Whitmer Makes Appointments to Boards and Commissions 

Whitmer Makes Appointments to Boards and Commissions 

Governor Whitmer Header


March 21, 2024

Contact: [email protected]


Governor Whitmer Makes Appointments to Boards and Commissions


LANSING, Mich. — Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced the following appointments to the Michigan State Council for Interstate Juvenile Supervision, Correctional Officers’ Training Council, State Board of Ethics, Michigan Trails Advisory Council, Michigan Task Force on Physician’s Assistants, Michigan Board of Massage Therapy, Michigan Board of Barber Examiners, Michigan Board of Audiology and Michigan Board of Behavior Analysts.


Today’s appointees represent Michigan’s young professionals, communities of color, seniors, and more. The appointees announced this week build on Governor Whitmer’s work to ensure appointees reflect Michigan’s diverse population. Sixty percent of appointees are women or people of color, and the Whitmer cabinet is the most diverse in Michigan history.


Michigan State Council for Interstate Juvenile Supervision


Algeria Wilson, of East Lansing, is the health and equity policy advisor in the Executive Office of Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Previously, she served as the director of public policy for the National Association of Social Workers Michigan Chapter. Wilson received her Bachelor of Social Work from the University of Cincinnati and Master of Social Work from Michigan State University. Algeria Wilson is reappointed to represent designee of the executive branch for a term commencing March 21, 2024, and expiring February 12, 2028.


The Michigan State Council for Interstate Juvenile Supervision is a formal agreement between member states with the goal of preserving child welfare and promoting public safety interests of citizens, including victims of juvenile offenders. The Michigan State Council for Interstate Juvenile Supervision provides a mechanism for empowerment of the compact process, and serves as an advocate when improving operations, resolving disputes between states, and conducting training.


This appointment is not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.


Correctional Officers’ Training Council


Kelly Manning, of Grand Ledge, is the director of the office of performance and management at the Department of Technology, Management, and Budget (DTMB). Previously, she worked as an account manager at DTMB, and as an auditor at Plante Moran PLLC. Kelly Manning received her Bachelor of Science in business and accountancy from Ferris State University.  Kelly Manning is reappointed to represent designee of the Director of DTMB for a term commencing March 30, 2024, and expiring March 29, 2027.


Robert Davis, of Saginaw, is a pastor at the Christ Fellowship Baptist Church in Saginaw. He is also the special assistant to the Bishop of Kingdom Alliance Covenant Fellowship (KACF) with 23 churches represented and was appointed their Executive Council. Davis also serves as the chaplain for the Saginaw Police Department. Robert Davis is reappointed to represent general public member for a term commencing March 30, 2024, and expiring March 29, 2027.


Matthew Larson, of Detroit, is an associate professor at the school of social work at Wayne State University, and the director of implementation at the Center for Behavioral Health and Justice. Larson received his Bachelor of Arts in criminal justice from Siena Heights University, his Master of Science in criminal justice from Wayne State University, and his Ph.D. in criminology and criminal justice from Arizona State University.  Matthew Larson is reappointed to represent the academic community for a term commencing March 29, 2024, and expiring March 30, 2027.


Tamara McDiarmid, of Ionia, is the program director of public service careers for Lansing Community College. Previously, she worked as a corrections officer and sergeant for the Kent County Sheriff Office and as a road patrol officer for the Walker Police Department and Ottawa County Sheriff Office. McDiarmid received her Bachelor of Science in law enforcement from Ferris State University and her Master of Science in criminal justice from Grand Valley State University.  Tamara McDiarmid is reappointed to represent the academic community at the community college level for a term commencing March 20, 2024, and expiring March 29, 2027.


The Correctional Officers’ Training Council establishes standards regarding training and education as prescribed in the Correctional Officer’s Training Act. The Council develops, approves, and updates course content for the vocational certificate program, minimum requirements for recruitment and selection for new state corrections officers, and standards for the certification, recertification, and decertification of state corrections officers.


These appointments are not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.


