Later, Pamela Fischer, senior director of external engagement at the Washington D.C.-based Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), offers her organization’s perspective on the problem and how automated traffic enforcement could stem the tide. She and a colleague penned an Op-Ed earlier this year that touched on the topic.
A bill introduced in the Michigan Legislature in August would allow speeding enforcement by camera in communities where leaders have expressed concerns about excessive speeds.
Some other relevant links:
Research on automated enforcement by the National Conference of State Legislatures:
GHSA data on speed and red light cameras nationally:
GHSA Releases Independent Recommendations to Advance Equity in Traffic Safety Programs:
Podcast photo: Crash scene on I-96 in Metro Detroit.
First portrait: Helaine Olen, author and columnist.
Second portrait: Pamela Fischer, senior director of external engagement at the Washington D.C.-based Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA).