Tackling invasive species issues in upcoming webinars

Tackling invasive species issues in upcoming webinars

Michigan Invasive Species Program banner

News Release

July 11, 2023
Contact: Joanne Foreman, 517-243-6450

It’s not Barbie Land: Learn from real people tackling invasive species issues in upcoming NotMISpecies webinars

It’s perfectly OK if you’re eagerly awaiting the release of the live action “Barbie” movie this summer, where we anticipate she and Ken will get a taste of the less-than-perfect real world the rest of us call home. In the meantime, the NotMISpecies webinar series offers a chance to meet real researchers working to improve Michigan’s environment by better understanding invasive species, climate change and human behavior.

The hourlong programs are free – just register online to watch live and participate in the question-and-answer session, or watch the recorded version at your leisure – with popcorn optional.


A monarch butterfly resting on a swallow-wort plant amidst tall grass.Classical biological control returns with a showdown between invasive swallow-wort vines and Hypena opulenta, a defoliating moth that only develops on invasive swallow-worts. We’re bringing back Marianna Szucs from the Department of Entomology at Michigan State University for “Can this moth help save monarchs? Swallow-wort biological control efforts in Michigan” (9 a.m. Thursday, July 13). She will explain how invasive swallow-wort vines, kin to native milkweed plants, are disrupting the life cycle of monarch butterflies and discuss the complexity of research efforts to establish Hypena opulenta as a swallow-wort biocontrol agent in Michigan.


Boaters and anglers, primarily those who travel between waterways without cleaning their equipment, continue to spread aquatic invasive species. Why aren’t people cleaning when we know the risks of spread? Join Daniel Hayes from the MSU Department of Fisheries and Wildlife for “Why, Oh Why Won’t They Clean, Drain and Dry? Understanding Impediments to Boater and Angler Behavior Change” (9 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 10). Hayes and his students interviewed a thousand boaters and anglers to find the answers. He will share what they’ve learned about motivations and barriers to equipment cleaning, perceptions of invasive species spread and other interesting results.


Ash, elm and chestnut trees once were as common in cities as the streets that bear their names. Our tree canopy today is much less diverse due to insects, disease, invasive species and poor species selection. Lawrence Sobson, Department of Natural Resources urban forester and partnership coordinator, explores the issue in “Where the Sidewalk Ends: Choosing Resilient Trees for Tomorrow’s Urban Environments” (9 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 3). Sobson will offer examples of ideal tree species, explain how to assess urban sites and provide information to ensure the trees you choose can live for the next hundred years.


A green and yellow box tree moth caterpillar stretches across box tree leaves.Box tree moth (Cydalima perspectalis) was first detected in Michigan in fall 2022. This invasive pest, native to East Asia, poses a major threat to the boxwood plant, an ornamental shrub that is a valuable part of the U.S. (and Michigan) nursery and horticultural industry. Join Susie Iott, Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development invasive species program specialist, for “Must You Find Another Shrubbery? Understanding the Impacts of Invasive Box Tree Moth in Michigan” (9 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 7). She’ll share information on box tree moth identification, its impacts and the state’s response to limit the spread of this invasive pest.

The series will take breaks in September and December, leaving ample time to catch up on episodes you might have missed. Find recordings of all the past NotMISpecies webinars or register for new ones at Michigan.gov/EGLE/Outreach/Not-MI-Species-Webinar-Series.

Michigan’s Invasive Species Program, a collaborative effort of the departments of Natural Resources; Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy; and Agriculture and Rural Development, coordinates and supports invasive species initiatives across the state and provides support through the Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program.

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Southeast Michigan meeting ozone standards

Southeast Michigan meeting ozone standards

EGLE Main GovD banner
May 16, 2023
EGLE Media Office, [email protected], 517-284-9278

EGLE statement on Southeast Michigan meeting ozone standards

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has confirmed that southeast Michigan has met all federal standards for the national health-based standard for ozone. Ground-level ozone, one of the most monitored pollutants in Michigan, has shown steady improvements in the greater Detroit area since the 1990s, culminating in the region now being designated as “in attainment” with the EPA’s national ambient air quality standards.

This determination was made following a request from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) in 2022 asking for confirmation that the region is meeting the ozone standard. In the request, EGLE provided the necessary long-term data showing the region was meeting all federal requirements. The EPA informed EGLE that their determination will go into effect later this month when the EPA publishes its findings in the Federal Register.

The attainment designation reflects cleaner air for the entire region and is the most recent chapter in a success story spanning decades. High amounts of ground-level ozone can cause coughing, shortness of breath, worsen asthma or bronchitis symptoms, and irritate or damage airways. The federal standards for ozone are health-based standards designed to be protective of sensitive populations which have been lowered by the EPA several times in recent decades to be even more protective. Factors driving ozone levels down include more protective vehicle emissions standards, better pollution control technology in industrial and commercial facilities, and the closure of coal plants among others.