State Board of Ethics


James Liggins Jr., of Kalamazoo, is senior counsel at Warner Norcross + Judd LLP, and has been with the firm since 2018. Previously, he was a partner at Miller Canfield Paddock and Stone, PLC, and an in-house litigation associate at Consumers Energy. He also serves on the executive committee and as vice chair of the board of directors for Bronson Healthcare Group, as a member of the American Hospital Association Committee on Governance, as past chair on the board of directors for the United Way of Southcentral Michigan, and as co-chair of the State Bar of Michigan Judicial Qualifications Committee. He also serves on the on the board of directors for the Greanleaf Trust and the Western Michigan University Board of Trustees. Liggins received a Bachelor of Arts in political science from the University of Michigan and his Juris Doctor from Michigan State University College of Law. James Liggins is reappointed for a term commencing March 21, 2024, and expiring February 7, 2028.


Anne Mervenne, of Royal Oak, is the president and founder of Mervenne and Company, a consulting firm. She serves on the Board of Directors Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. She previously served in the administration for Governor Engler and as co-director of the Michigan Political Leadership Program. Mervenne received her Bachelor of Arts in urban studies from Michigan State University. Anne Mervenne is appointed for a term commencing March 21, 2024, and expiring February 7, 2028. She succeeds Anne Nancy Strole whose term has expired.


Taharah Saad, of Dearborn, is the incoming senior director of small business services of TechTown Detroit. She previously served as a global DEI manager, and as an executive director and president of the Arab American Women’s Business Council. Saad received a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering and Master of Engineering Management from Lawrence Technological University. Taharah Saad is appointed for a term commencing March 21, 2024, and expiring February 7, 2028. She succeeds Maha Freij whose term has expired.


The State Board of Ethics is authorized to determine the ethical conduct of classified or unclassified state employees, and public officers of the executive branch of Michigan state government who are appointed by the Governor or another executive department official.


These appointments are subject to advice and consent of the Senate.


Michigan Trails Advisory Council


Kenneth Hopper, of Brimley, is the owner and manager of Bird’s Eye Outfitters and the director of Outhouse Conservation, a non-profit to promote non-motorized use of trails. Hopper received a Master of Science in field biology and outdoor recreation from Central Michigan University. Kenneth Hopper is reappointed to represent non-motorized trail users and also represents UP residents for a term commencing March 21, 2024, and expiring January 17. 2027.


Richard Williamson, of White Lake, is the executive director and chief of staff of the Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights. Richard Williamson is reappointed to represent snowmobile owners for a term commencing March 21, 2024, and expiring January 17, 2027.


The Michigan Trails Advisory Council was formed with the enactment of Public Act 451 of 1994. The purpose of the council is to advise the Department of Natural Resources and The Governor on the creation, development, operation, and maintenance of motorized and nonmotorized trails in the state, including snowmobile, biking, equestrian, hiking, offroad vehicle and skiing trails.


These appointments are not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.


Michigan Task Force on Physician’s Assistants


Michael White, of Marquette, is an emergency medicine physician’s assistant at UP Health System in Marquette. He has served as the Region 1 representative for the Michigan Academy of Physician Associates for six years. White received a Bachelor of Science in physician assistant studies at the University of Texas Southwestern at Dallas and his Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering at the University of Notre Dame. Michael White is appointed to present physician’s assistants for a term commencing March 21, 2024, and expiring December 31, 2027. He succeeds Jill Hasen whose term has expired.


Eryn Smith, of Saline, is a practicing physician assistant at the University of Michigan Hospital. Previously, he has worked as an assistant professor, helping to create the Physician Assistant Program at Eastern Michigan University. Before furthering his career in medicine, Smith worked as a paramedic and firefighter. Smith received his Bachelor of Arts in sociology at University of Michigan and his Master of Science in medicine at Western Michigan University. Eryn Smith is appointed to represent physician’s assistants for a term commencing March 21, 2024, and expiring December 31, 2027. He succeeds Lara Davis whose term has expired.


The Michigan Task Force on Physician’s Assistants works with the Department of Licensing and Regulatory affairs to oversee the practice of physician’s assistants in this state. The Public Health Code mandates certain responsibilities and duties for a health professional licensing board. Underlying all duties is the responsibility of the Board to promote and protect the public’s health, safety, and welfare.


These appointments are subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.


Michigan Board of Massage Therapy


Elise Wheelock, of Pinckney, is a creative marketing manager at Constructive Eating in Ann Arbor. She is also currently in training to earn her yoga teacher training certification, with an expected certification date in April. Wheelock received a Bachelor of Arts in creative writing and Bachelor of Science in biopsychology, cognition, and neuroscience from the University of Michigan. Elise Wheelock is appointed to represent the general public for a term commencing March 21, 2024, and expiring December 31, 2025. She succeeds Dionne Hardiman who has resigned.


