OC Rises from Silver to Gold in Environmental Leadership

OC Rises from Silver to Gold in Environmental Leadership

Oakland County Rises from Silver to Gold in Environmental Leadership

Post Date:05/22/2024 1:00 PM
  • Oakland County achieved gold status for exemplary action in the Michigan Green Communities program.
  • The Oakland SAVES Grant Program committed more than $5 million in grants for energy-efficient upgrades to more than 1,050 homes.
  • The county has planted hundreds of trees on campus and reduced fleet fuel consumption.

Pontiac, Mich., May 22, 2024 – Oakland County has risen from silver to gold certification for its environmental leadership from the statewide Michigan Green Communities (MGC) program.

“Through innovative initiatives like Oakland SAVES and our concerted efforts to reduce our carbon footprint, Oakland County is moving toward a greener, more sustainable future,” County Executive Dave Coulter said.

As part of the annual MGC Challenge, local governments can win bronze, silver, gold or platinum seals of achievement in areas such as energy efficiency, climate adaptation and resilience, recycling, and environmental justice. At the 2023 MGC Challenge, seven communities received bronze certification, 20 received silver certification, and 36 received gold certification.

The county earned gold by reaching sustainability goals in the following categories:

  • Planning for inclusive and lasting impacts
  • Climate resilience and adaptation
  • Energy efficiency and renewable energy
  • Responsibly managing materials
  • Sustainable land use and economic development
  • Improving health outcomes
  • Protecting and conserving water resources
  • Supporting clean and inclusive mobility
  • Inspiring and mobilizing residents

“Oakland County’s elevation to gold certification in multiple environmental categories underscores our relentless pursuit of sustainability, resilience, and community well-being,” Chief Sustainability Officer Erin Quetell said.

Environmental sustainability is one of the 8 Strategic Goals that guides Oakland County. In 2023, the Oakland County Office of Sustainability with Michigan Saves invested $5 million of American Rescue Plan Act funds to create the grant program, Oakland SAVES (Simple Actions for Valuable Energy Savings). The program helped more than 1,050 households receive approval for energy- and money-saving home improvements, including attic insulation and ENERGY STAR furnaces. On the Oakland County campus, the Office of Sustainability and the Department of Facilities, Maintenance & Operations decreased its fleet’s fuel consumption, added electric and hybrid vehicles, and planted nearly 500 trees — all to reduce carbon emissions.

The MGC program is free to all local governments in Michigan. MGC is a sustainability networking, benchmarking and technical assistance program. It guides and supports communities in adapting to a changing climate, protecting infrastructure, improving the quality of life for residents, and creating a more environmentally and economically sustainable future for Michigan.

Michigan Green Communities is supported by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy; the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services; the Michigan Economic Development Corporation; the Michigan Department of Transportation; the Michigan Department of Natural Resources; the Michigan Association of Counties; the Michigan Municipal League; and the Michigan Townships Association. More details about this program can be found at migreencommunities.com.

Whitmer Makes Appointments to Boards and Commissions 

Whitmer Makes Appointments to Boards and Commissions 

Governor Whitmer Header


May 23, 2024

Contact: [email protected]


Governor Whitmer Makes Appointments to Boards and Commissions


LANSING, Mich. — Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced the following appointments to the Michigan Aeronautics Commission, Ski Area Safety Board, Michigan Board of Accountancy, Michigan Board of Social Work, Michigan Board of Counseling, Suicide Prevention Commission, Board of Examiners in Mortuary Science, and Michigan Opioids Task Force.

Today’s appointees represent Michigan’s young professionals, communities of color, seniors, and more. The appointees announced this week build on Governor Whitmer’s work to ensure appointees reflect Michigan’s diverse population. Sixty percent of appointees are women or people of color, and the Whitmer cabinet is the most diverse in Michigan history.


Michigan Aeronautics Commission


Ben Carter, of Farmington Hills, is the executive vice president and chief operating officer for Trinity Health. He is also a pilot and certified flight instructor. Carter received a Bachelor of Business Administration and Master of Business Administration from the University of Michigan. Benjamin Carter is reappointed for a term commencing May 23, 2024, and expiring May 27, 2028

The Michigan Aeronautics Commission is responsible for the general supervision of all aeronautics within the state. The Commission is empowered by state law to make rules and regulations governing all airports, flight schools, and other aeronautical activities.

This appointment is subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.

Ski Area Safety Board

Charles Gano, of Indian River, serves as general counsel at Boyne Resorts. Gano received a Bachelor of Arts in political science from Miami University, and Juris Doctorate from Case Western Reserve University. Charles Gano is reappointed to represent the Central United States Ski Association for a term commencing June 9, 2024, and expiring June 8, 2028.

