For Immediate Release Contact:  Samantha Anker

Email:     [email protected]


A powerful talk by award winning mental health speaker Ross Szabo

LAKE ORION, Michigan— The North Oakland Community Coalition will host award winning speaker Ross Szabo for a virtual talk on Mental Health on June 3 at 7 p.m.. The presentation, appropriate for adults and youth age 14 and up, will take place over Zoom. Those interested can register on the NOCC’s website. 

Ross Szabo has spent over half of his life finding ways to make mental health an approachable topic for everyone. He was the Director of Outreach for the National Mental Health Awareness Campaign from 2002 to 2010, and had the opportunity to make challenging mental health messages relevant to large audiences.

“You could have heard a pin drop,” said Donnie Todd, the counselor and human development chair for Brentwood Schools after hosting a presentation by Szabo. “He made a lasting impression. Students are saying this was the most informative, motivational, helpful, and life-altering speaker they have ever heard.”

Szabo’s achievements in the youth mental health field have earned him the Didi Hirsch Removing the Stigma Leadership Award and his advocacy work was entered into the Congressional Record by Congressman Patrick Kennedy.

Established in 2007, the North Oakland Community Coalition promotes a healthy environment, free of alcohol and substance misuse, through education, collaboration, and endless faith in community spirit. 


If you would like more information about this event, please visit