AnneMarie Hazzard-Pryor, of Grand Rapids, is a practicing massage therapist and owner of Simple Wellness Solutions and Simply Natural Massage in Grand Rapids. Hazzard-Pryor received her massage therapy certification from the Blue Heron Academy of Healing Arts. Anne Marie Hazzard-Pryor is appointed to represent massage therapists for a term commencing March 21, 2024, and expiring December 31, 2027. She succeeds Jamel Randall who has resigned.


The Michigan Board of Massage Therapy was created to regulate the application of a system of structured touch, pressure, movement, and holding to the soft tissue of the human body in which the primary intent is to enhance or restore the health and well-being of the client. The Board of Massage Therapy consists of 11 members: 7 massage therapists and 4 public members. Each member serves 4-year terms.


These appointments are subject to the advice and consent of the senate.


Michigan Board of Barber Examiners


Ronald Farmer, of Saginaw, is a senior process executive at Cognizant and the owner and operator of RMC Printing & More. Ronald Farmer is appointed to represent the general public for a term commencing March 21, 2024, and expiring September 30, 2027. He succeeds Grant Thelen whose term has expired.


The Michigan Board of Barber Examiners was created to regulate the services of barbers, barber students, barber colleges, barber instructors, student instructors, and barbershops in Michigan. The statute defines a barber as a person who shaves or trims the beard of a person; cuts, trims, shampoos, relaxes, curls, permanently waves, dresses, tints, bleaches, colors, arranges, or styles the hair of a person; massages the face and head of a person; or renders personal services of a similar nature customarily done by a barber.


This appointment is subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.


Michigan Board of Audiology


Dr. Erica Bennett, of Detroit, is a site coordinator, research coordinator, and senior staff audiologist at the Henry Ford Health System. She is also the audiology graduate clinic director at Wayne State University. Bennett earned a Bachelor of Science, Doctor of Audiology, and Doctor of Philosophy in hearing science and communicative disorders from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Erica Bennett is appointed to represents audiologists for a term commencing March 21, 2024, and expiring June 30, 2025. She succeeds Mary Kassa who has resigned.


The Michigan Board of Audiology was enacted as part of the Public Health Code to license audiologists who apply nonmedical and nonsurgical principles, methods, and procedures related to disorders of hearing. The Board promotes and protects the public’s health, safety, and welfare, and has the obligation to take disciplinary action against licensees who have adversely affected the public’s health, safety, and welfare.


This appointment is subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.


Michigan Board of Behavior Analysts


Luchara R. Wallace, Ph.D., of Portage, is an associate professor for the Department of Special Education and Literacy Studies and director of the Lewis Walker Institute for Race and Ethnic Relations at Western Michigan University. Wallace received a Ph.D. in special education from the University of Kansas. Luchara R. Wallace is reappointed to represent the general public for a term commencing March 21, 2024, and expiring December 30, 2027.


Randi Mae Ames, of West Branch, is the assistant clinical director at ABA Pathways. He is a board-certified and licensed behavior analyst. Ames received a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from Central Michigan University and a Master of Arts in applied behavior analysis with an emphasis on autism spectrum disorder from Ball State University. Randi Mae Ames is appointed to represent behavior analysts engaged in providing clinical services for a term commencing March 21, 2024, and expiring December 30, 2027. He succeeds Jessa Love whose term has expired.


The Michigan Board of Behavior Analysts was created to assist the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs with the regulating and licensing of behavior analysts who utilize applied behavior analysis interventions that are based on scientific research and the direct observation and measurement of behavior and the environment.


These appointments are subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.

Low Unemployment Rate, Strong Year-over-Year Job Growth 

Low Unemployment Rate, Strong Year-over-Year Job Growth 

Governor Whitmer Header


March 21, 2024

Contact: [email protected]


Gov. Whitmer Statement on Michigan’s Low Unemployment Rate, Strong Year-over-Year Job Growth

Unemployment rate decreases to 3.9%, below 4% for the third period of time during Governor Whitmer’s tenure, and Michigan’s workforce rises at a rate more than double of the national rate year over year


LANSING, Mich. — Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer issued the following statement on the latest economic data showing Michigan’s unemployment rate fell to 3.9% in February. Michigan’s labor force grew by 1.9% over the year, more than double the rate at which the national labor force grew over the same period of time.


