are needed,” Bowen said.

Michigan conservation officers are fully licensed law enforcement officers who provide natural resources protection, ensure recreational safety, and protect residents through general law enforcement and conducting lifesaving operations in the communities they serve.

Learn more at Michigan.gov/ConservationOfficers and follow our weekly blog with updates from the conservation officer recruits in Training Academy No. 13, underway now in Lansing.

Note to editors: Accompanying photos are available below for download. Caption information follows.

Duck: Conservation Officer Sydney Griffor verifies a northern pintail, successfully taken in St. Clair County.

Officers: Sgt. Kyle Bucholtz and Conservation Officer Marissa Sturtevant check for anglers on a spring day in Huron County.

Teaching: Conservation Officer Anna Cullen presents a fur kit to a group of young students in Muskegon County.

First cougar cubs verified in Michigan in more than a century

First cougar cubs verified in Michigan in more than a century

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DNR News

March 13, 2025
Media contact: DNR biologist Brian Roell, 906-228-6561

First cougar cubs verified in Michigan in more than a century

For the first time in more than 100 years, cougar cubs have been discovered living in the Michigan wild.

State biologists on Wednesday confirmed the existence of two cougar cubs on private land in Ontonagon County in the western Upper Peninsula. The spotted cubs, believed to be 7 to 9 weeks old, were verified from photographic evidence of the cubs taken March 6 by a local resident.

This is the first time cougar cubs have been verified since the big cats were hunted out of existence in Michigan in the early 1900s, said Brian Roell, large carnivore specialist for the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. Roell, a wildlife biologist for 26 years, led the team that verified the cubs.

“It’s pretty exciting, considering this could be the first known cougar reproduction in modern times in the western Great Lakes states,” said Roell, referring to Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. “It really shows that we have a unique place in Michigan where someone has a chance to see a wolf, a moose and a cougar in the wild. It’s something that should be celebrated, that we have the habitat to support an elusive animal like this.”

The cubs were spotted and photographed without their mother. Cougar cubs are highly dependent on their mothers, often staying with them for the first two years of life.

Although cougars are native to Michigan, most of them now appear to be transient animals, dispersing into Michigan from Western states. The DNR has verified 132 adult cougar reports, Roell said, but DNA testing has confirmed only male cougars to date.

The cubs have not been spotted since March 6. “Those young cougars are very vulnerable right now,” Roell said. “We don’t know where they are or if they’re even alive. Mother Nature can be very cruel.”

Sightings can be logged in the DNR’s Eyes in the Field reporting system. Roell said cougars are on the list of endangered mammals in Michigan, meaning it’s illegal to hunt or harass them, which includes trying to locate their den. It’s also illegal to trespass on private property, he noted.

For the latest information on cougars, including the DNR’s cougar sightings photo page, visit Michigan.gov/Cougar.

Note to editors: Accompanying photos, contributed by a resident who wishes to remain anonymous, are available below for download.

DNR News Digest – Week of March 3, 2025

DNR News Digest – Week of March 3, 2025

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News Digest – Week of March 3, 2025

close-up of thin, brown tree branches with puffy tan buds dusted with frost
Here are a few of this week’s stories from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources:

See other news releases, Showcasing the DNR stories, photos and other resources at Michigan.gov/DNRPressRoom.

Larger, high-res versions of some of the photos used in this email – wild turkey and tree buds – and others (steelhead fishing) are available in the DNR’s online image gallery. Additional pictures (park volunteer, lumberjack runner and least bittern) are available in this photo folder.

Traveling soon? Don’t forget your recreational safety certificate

young woman on a blue and white Jet Ski kicks up a foamy wake making a turn on the waterIf you’re planning a spring break trip to a warmer destination and intend to rent a personal watercraft (such as a Jet Ski) while there, don’t forget to take a copy of your Michigan boater safety certificate.

Safety certificates are proof that you’ve completed a program meant to teach the fundamentals of safety for your chosen activity. Many states require this documentation before allowing you to rent and/or operate a boat or personal watercraft. Misplaced your certificate? No worries, you can request a duplicate.

In Michigan, people born before July 1, 1996, may legally operate a boat without restrictions. Those born on or after that date may legally operate a motorized boat over 6 horsepower only if they have been issued a boating safety certificate and have it in their possession. Anyone born on or after Dec. 31, 1978, must have a boater safety certificate to legally operate a personal watercraft.

If you need a safety certificate, you can take recreational safety education courses online from the comfort of your home and at your own pace.

Learn more at Michigan.gov/RecreationalSafety.

Questions? Email [email protected].

March events: Outdoor fun and learning on the calendar

The DNR offers a variety of ways for everyone to learn about and enjoy Michigan’s outdoors. Following are a few March highlights; for all of the latest events, visit Michigan.gov/DNRCalendar.

Learn turkey hunting, steelhead fishing skills

A pair of turkeys are shown in a green and grassy scene.If you’re interested in trying something new outdoors or brushing up on a pastime you already enjoy, check out the DNR Outdoor Skills Academy’s classes. They offer expert instruction, gear and hands-on learning for a range of activities.

Coming up this month at Mitchell State Park’s Carl T. Johnson Hunting and Fishing Center in Cadillac, you can learn about turkey hunting and steelhead fishing.

The March 15 Turkey Hunting Clinic will review spring turkey hunting rules and regulations, preferred habitat, hunting gear, calling techniques and more.

