![]() FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 4, 2021 Contact: [email protected]
Governor Whitmer Lowers Flags for Identified MIA Korean War Soldier
LANSING, Mich. — Governor Gretchen Whitmer has ordered U.S. and Michigan flags to be lowered to half-staff throughout the state of Michigan on Friday, November 5 to honor the service of Army Pfc. John A. Shelemba.
“On behalf of the entire state of Michigan, I thank Army Pfc. John Shelemba for his service and sacrifice to our nation,” said Governor Whitmer. “We are grateful to finally have him home. My thoughts are with his loved ones as he is laid to rest.”
Army Pfc. John A. Shelemba, a native of Hamtramck, served in the U.S. Army as a member of Company L, 3rd Battalion, 34th Infantry Regiment, 24th Infantry Division.
Army Pfc. John A. Shelemba was reported missing in action after his unit was attacked near Taejon, South Korea. After the attack, he was listed as missing in action at the age of 19 years old. Following the battle, his remains could not be recovered. Pfc. Shelemba’s rem
Army Pfc. John A. Shelemba will be buried in Holly, Michigan at the Great Lakes National Ceremony on November 4.
The State of Michigan recognizes the duty, honor and selfless service of Army Pfc. John A. Shelemba by lowering flags to half-staff. Michigan residents, businesses, schools, local governments and other organizations also are encouraged to display the flag at half-staff.
To lower flags to half-staff, flags should be hoisted first to the peak for an instant and then lowered to the half-staff position. The process is reversed before the flag is lowered for the day.
Flags should be returned to full-staff on Saturday, November 6. |