“Michiganders are working hard as our economy continues to grow.


“With a low unemployment rate and strong labor force growth over the past year, Michigan has the momentum. More people are working, businesses are expanding, and commercial districts and restaurants are buzzing as we start spring and get ready for warmer weather just around the corner.


“My partners in the Michigan Legislature and I will keep working together to grow and diversify our economy by focusing on the kitchen-table issues that make a real difference in people’s lives. We will keep competing to bring good-paying jobs home, build more housing, fix more roads, support students and workers, and lower costs for working families.


“Let’s keep working together to move Michigan forward.”


A Strong Jobs Report

  • Michigan’s jobless rate matched the U.S. rate (3.9%) during February 2024.
  • The statewide unemployment level receded by 2.0% over the month, while the national unemployment total expanded by 5.5% since January.
  • Michigan’s workforce rose by 1.9% over the year, an increase over double the labor force increase seen nationally (+0.7%).
  • According to the monthly survey of employers, Michigan seasonally adjusted nonfarm employment rose by 15,000, or 0.3%, resulting in a job total of 4,472,000 in February.


Whitmer Makes Appointments to Boards and Commissions 

Whitmer Makes Appointments to Boards and Commissions 

Governor Whitmer Header


March 14, 2024

Contact: [email protected]


Governor Whitmer Makes Appointments to Boards and Commissions


LANSING, Mich. — Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced the following appointments to the Michigan Committee on Juvenile Justice, Public Health Advisory Council, Michigan Health Information Technology Commission, Human Trafficking Commission, Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board (Children’s Trust Fund), Michigan Board of Marriage and Family Therapy, Child Lead Exposure Elimination Commission, Michigan Tree Fruit Commission, The Grand Rapids-Kent County Convention/Arena Authority, Council on Climate Solutions, Statewide Housing Partnership, and MI STEM Council.


Today’s appointees represent Michigan’s young professionals, communities of color, seniors, and more. The appointees announced this week build on Governor Whitmer’s work to ensure appointees reflect Michigan’s diverse population. Sixty percent of appointees are women or people of color, and the Whitmer cabinet is the most diverse in Michigan history.


Michigan Committee on Juvenile Justice


Nancy Bennett, of Okemos, is the division director of the grants and community services division for the Michigan Department of State Police. Bennett received her Bachelor of Arts in sociology from the University of Michigan and her Master of Science in justice from American University.  Nancy Bennett is reappointed to represent public agencies concerned with delinquency prevention or treatment for a term commencing March 14, 2024, and expiring August 2, 2027.


The Michigan Committee on Juvenile Justice was created by Governor Whitmer’s Executive Order No. 2022-7 which abolished the committee restructured by Executive Order No. 2017-12 and recreates this Committee in alignment with the requirements of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act. Under the executive order, the Committee is tasked with the development and review of the state’s juvenile justice plan.


This appointment is not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.


Public Health Advisory Council


Nicholas Derusha, of Newberry, is the director and health officer of the Luce-Mackinac-Alger-Schoolcraft District Health Department. He also serves as the vice president of the Michigan Center for Rural Health Board of Directors, member of the Northern Health Foundation Board of Directors, and treasurer for the Helen Newberry Joy Hospital. Derusha received his Bachelor of Science in environmental health and safety management from Ferris State University and his Master of Public Administration from Northern Michigan University. Nicohlas Derusha is appointed to represent local public health officials for a term commencing March 14, 2024, and expiring November 1, 2024. He succeeds Linda Vail who has resigned.


The Public Health Advisory Council was created within the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services at the recommendation of the Public Health Advisory Commission. The Council will develop an action plan for implementing the recommendations of the Commission and is tasked with providing advice about emerging issues in public health, monitoring the effectiveness of Michigan’s public health response system, and reviewing multiagency efforts to support collaboration and a unified approach on public health responses.


This appointment is not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.


Michigan Health Information Technology Commission


Ninah Sasy, of Okemos, is the policy and planning director with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.  She is responsible for leading the development and implementation of the Department’s Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) Strategy across state agencies and throughout Michigan. Previously, she served as executive director for the Michigan Department of Treasury and as the chief clean water public advocate for the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy. Sasy received her Bachelor of Science in medical laboratory science from Michigan State University and her Master of Science in administration from Central Michigan University.  Ninah Sasy is designated to serve as the representative of the Department of Health and Human Services for a term commencing March 14, 2024, expiring August 3, 2027. She succeeds Beth Nagel.


