![]() FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 27, 2021 Contact: [email protected]
Gov. Whitmer Signs Bill to Address Substitute Teacher Shortage, Other Legislation
LANSING, Mich. – Governor Whitmer signed House Bill 4294 to address the substitute teacher shortage, helping keep schools open and students learning in person. House Bill 4294 would temporarily allow truste
“Making sure every child in Michigan has access to a high-quality public educatio
“Michigan already faced a severe educator shortage prior to the coronavirus pandemic”, said Paul Liabenow, Executive Director of the Michigan Elementary & Middle School Principals Association (MEMSPA). “The pandemic has only exacerbated that shortage by further hindering school districts’ abilities to fill vacant positions and keep buildings open, placing undue stress on educators already working tirelessly every day to ensure all students in Michigan receive quality, in-person instruction. House Bill 4294 will provide districts with additional flexibility to fill substitute teaching vacancies so students can continue to learn in a safe, supportive environment. On behalf of educational leaders throughout Michigan, we want to thank Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Representative Brad Paquette for their continued advocacy on behalf of educators and students throughout Michigan.”
House Bill 4294 will temporarily allow schools to employ an individual without certification who already works at the school to substitute teach through the end of the 2021-2022 school year. House Bill 4294 will keep schools open and students learning in person.
Addressing the Truck Driver, Health Professionals Shortage House Bill 4787 waives the knowledge test required for a commercial driver license for an individual with military motor vehicle experience, honoring the skills developed during military service and helping to address the truck driver shortage.
“This bill will help UP and Michigan veterans transition to civilian life by shortening the process to obtain a CDL,” said Rep. Gregory Markkanen, R-Hancock. “I am proud to see it become law.”
House Bill 4787 was sponsored by Rep. Gregory Markkanen, R-Hancock, and a copy can be found here.
Senate Bill 759 amends the Public Health Code to allow qualified individuals authorized to practice a health profession in another state to practice in Michigan during an epidemic under certain circumstances, bolstering Mich
Senate Bill 759 was sponsored by Sen. Curt VanderWall, R – Ludington, and a copy can be found here.
Bottle Bill Enforcement Fund House Bill 4780, 4781, 4782 and 4783 amends the beverage container deposit law to create the Bottle Bill Enforcement Fund by taking the first $1 million from unclaimed bottle refunds to allow MSP to run a grant program for local law enforcement to prevent, investigate, and prosecute bottle fraud.
House Bill 4780 was sponsored by Rep. Mike Mueller, R-Linden, and a copy can be found here.
House Bill 4781 was sponsored by Rep. Andrew Fink, R – Adams Twp., and a copy can be found here.
House Bill 4782 was sponsored by Rep. Tim Sneller, D – Burton, and a copy can be found here.
House Bill 4783 was sponsored by Rep. Tyrone Carter, D – Detroit, and a copy can be found here.
Voting Equipment Maintenance House Bill 4282, 4283, 4284, and 4295 amends the Michigan Election Law to make the $100 candidate filing fees nonrefundable for primary elections and directs that money to local governments to be used only for the purchase and maintenance of voting equipment.
“Most candidates didn’t even realize that their $100 filing fee could possibly be returned to them,” said Rep. Terry Sabo, D – Muskegon. “These bills remove that refund and make the jobs of our local clerks easier, while still allowing candidates the choice of gathering the signatures required or paying a now non-refundable filing fee.”
House Bill 4282 was sponsored by Rep. Julie Calley, R – Portland, and a copy can be found here.
House Bill 4283 was sponsored by Rep. Terry Sabo, D – Muskegon, and a copy can be found here.
House Bill 4284 was sponsored by Rep. Matt Koleszar, D – Plymouth, and a copy can be found here.
House Bill 4285 was sponsored by Rep. Ann Bollin, R – Brighton, and a copy can be found here.
Redistricting Commission Senate Bill 728 amends the Open Meetings Act to clarify that the act does not permit the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission (ICRC) to meet in a closed session for any purpose.
Senate Bill 728 was sponsored by Sen. Ed McBroom, R – Vulcan, and a copy can be found here.
Jail Diversion Fund Senate Bill 637 creates the community crisis response grant program, in accordance with the recommendations of Governor Whitmer’s Mental Health Diversion Council. Under the new law, DHHS will distribute grants to local units to establish or expand community-based mobile crisis intervention services, giving priority to applications that demonstrate a commitment to best practices as identified by DHHS in coordination with the council.
“We must change how we respond to behavioral health emergencies — so that we get people the help they need in times of crisis,” said Sen. Stephanie Chang, D-Detroit. “Having more behavioral health professionals respond on scene with law enforcement will make a big difference for many. I am so grateful to have partnered with Senator Outman and many groups over the past year and a half on these bills which will help direct people to services they need, improve public safety, and keep people out of jail that really need our support.”
Senate Bill 637 was sponsored by Sen. Stephanie Chang, D – Detroit, and a copy can be found here.
Senate Bill 638 creates the Jail Diversion Fund. DHHS will distribute grants to local units to establish or expand behavioral health jail diversion programs in coordination between community agencies and law enforcement agencies
Senate Bill 638 was sponsored by Sen. Rick Outman, R – Six Lakes, and a copy can be found here.
Other Legislation Together, House Bills 5502, 5503, 5504, and 5505 streamline the process for qualified manufacturers to file for these exemptions and for the state to review them. House Bill 5502 was sponsored by Rep. Mark Tisdel, R – Rochester, and a copy can be found here.
House Bill 5503 was sponsored by Rep. Diana Farrington, R – Utica, and a copy can be found here.
House Bill 5504 was sponsored by Rep. Julie Calley, R – Portland, and a copy can be found here.
House Bill 5505 was sponsored by Rep. Mary Cavanagh, R – Redford, and a copy can be found here.
House Bill 5351 would amend the General Property Tax Act to increase the value of the eligible manufacturing personal property exemption to $180,000, from $80,000. HB 5506 prohibits the issuance of a new industrial facilities exemption certificate for any property that qualifies as eligible manufacturing personal property.
House Bill 5506 was sponsored by Rep. Jim Ellison, D – Royal Oak, and a copy can be found here |