The two-day Steelhead Fishing Clinic, March 29-30, will include an indoor lesson on salmon identification, the history of steelhead in Michigan, equipment, how to cure spawn, casting techniques and various strategies for catching steelhead, including rig setup. The following morning will feature fishing on the Manistee River at the Tippy Dam, where instructors will teach anglers how to read the water, where to cast and, hopefully, how to land a steelhead!

An additional session of the steelhead fishing class is scheduled in April, along with walleye fishing and beekeeping clinics. The rest of the year brings opportunities to learn about wild mushrooms, fly fishing, bear and deer hunting, and more. See a full schedule of classes – with more being added throughout the year – at Michigan.gov/OutdoorSkills.

Lumberjack Days and more at the OAC

man in red and black flannel shirt, dark blue pants, black knit cap and sunglasses runs down a city sidewalk on a bright winter dayIf you live in, or your travels take you to, southeast Michigan, you can find fun, educational programs for all ages at the Outdoor Adventure Center in Detroit. The March OAC event calendar features programs especially for seniors, kids and families, archery, yoga, birding and more.

Don’t miss the OAC’s annual Lumberjack Days celebration, March 21-23, which includes:

March 21 webinar: Birding bonanza at Pointe Mouillee SGA

a slender golden-tan bird with bright black eyes outlined in yellow, and an upturned beak, pees out from green and gold grassesJoin MI Birds, an outreach program from Audubon Great Lakes and the DNR, later this month for a lunchtime webinar that explores the Pointe Mouillee State Game Area – one of southeast Michigan’s premier birding destinations!

From black-bellied plovers to glossy ibises, learn about the unique birds that inhabit this Wetland Wonder and Audubon Important Bird Area, as well as the conservation efforts to support them. Discover tips to enhance your visit to Pointe Mouillee and upcoming opportunities to tour the area.

Presenters for the “Demystifying Pointe Mouillee State Game Area” webinar include:

  • Zach Cooley, DNR wildlife biologist.
  • Ava Landgraf, conservation and research coordinator, Detroit Bird Alliance.
  • Adam Shook, DNR wildlife technician.

The webinar starts at noon ET Friday, March 21. RSVP today and save your spot! Looking ahead, mark your calendar for two more webinars in the series: “Demystifying Portage Marsh State Wildlife Area” (May 9) and “Demystifying Paw Paw River State Game Area and the West Michigan Coastal Corridor” (July 17).

Questions? Contact Erin Ford at 313-820-0809.

March volunteering: Support the places, resources you love

Each month, the DNR offers a variety of opportunities to help take care of Michigan’s natural and cultural resources. Here are a few ways to get involved this March.

For more opportunities to lend a hand, contribute and provide input, visit Michigan.gov/DNRVolunteers.

Volunteer workdays at state parks

a man in black winter coat and red knit hat crouches in the snow, using a pruning trimmer to take off branches of a buckthorn plant, Several state parks in southern Michigan will host stewardship workdays, where volunteers are needed to help remove invasive plants that threaten high-quality ecosystems.

Workdays will take place at:

  • Yankee Springs Recreation Area (Barry County), 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, March 8.
  • Muskegon State Park (Muskegon County), 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sunday, March 9.
  • Saugatuck Dunes State Park (Allegan County), 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sunday, March 23.
  • Fort Custer Recreation Area (Kalamazoo County), 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, March 29.

More details about each workday and how to register can be found on the DNR volunteer events calendar.

State parks/trails advisory vacancies

If you’re a fan of Michigan state parks and trails and have always wanted to add your voice to the discussion that shapes them, consider applying by mid-March for vacancies on three key advisory bodies that work with the DNR. The Michigan State Parks Advisory Committee and two trails advisory workgroups, the Nonmotorized Advisory Workgroup the Off-Road Vehicle Advisory Workgroup, are now accepting applications for open positions.

The deadline to apply is March 10 for the Michigan State Parks Advisory Committee and March 15 for the trails advisory workgroups.

Learn more about the vacancies and how to apply.

Happy Little (Virtual) 5K: Run for the Trees

a green and white web graphic with a Bob Ross image and reading Run for the Trees, Happy Little 5K and listing 13 participating statesRun, walk or roll to support tree planting and forest protection efforts in state parks. Registration is open for this spring’s Run for the Trees: Happy Little (Virtual) 5k. For this virtual event, you pick the pace and place – do your 5K anytime April 19-27 (the week of Earth Day and Arbor Day). Registration is $36 and includes your keepsake Happy Little T-shirt, finisher’s medal, commemorative bib number and shipping.

Don’t wait to sign up – registration is recommended by April 1, and race packets have started shipping. Get more race information and register.

Photo ambassador snapshot: Superior sunset

calm, rippled water stretches out on Lake Superior under a brilliant pink and purple sunset at McLain State Park in Houghton CountySee more pictures by Michigan state parks photo ambassadors at Instagram.com/MiStateParks. For more on the program, call Stephanie Yancer at 989-274-6182. This photo is by Samantha Bohon, for the Michigan DNR, at McLain State Park in Houghton County.


See how conservation officers and other DNR pros protect Michigan’s natural resources! This week (Friday) on the “Wardens” TV show: See how a baiting violation leads to more questions, and explore accessible blinds available on state land.


When it’s time to renew your vehicle registration, remember you can easily add the Recreation Passport for year-round vehicle access to state parks, state forest campgrounds, trailheads and waterways!


Want to learn more about the different birds stopping for layovers or moving into your community each new season? Sign up for Winged Wednesday text updates to see which birds are on the move in Michigan and the best state parks to see them.