“Ozone attainment is a significant achievement,” said Aaron Keatley, acting EGLE director. “It is a testament to the strides we have made in improving air quality in Michigan’s largest and most industrialized region.”

Meeting the national ozone standard does not mean that the work to reduce ozone in the area stops. When an area is designated back to attainment, federal law requires states to establish a maintenance plan that shows how it will continue to meet the standard. EGLE’s redesignation request (Section 4) includes Michigan’s maintenance plan detailing how air quality will be maintained considering projected growth for a period of 20 years. If future monitoring shows that ozone levels are no longer meeting the criteria, the maintenance plan helps determine the ways the problem will be addressed.

While the region is meeting the federal ozone standards, effects from other air pollutants continue to be a concern in some neighborhoods, particularly those in heavily industrialized areas, which are often in low-income communities of color.

“Our work is not done,” said Keatley.  “EGLE is keenly aware and is working diligently to address neighborhoods where proximity to industry and transportation corridors continues to have disproportionate impact. EGLE is committed to expanding our ozone success in similar ways to further reduce sulfur dioxide emissions, particulate emissions, and air toxics.”

EGLE’s ongoing air quality work in Southeast Michigan includes:

  • Continuing to monitor for ozone. EGLE currently has 26 monitoring stations for ozone in the state with eight in southeast Michigan. Monitoring data is available to the public on EGLE’s Air Monitoring webpage.


  • Making improvements to the air monitoring network. The draft network review is currently out for comment and includes proposals for a new site around Northeast Detroit near GM Hamtramck and US Ecology-North to measure fine particulate matter (PM10 and PM5) and black carbon. It is anticipated to be functional in the fall of 2023 or spring of 2024. A new site is also being proposed with a continuous fine particulate (PM2.5) sampler in an enclosure at a location in Marquette, and new continuous fine particulate matter (PM2.5) samplers for the Oak Park, E. 7 Mile, Little River Band of Ottawa Indians tribal site in Manistee.


  • Continuing to collaborate with the city of Detroit in an advisory role and remaining available to provide guidance upon request for the successful deployment and operation of their citywide particulate monitoring program.


  • Working to develop a strategy for deployment of air sensors in different areas around the state and in collaborative projects with local partner organizations and communities. Some are already available through EGLE’s environmental lending station.


  • Conducting inspection and enforcement initiatives focused on environmental justice communities, like the ones done in partnership with the EPA in North Detroit and Flint over the last year.


  • Partnering with community and advocacy groups, as well as state and federal agencies on education around air quality concerns and health.
Tackling invasive species issues in upcoming webinars

Go beyond beauty with upcoming NotMISpecies webinar

Michigan Invasive Species Program bannerNot MI Species banner

Webinar: May 25, 9-10 a.m.

To infinity…and beyond (beauty)! Highlighting a statewide ornamental invasive plant outreach program

Register for webinar ►

Did you know that many invasive plants found in natural areas today originally arrived as ornamental garden plants? Some garden professionals and community members have committed to stop selling and using ornamental plants with invasive tendencies by signing on to the Go Beyond Beauty program.

Shelly Stusick, program specialist at the Northwest Michigan Invasive Species Network, will share the benefits of partnering with local nurseries, garden centers and concerned citizen groups to provide ornamental invasive species education.

An infographic with figures of people gardening against a background of yellow flowers. Text reads "Happy National Gardening Day."

This webinar series explores how agencies, universities and locally led organizations are working together to protect Michigan’s natural resources through the Michigan Invasive Species Program.

Tackling invasive species issues in upcoming webinars

News Release: The good, the bad and the ugly

Michigan Invasive Species Program banner

News Release

April 12, 2023
Contact: Joanne Foreman, 517-284-5814

The good, the bad and the ugly: NotMISpecies webinars take on some of Michigan’s least-wanted invaders

From beneficial moths to blood-sucking sea lampreys, the NotMISpecies webinar series features a fresh lineup of invasive species along with some new methods to stop their spread. Join in each month to learn about some of Michigan’s least-wanted species and the work going on around the state to combat them.

The ugly

A closeup of the mouth of a sea lamprey attached to a glass aquarium. A portion of its body is visible to the left of the mouth.The eel-like sea lamprey, often depicted as the poster child for invasive species in Michigan, is perhaps the scariest inhabitant of the Great Lakes. With rows of teeth in its circular mouth, this parasitic fish attaches itself to larger sportfish and literally sucks out their blood and internal fluids! We’ve invited Ross Shaw, communications and policy associate with the Great Lakes Fishery Commission, for Vampires of the Great Lakes: A review of the binational sea lamprey control program (9 a.m. Tuesday, April 25), to share more about the fascinating history of this species and the multifaceted control program that keeps populations in check.