Benjamin Bartz, of Wakefield, is the chief of mountain operations at Midwest Family Ski Resorts. Bartz received an associate’s degree in ski area management from Gogebic Community College, and a bachelor’s degree in ski area management from Northern Michigan University. Benjamin Bartz is appointed to represent Upper Peninsula Ski Area Managers for a term commencing June 9, 2024, and expiring June 8, 2028. Benjamin Bartz succeeds Samuel Bracket who has resigned.


The Michigan Ski Area Safety Board was created to license and regulate ski areas and ski lifts in Michigan. The Board works with the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs to oversee the operation of ski areas, surface and chair lifts, and rope tows.

These appointments are subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.

Michigan Board of Accountancy

Jacquelyn Dupler, of Dewitt, is an attorney and shareholder at Foster, Swift, Collins & Smith, P.C. Dupler received a Bachelor of Arts in international studies and political science from Michigan State University, and a Juris Doctor from Michigan State University College of Law. Jacquelyn Dupler is reappointed to represent a general public member who is an attorney for a term commencing July 1, 2024, and expiring June 30, 2028.


Charles L. Moore Jr., of Lansing, is a certified public accountant and owner of C.L. Moore & Associates. Moore received a Bachelor of Business Administration in accounting from Adrian College. Charles Moore is reappointed to represent certified public accountants for a term commencing July 1, 2024, and expiring June 30, 2028.


The Michigan State Board of Accountancy is responsible for the certification, licensure, and regulation of certified public accountants and public accounting firms in Michigan.


These appointments are subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.


Michigan Board of Social Work


China Sells, of Grand Rapids, is a housing resource specialist at Inner City Christian Federation Community Homes. Sells is a graduate of Carthage Senior High School. China Sells is appointed to represent the general public for a term commencing May 23, 2024, and expiring December 31, 2026. She succeeds Jasmine Calhoun whose term has expired.


The Michigan Board of Social Worker registers social workers in Michigan. Social Work is the professional application of social work values, principles, and techniques to counseling or to helping an individual, family, group, or community to enhance or restore the capacity for social functioning and/or provide, obtain, or improve tangible social and health services.


This appointment is subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.


Michigan Board of Counseling


Roberto Overton, of Berrien Center, is a school-based therapist for InterCare Community Health Network. He has also worked as an academic advisor for Southwestern Michigan College and as an English as a second language interventionist at Benton Harbor Area Schools. Overton is both a national certified counselor and a licensed professional counselor. Overton received both a Bachelor of Science in education and a Master of Science in counseling and human services from Indiana University. Roberto Overton is reappointed to represent individuals engaged primarily in providing counseling techniques, behavior modification techniques, or preventative techniques to clients for a term commencing July 1, 2024, and expiring June 30, 2028.

Rotesa Baker, of Detroit, is an adjunct faculty member at Oakland University, Eastern Michigan University, and Central Michigan University. She has also worked as a practicum site supervisor at Grand Canyon University, an adjunct faculty member at Eastern Michigan University, an associate faculty member at University of Phoenix, a licensed professional counselor at Oakland Psychological Clinic, and as a guest lecturer at the University of Detroit. Baker is a nationally licensed certified counselor. Baker received a Bachelor of Science in psychology and rehabilitation services from Florida State University, and a Master of Arts in counseling from Eastern Michigan University. Rotesa Baker is reappointed to represent individuals engaged primarily in teaching, training, or research in counseling for a term commencing July 1, 2024, and expiring June 30, 2028.

The Michigan Board of Counseling was enacted as part of the Public Health Code to license counselors who render to individuals, groups, families, organizations, or the general public a service involving the application of clinical counseling principles, methods, or procedures in an educational, business, health, private practice, or human services setting. The Public Health Code mandates certain responsibilities and duties for a health professional licensing board including promoting and protecting the public’s health, safety, and welfare.

These appointments are subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.

Suicide Prevention Commission

Dr. Natalie Kasiborski, of Petoskey, is an assistant professor for Michigan State University’s Charles Stewart Mott Department of Public Health, and a public health consultant. Additionally, she is the director of the Womens Resource Center of Northern Michigan and past director of the School Community Health Alliance of Michigan. Dr. Kasiborski received a Bachelor of Arts in psychology, a Master of Social Work from the University of Michigan, and a Master of Public Health and Doctor of Philosophy from Michigan State University. Dr. Natalie Kasuboski is appointed to represent a member nominated by the school community health alliance for a term commencing May 23, 2024, and expiring December 31, 2024. Dr. Natalie Kasiborski succeeds Debra Brinson whose term has expired.

