Be Safe and Contact Your Local Municipality for Flooding Help

As the region continues to experience heavy rainfall and flooding, Oakland County reminds residents to stay safe and to contact their local municipality for assistance so they can get help the help they may need faster.

“I urge residents to use caution in any flooded areas or in situations that they feel are unsafe, said County Executive Dave Coulter. “If you are driving and see standing water, ‘turn around, don’t drown.’ Taking the time to follow safety guidelines, will help prevent unnecessary injury.”

Oakland County continues to support residents through Environmental Health Services, Public Health, Emergency Management, the Water Resource Commission and other departments that play a vital role in mitigating the effects of flooding.

Rainfall rates have already exceeded four inches in parts of Oakland County. With a forecast of continuing significant rainfall, the chances for some flooding increases.

Per the National Weather Service, concerns for today remain on the heavy rain/flooding potential as well as severe storm chances this afternoon and evening.

Residents can visit for updates.