The bad (but beautiful)

A person in the woods holds up an invasive Japanese barberry branch, showing its bright red berries.Did you know that many invasive plants found in natural areas today originally arrived as ornamental garden plants? Some garden professionals and community members have committed to stop selling and using ornamental plants with invasive tendencies by signing on to the Go Beyond Beauty program. Shelly Stusick, program specialist at the Northwest Michigan Invasive Species Network, joins us for To infinity … and beyond (beauty)! Highlighting a statewide ornamental invasive plant outreach program (9 a.m. Thursday, May 25). She’ll share the benefits of partnering with local nurseries, garden centers and concerned citizen groups to provide ornamental invasive species education.

The just plain bad

Withering beech leaves hanging on a tree and showing signs of darkened striping between leaf veins.Plenty of Michigan’s beech trees are stressed by beech bark disease, and now a microscopic worm is attacking through their leaves. Simeon Wright, Michigan Department of Natural Resources forest health specialist, takes an in-depth look at beech leaf disease in Life’s a beech! Another disease is threatening Michigan’s majestic giants (9 a.m. Wednesday, June 14). Join him to discover the potential impacts of this emerging disease, what’s being done to address it, and how to spot the symptoms of beech leaf disease on your trees.

At last – the good

A hypena opulenta moth with open wings rests on a screen.Classical biological control returns with a showdown between invasive swallow-wort vines and Hypena opulenta, a defoliating moth that only develops on invasive swallow-worts. We’re bringing back Marianna Szucs from the Department of Entomology at Michigan State University for Can this moth help save monarchs? Swallow-wort biological control efforts in Michigan (9 a.m. Thursday, July 13). She’ll explain how invasive swallow-wort vines, kin to native milkweed plants, are disrupting the life cycle of monarch butterflies and discuss the complexity of research efforts to establish Hypena opulenta as a swallow-wort biocontrol agent in Michigan.

How the webinars work

Monthly webinars from the Michigan Invasive Species Program provide an inside look at efforts across the state to prevent the introduction and spread of invasive plants, insects, animals and diseases.

Each hourlong session introduces experts with hands-on experience in invasive species research, management and prevention, who provide current information on threats to Michigan’s land and waters. Question and answer sessions and links to resources help attendees get the most out of each presentation.

Watch previous sessions

If you aren’t always able to join live sessions, you can catch up on topics you might have missed, including how to comply with Michigan’s invasive species prevention laws for boaters, successful phragmites management in the Upper Peninsula and helpful tips for managing invasive species in your backyard.

Recorded versions of all previous webinars are available on the NotMISpecies webpage.

Michigan’s Invasive Species Program, a collaborative effort of the departments of Natural Resources; Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy; and Agriculture and Rural Development, coordinates and supports invasive species initiatives across the state and provides support through the Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program.

/Note to editors: Accompanying photos are available below for download. Photo attributions and suggested caption information follows.

Sea lamprey: Invasive sea lamprey use circular rows of teeth to latch on to fish and suck their blood. Photo courtesy of EGLE.

Barberry: A worker displays a branch of invasive Japanese barberry from a plant found in a forest. Photo courtesy of Huron Heartlands Invasive Species Network.

Withered leaves: Thick bands of leaf tissue may turn yellow late in the growing season. DNR photo.

Hypena opulenta: The hypena opulenta moth is being studied as a biological control agent for invasive swallow-wort vines. Photo courtesy of Dr. Marianna Szucs, Michigan State University./

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Southeast Michigan meeting ozone standards

$3 million federal grant to help cut climate pollution

EGLE Main GovD banner

April 12, 2023
EGLE Media Office, [email protected], 517-284-9278
Mary Pressley, EPA Region 5 media relations, [email protected], 312-886-1443

ICYMI: $3 million federal grant to help Michigan cut climate pollution, grow clean energy economy

Grant precedes launch of $4.6 billion in competitive federal funding

During Michigan’s first MI Healthy Climate Conference this week, the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) and Governor Gretchen Whitmer highlighted a $3 million planning grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The money will help develop innovative strategies to cut climate pollution and expand Michigan’s clean energy economy. In March, the U.S. EPA announced the availability of the funds from the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) program created by President Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act.

“Michigan has the momentum and together, we will define the future of climate action, clean energy, and manufacturing,” said Governor Whitmer, who spoke about the grant at the conference. “I am grateful to EGLE for bringing leading policymakers and action takers together in Detroit for the MI Healthy Climate Conference, and I know that by fostering collaboration, we can pursue job-creating, cost-reducing climate action that will grow our economy and protect our natural resources for generations to come. We recently won a $3 million federal grant to implement the MI Healthy Climate Plan, and I proposed over $1 billion of investments in my budget to lower the cost of electric vehicles, reduce industrial emissions, and protect clean air and water in schools. I am a climate optimist because I know that In the months and years ahead, we will compete for every dollar possible from recently passed federal legislation so we can create good-paying clean energy jobs, lower emissions, and build a brighter future for our kids.”

