Love INC month was a huge success

Love INC month was a huge success

Love INC month was a huge success, filled with love!
We want to thank the entire community for donating items like socks, winter coats, personal care items, cleaning products and towels. The Love INC Clothes Closet and Bed Blessings and Beyond are filled to the brim. These much-needed items will help many vulnerable families in our community.
28 Donors in 28 days
We want to express our sincere appreciation to all those who donated and signed up to be monthly donors. Your generosity will continue to help your neighbors in need, all year long. Donations received helps replace lost income, from the cancellation of our largest annual fundraiser, due to Covid restrictions. If you didn’t get a chance to sign up to be a monthly donor, but are still interested, please text loveincofnoc to 41444, visit our website or click the donate button.
Love INC donors have a direct impact on those families struggling right here in our local community. We are grateful for your thoughtfulness.