The Michigan Health Information Technology (HIT) Commission’s mission is to facilitate and promote the design, implementation, operation, and maintenance of an interoperable health care information infrastructure in Michigan.


This appointment is not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.


Human Trafficking Commission


Tiffany Martinez, of Okemos, is the project director for the victims’ services division for the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. Previously, she worked as the supervised parenting time program director for HAVEN and as a therapist for Ennis Center for Children in Flint. Martinez received her Bachelor of Social Work from Grand Valley State University and her Master of Social Work from the University of Michigan. Tiffany Martinez is designated to serve as the representative of the Department of Health and Human Services until a successor is appointed.


The Human Trafficking Commission is designed to identify sources for grants that will assist in examining and countering human trafficking, fund research programs to determine the extent and nature of human trafficking in this state, and provide information and training to police officers, prosecutors, court personnel, social services personnel, and other individuals.


This appointment is not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.


Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board (Children’s Trust Fund)


Kristin Totten, of Kalamazoo, is an assistant prosecuting attorney for Kalamazoo County. Ms. Totten is reappointed to represent the legal community for a term commencing March 14, 2024, and expiring December 19, 2026.


Angela Dudley, of Owosso, is the founder of Millstone Ministry, an organization that partners with local law enforcement across the county to provide world-class cyber resources and training to dismantle sex trafficking on the front lines. Dudley is appointed to represent the general public for a term commencing March 14, 2024, and expiring December 19, 2026. Angela Dudley succeeds Sharif Hussein whose term has expired.


The Children’s Trust Fund (CTF) was established by the Michigan Legislature in 1982 and serves as a voice for Michigan’s children and families and promotes their health, safety, and welfare by funding effective local programs and services that prevent child abuse and neglect.


These appointments are subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.


Michigan Board of Marriage and Family Therapy


Jacob Moon, of Grand Rapids, is the founder and clinical director at Clarity Therapy and Consulting. Moon earned his Bachelor of Science in human services and a Master of Science in marriage and family therapy from the University of Phoenix. Jacob Moon is appointed to represent marriage and family therapists for a term commencing March 14, 2024, and expiring June 30, 2027. Jacob Moon succeeds Silvia Leija whose term has expired.


Dr. Gavin Beckford, of Canton, is an economic development manager and DDA manager for the Charter Township of Canton. Beckford earned a Bachelor of Business Administration and Marketing at Howard University, a Master of Business Administration at Babson College, and a Doctor of Philosophy at the Instituto de Empresa in Madrid, Spain.  Dr. Gavin Beckford is appointed to represent general public for a term commencing March 14, 2024, and expiring June 30, 2027. Dr. Gavin Beckford succeeds Karol Ross whose term has expired.


Dr. Siedah Spencer-Ardis, of Detroit, is a practicing marriage and family therapist and owner of the Focus Therapy Clinic. She works with minority individuals, blended families, and groups. Spencer-Ardis has earned a Master of Arts in marriage and family therapy, as well as a Doctor of Philosophy in marriage and family therapy at Northcentral University in Scottsdale, Arizona. Dr. Siedah Spencer-Ardis is appointed to represent marriage and family therapists for a term commencing March 14, 2024, and expiring June 30, 2027. Dr. Siedah Spencer-Ardis succeeds Amy Campbell whose term has expired.


The Michigan Board of Marriage and Family Therapy was created to license and regulate the practice of marriage and family therapy in Michigan, which is the provision of guidance, testing, discussions, therapy, instruction, or advice that is intended to avoid, eliminate, relieve, manage, or resolve marital or family conflict or discord, to create, improve, or restore marital or family harmony, or to prepare couples for marriage. Underlying all duties is the responsibility of the Board to promote and protect the public’s health, safety, and welfare.


These appointments are subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.


Child Lead Exposure Elimination Commission


Courtney Pendleton, of St. Johns, is the deputy director for the Michigan Department Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. Courtney Pendleton has over 25 years of experience with the department and has also served as assistant director, investigator, and departmental specialist. Pendleton received her associate degree in business from Lansing Community College and her Bachelor of Science in management from the University of Phoenix. Courtney Pendleton is appointed to represent the designee of the director of the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs for a term commencing March 14, 2024, and expiring December 14, 2026.