The Mi Healthy Climate Conference, which concludes today, focuses on mobilizing action around Governor Whitmer’s climate commitments as laid out in the MI Healthy Climate Plan, a blueprint for moving Michigan forward on greenhouse gas reductions and the economic opportunities that can be created in communities from climate action across the state. Nearly 600 engaged stakeholders, community and business leaders, advocates, and other partners are participating in the conference.

“The MI Healthy Climate Plan was built with input from hundreds of Michiganders over 18 months to chart a path forward for meeting Governor Whitmer’s climate commitments culminating in statewide carbon neutrality by 2050,” said Cory Connolly, Climate and Energy Advisor at the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy. “This federal support will refine that plan and accelerate its implementation. It also will help in engaging and receiving input from communities across Michigan, especially low-income areas that are typically hit ‘first and worst’ by climate impacts. It is vital that all Michiganders share in the protections and benefits of the Climate Plan, and this moves us toward that goal.”

CPRG planning grants will support states, territories, tribes, municipalities, and air agencies in creating comprehensive, innovative strategies for reducing pollution and ensuring that investments maximize benefits, especially for low-income and disadvantaged communities. These climate plans will include:

  • Greenhouse gas emissions inventories
  • Emissions projections and reduction targets
  • Economic, health, and social benefits, including to low-income and disadvantaged communities
  • Plans to leverage other sources of federal funding, including the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act
  • Workforce needs to support decarbonization and a clean energy economy
  • Future government staffing and budget needs

The EPA is expected to launch a competition for an additional $4.6 billion in funding to implement projects and initiatives included in the plans in the Spring of 2024, which Michigan is eligible to receive. The state can also use this funding to develop strategies for using the other grant, loan, and tax provisions secured by President Biden’s historic legislation, including the Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, to achieve it clean energy, climate, and environmental justice goals.

MDHHS launching Electronic Visit Verification system

MDHHS launching Electronic Visit Verification system

MDHHS banner with logo no names

Press Release


CONTACT: Chelsea Wuth, 517-214-2112, [email protected]

MDHHS launching Electronic Visit Verification system

LANSING, Mich. – The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is implementing an Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) system to validate in-home visits for Medicaid recipients. This EVV system will ensure beneficiaries are receiving services as planned and authorized and improve accuracy of payments for services provided.

Under Section 12006(a) of the 21st Century Cures Act, states are required to implement EVV for all Medicaid personal care services and home health services that require an in-home visit by a provider. The EVV system must verify type of service performed, along with the date, time and location of the service, as well as the individual receiving and individual providing the service.

MDHHS awarded a $11.3 million, five-year IT contract to HHAeXchange to provide an EVV system that includes data collection, data aggregation and a pre-billing module to support MDHHS and its providers. HHAeXchange has successfully implemented more than 34 payers and is the EVV aggregator for the states of New Jersey, West Virginia, Alabama, Minnesota, Mississippi and Illinois.

“MDHHS is fully committed to making the transition to EVV as easy as possible for stakeholders,” said Elizabeth Hertel, MDHHS director. “Personal care and home health providers will be able to use the free provider portal and its multilingual caregiver tools to report required information to enable the department to manage provider compliance and ensure participants are receiving appropriate services.”

MDHHS will be implementing an “Open Vendor Model.” This model allows providers and managed care organizations to use the state EVV system at no cost, or an alternate EVV system of their choosing that directly integrates with the state system.

HHAeXchange will support MDHHS by consolidating all visit data, regardless of the EVV tools being used. As the state-provided EVV system, the HHAeXchange platform will be used by providers and direct care workers serving more than 124,000 active participants across seven programs.

“As states finalize their plans to roll out EVV programs, HHAeXchange has been at the forefront of helping them find the right solutions for their unique needs, while also meeting the requirements of the 21st Century Cures Act,” said Stephen Vaccaro, President of HHAeXchange. “We’re honored to now be serving payers and providers in the state of Michigan, empowering them with the resources they need to improve their communication, efficiency, and compliance, all the while delivering better outcomes for recipients.”

In addition to bringing MDHHS into compliance with federal regulation, implementation of EVV will ensure beneficiaries are receiving services as planned and authorized, improve caregiver service accountability and accuracy of payment for services provided, enhance program integrity and compliance and increase efficiencies of program operations.

MDHHS plans to begin transitioning providers to EVV in early 2024. Implementation will be staggered to allow adequate time for training and adoption by the stakeholders.