Angela Hood, of Flint, is the executive director of Educare Flint and the Flint Early Childhood Collaborative at the Flint Center for Education Excellence.  She is also a Ph.D. student studying Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education. Hood received her Bachelor of Science and Master of Business Administration in accounting from Northwood University. Angela Hood is reappointed to represent the general public for a term commencing March 14, 2024, and expiring December 14, 2027.


The Child Lead Exposure Elimination Commission focuses on implementing the recommendations of the former Child Lead Poisoning Elimination Board and monitoring the state’s efforts to eliminate lead exposure in children. The Commission acts in an advisory capacity to the Governor and department director to coordinate and collaborate with all levels of government and stakeholders regarding programs and policies related to the elimination of child lead exposure.


These appointments are not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.


Michigan Tree Fruit Commission


Mark Evans, of Beluah, is the manager of the Evans Brothers Fruit Company in Frankfort. Evans holds an associate degree from Northwestern Michigan Community College and a bachelor’s degree from Washington State University.  Mark Evans is reappointed to represent district 1 growers for a term commencing March 14, 2024, and expiring March 1, 2027.


The Michigan Tree Fruit Commission was created pursuant to the Agricultural Commodities Marketing Act for the purpose of improving the economic position and competitiveness of the Michigan tree fruit industry.


This appointment is subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.


The Grand Rapids-Kent County Convention/Arena Authority


Krista Flynn, of Grand Rapids, is a sales executive for the Midwest region of commercial banking at PNC Bank. Flynn holds a Bachelor of Business from the University of Michigan and a Master of Science in finance from Walsh College. Krista Flynn is appointed to represent a resident of the qualified county appointed by the governor for a term commencing March 14, 2024, and expiring February 28, 2028. Krista Flynn succeeds Scott Bowen who has resigned.


The Grand Rapids-Kent County Convention/Arena Authority (CAA) is the seven-member board that administers Van Andel Arena, DeVos Place, and DeVos Performance Hall. The mission of the CAA is to encourage economic development within the West Michigan region, create jobs, and provide facilities for the entertainment, enjoyment, and/or benefit of the citizens in an economical manner by developing and operating convention, entertainment, and sports facilities within Kent County.


This appointment is not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.


Council on Climate Solutions


William F. Beaver, of Manistee, is the director of the natural resources department for the Little River Band of Ottawa Indians. Beaver holds a Bachelor of Science in economics from Michigan Technological University. William F. Beaver is reappointed for a term commencing March 14, 2024, and expiring February 3, 2028.


Marnese Jackson, of Pontiac, is the executive director of Midwest Building Decarbonization Coalition. Jackson holds a Bachelor of Science in public relations and African American Studies from Eastern Michigan University and a Master of Arts in social justice from Marygrove College. Marnese Jackson is reappointed for a term commencing March 14, 2024, and expiring February 3, 2028.


Cynthia Williams, of Farmington Hills, is the global director of sustainability, homologation, and compliance for Ford Motor Company. Williams holds a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering from Michigan State University and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Detroit Mercy. Williams is reappointed for a term commencing March 14, 2024, and expiring February 3, 2028.


Grace Michienzi, of Grand Rapids, is the senior director of policy at the Michigan Energy Innovation Business Council and Institute for Energy Innovation. Previously she served as a policy advisor to Governor Whitmer. Michienzi holds a Bachelor of Arts in Social Relations and Policy from Michigan State University. Grace Michienzi is reappointed for a term commencing March 14, 2024, and expiring February 3, 2028.


The Council on Climate Solutions was created by Executive Order 182 of 2020 and acts in an advisory capacity to the governor and the department’s Office of Climate and Energy in formulating and overseeing the implementation of the MI Healthy Climate Plan, which will serve as the action plan for this state to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition toward economywide carbon neutrality.


These appointments are not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.


Statewide Housing Partnership


Stephan Currie, of East Lansing, is currently the executive director of the Michigan Association of Counties. He serves as a member of the Horizon Bank Advisory Board of Directors, Citizens Research Council of Michigan Board of Directors, and is a member of the Michigan State University Green and White PAC Board of Directors. Currie earned his Bachelor of Arts in business administration from Hope College and a Master of Business Administration from Michigan State University. Currie is appointed to represent local government, which might include representatives from county or municipal government associations, for a term commencing March 14, 2024, and expiring September 6, 2024.


Kaitlynn Lamie, of Shelby Township, is the interim president and CEO of the Michigan Association of United Ways. Lamie holds a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Social Relations and Policy from Michigan State University. Kaitlynn Lamie is appointed to represent organizations that advocate in support of access to resources and services for marginalized individuals and families, for a term commencing March 14, 2024, and expiring September 6, 2024. Kaitlynn Lamie succeeds Nancy Lindeman.


The Michigan State Housing Development Authority Statewide Housing Partnership addresses Michigan’s complex housing challenges that require coordinated action and new approaches. The Statewide Housing Plan presents opportunities for organizations to partner on common goals, including housing rehabilitation and stabilization, reducing equity gaps, reducing homelessness, and increas

States Urge FTC to Strengthen Protections for Children

States Urge FTC to Strengthen Protections for Children

Nessel Email Header

March 12, 2024

Media Contact:
Danny Wimmer

AG Nessel, Coalition of 43 States Urge FTC to Strengthen Online Privacy and Safety Protections for Children

LANSING – In a letter to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel joined a bipartisan coalition of 43 state attorneys general to urge the federal government to update and strengthen the rules technology companies must follow under the federal Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).

The rules governing online privacy protections for children up to age 13 have not been updated in over a decade. At the same time, the digital world has evolved rapidly — with smartphones, social networks, and connected devices becoming an even greater part of our lives.

Congress enacted COPPA in 1998 for the purpose of giving parents more control over information collected online from their children. The legislation directed the FTC to establish regulations for operators of websites or online services regarding how they collect, use, and share personal information of children under 13 years of age.

The FTC is proposing changes to the COPPA Rule that would place new restrictions on the use and disclosure of children’s personal information and further limit the ability of companies to condition access to services on monetizing children’s data.

Among other things, the attorneys general are urging the FTC to expand the definition of “personal information” to include biometric identifiers such as fingerprints, retina and iris patterns, a DNA sequence, and data derived from voice data, gait data, and facial data, as well as avatars generated from a child’s image and likeness.

The attorneys general also ask the FTC to adopt a comprehensive framework for determining whether services qualify for a proposed parental consent exception and to prohibit operators from abusing the multiple-contact exception in COPPA with engagement-maximizing push notifications.

“I remain committed to doing all we can to protect the online safety and privacy of children,” Nessel said. “We must have more robust rules under the COPPA to ensure that technology companies comply with stringent data protection standards to safeguard the well-being of children. I wholeheartedly join with my colleagues in urging the FTC to take decisive action to enhance COPPA regulations.”

By statute, both the FTC and state attorneys general are empowered to enforce COPPA. Since the COPPA Rule became effective, state attorneys general, on their own and in partnership with the FTC, have pursued multiple actions for violations of the COPPA Rule.

Late last year, state attorneys general sued Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, for violations of state consumer protection laws and COPPA. The complaint alleges Meta knowingly designed and deployed harmful features on Instagram and its other social media platforms that purposefully addict children and teens. All the while, Meta falsely assured the public that these features are safe and suitable for young users. The case is ongoing.

Led by the attorneys general of Oregon, Illinois, Mississippi, and Tennessee, with assistance from Colorado, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and North Carolina, the comment letter to the FTC regarding amendments to COPPA was joined by the attorneys general of Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, U.S. Virgin Islands, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin.

Whitmer Proclaims March 12, 2024 as Equal Pay Day

Whitmer Proclaims March 12, 2024 as Equal Pay Day

Governor Whitmer Header


March 12, 2024

Contact: [email protected]   


Governor Whitmer Proclaims March 12, 2024 as Equal Pay Day

March 12th marks the number of days into the year that women would need to work to match what men made last year


LANSING, Mich.  –Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer proclaimed March 12th as Equal Pay Day to bring attention to the Michigan women who experience unequal pay at all levels of work.


“Women in Michigan and across the nation deserve equal pay for equal work,” said Governor Whitmer. “Women who work full-time are paid 84 cents on the dollar compared to their male counterparts, and women of color make even less. This discrepancy has ripple effects across our economy and impacts nearly every Michigan family. Fair pay is about making sure Michigan is place where anyone can work hard and build a good life. I’m proud of every Michigan woman working hard to provide for themselves and their families. I want you to know that I’m going to keep fighting for you.”


Women in the U.S. who work full-time, year-round are typically paid only 84 cents for every dollar paid to their male counterparts. Based on today’s wage gap, a woman who works full-time, year-round could lose $399,600 over a 40-year career, a gap that only grows when examined by race and ethnicity. Nationally, for every dollar paid to their white, non-Hispanic male counterparts, Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander women are paid only 93 cents, Black women are paid only 69 cents, Native women are paid only 59 cents, and Latinas are paid only 57 cents. This wage gap typically means an annual loss of $22,120 for Black women, $30,450 for Latinas, $28,747 for Native women, and $4,690 for Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander women.


Governor Whitmer’s Record to Support Women

In 2023, Governor Whitmer increased the Working Families Tax Credit to put an average of $3,150 into Michiganders’ pockets and assisting more than 700,000 Michigan households. She has also proposed statewide paid family and medical leave to help workers, especially women, care for loved ones, bond with newborns, and recover when they’re sick. During her first term, Governor Whitmer awarded grants to community-based organizations that help women understand and exercise their rights and benefits in the workplace. Governor Whitmer has appointed more than 1,280 women to boards, commissions, and full-time positions.


Last year, Governor Whitmer signed the Reproductive Health Act to decriminalize abortions and ensure access to reproductive healthcare. This helped to build on the momentum in expanding abortion access across the state. Through Governor Whitmer’s Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies Initiative, Michigan became one of the first states to support expecting mothers by covering doula services, so that they receive the care they need for a healthy pregnancy and support for interventions that are proven to increase health outcomes for women and their children.


To view the full proclamation, click here.

“Slam the Scam” During National Consumer Protection Week

“Slam the Scam” During National Consumer Protection Week

Nessel Email Header

March 7, 2024

Media Contact:
Danny Wimmer

AG Nessel Advises Consumers To “Slam the Scam” During National Consumer Protection Week

LANSING – As part of the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) National Consumer Protection Week, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel is encouraging residents to “Slam the Scam” on March 7.

“Slam the Scam” Day was initiated five years ago by the Social Security Administration and its Office of the Inspector General to educate the public on how to recognize government imposter scams, especially Social Security-related imposter scams, which are the most common type of imposter scams reported to the FTC.

According to the FTC, government imposter scams resulted in over $617 million in consumer losses in 2023 alone. To combat this alarming trend, Nessel urges residents to join the effort on March 7 by sharing information about scams on social media platforms using #SlamTheScam.

Scammers know that calls, emails, text messages, social media posts, and U.S. mail from government officials are more likely to be opened, read, and obeyed, helping them achieve their number one goal: to steal money from unsuspecting consumers. When bad actors impersonate government entities, they typically offer grants and special medication prices, or request updated personal information. In more confrontational forms of the scam, the imposter will demand money and threaten arrest for nonpayment.

The Attorney General’s Government Imposter Scams alert advises consumers who have received communications from imposters to protect themselves from these scams by:

  • Blocking the text, email, or calls;
  • Not clicking links or opening attachments;
  • Reporting the text or email as spam; and
  • Deleting the text or email from their device.

“I encourage everyone to ‘Slam the Scam’ and hang up if you think you are on the phone with a scam caller,” said Nessel. “My department has resources online that everyone should avail themselves to so that they can identify a scam before they become a victim.”

The Attorney General’s alert also reminds consumers that government agencies will not:

  • Promise to increase benefits or fix an issue if a fee is paid;
  • Threaten arrest or legal action unless money is sent immediately; or
  • Demand payment in the form of gift cards, wire transfers, prepaid debit cards, cryptocurrency, or cash sent by mail.

Scammers may also attempt to win trust by presenting fictitious documents or by using the name of a real government official. Just last month, Nessel issued a warning about an IRS scam being perpetrated in her name using a similar tactic.

Consumers can Slam the Scam by simply hanging up the phone on predators and deleting suspicious emails or text messages without responding. A response only lets the scammers know their information is accurate and they may try again.

The Department of Attorney General provides a library of resources for consumers to review anytime on a variety of topics.

To file a complaint with the Attorney General, or get additional information, contact:

Consumer Protection Team
P.O. Box 30213
Lansing, MI 48909
Fax: 517-241-3771
Toll-free: 877-765-8388
Online complaint form