Gregory S. Ginebaugh, of Lansing, is fire chief and emergency manager for the Delta Township Fire Department. He was previously the deputy fire chief for the City of Kentwood Fire Department. Ginebaugh is also a program instructor for the Center for Domestic Preparedness. Gregory S. Ginebaugh is reappointed to represent a member nominated by the Michigan Association of Fire Chiefs for a term commencing May 23, 2024, and expiring December 31, 2024.

Sheriff Wilbur Yancer, of Lake City, is the Missaukee County Sheriff. Additionally, he is a certified police officer with over forty years of law enforcement experience, including working in all area’s including corrections, dispatch, patrol, investigations, and supervision. He previously served as the department honor guard, department marine division, and past coordinator of the Saginaw County Major Crimes Unit.  Sheriff Yancer is reappointed to represent a member who is a suicide loss survivor and is nominated by the Michigan Sheriffs’ Association for a term commencing May 23, 2024, and expiring December 31, 2024.

Frank K. Fischer, of Plymouth, is the executive director of National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Michigan. He is also the executive director of The Dominique Fischer Memorial Foundation. Fischer received his Bachelor of Arts in business management from Western Michigan University. Fischer is reappointed to represent a national health care system whose work in this state focuses on providing comprehensive behavioral health services to children, adolescents, and adults throughout this state for a term commencing May 23, 2024, and expiring December 31, 2024.

Dr. Kenneth Wolf, of West Bloomfield, is the CEO of the Incident Management Team. He is a licensed psychologist and has served as police psychologist, special deputy sheriff for Wayne County, as well as a psychological consultant for the Detroit Police Department. Dr. Wolf received a Bachelor of Arts in government from Columbia College and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Wayne State University. Dr. Kenneth Wolf is reappointed to represent a member who is experienced in crisis intervention for suicide response and is nominated by the Police Officers Association of Michigan for a term commencing May 23, 2024, and expiring December 31, 2024.

This Suicide Prevention Commission works with state departments, and agencies, and nonprofit organizations on researching the causes and possible underlying factors of suicide in this state.

These appointments are not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.

Board of Examiners in Mortuary Science

Brian Joseph, of St. Claire Shores, is the owner of Chas. Verheyden, Inc., a southeast Michigan funeral home and cremation service. Joseph received an associate’s degree in pre-mortuary science from Macomb Community College and a Bachelor of Science in mortuary science from Wayne State University. He is a licensed mortician of the State of Michigan. Brian Joseph is reappointed to represent professionals for a term commencing July 1st, 2024, and expiring June 30, 2028.

The Michigan Board of Examiners in Mortuary Science was created to license and regulate the practice of mortuary science and funeral establishments in Michigan. The Board works with the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs to oversee the practice of mortuary science licensees, residential trainees, and funeral homes.

This appointment is subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.

Michigan Opioids Task Force

Bradley Casemore, of Battle Creek, is the chief executive officer of Southwest Michigan Behavioral Health. He also is a fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives, and a former member of the Opioid Advisory Commission. Casemore received a Bachelor of Arts in psychology and sociology, a Master of Social Work in administration, and a Master of Health Services Administration from the University of Michigan. Bradley Casemore is reappointed to represent PIHP region 4 for a term commencing June 15, 2024, and expiring June 14, 2028.

Kristie Schmiege, of Royal Oak, is the director of strategic initiatives at the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence of the Greater Detroit Area. Schmiege received a Bachelor of Science in clinical-community psychology from the University of Michigan-Flint, and a Master of Public Health from University of the Michigan School of Public Health. Kristie Schmiege is reappointed to represent PIHP region 8 for a term commencing June 15, 2024, and expiring June 14, 2028.

The Michigan Opioids Task Force was created as an advisory body within the Department of Health and Human Services and consists of 12 members of the executive branch of state government. Members of the Task Force are ex officio members and serve at the pleasure of the governor. The director of the Department shall designate the chairperson of the Task Force.

These appointments are not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.

SMART Launch Pilot Program Providing Free Transit

SMART Launch Pilot Program Providing Free Transit

Oakland County and SMART Launch Pilot Program Providing Free Transit for Veterans and Dependents

Post Date:05/16/2024 1:33 PM
  • The veterans transportation program will offer transportation services at no charge throughout Oakland County.
  • The county is home to more than 50,000 veterans. This initiative is expected to facilitate approximately 7,000 individual round trips.
  • The pilot program will run from June 1 to Aug. 31. To schedule a trip, call 248-419-7984. For information go to oakgov.com/veterans.

Pontiac, Mich. – Oakland County, in collaboration with SMART (Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation), is launching a groundbreaking pilot program aimed at providing free transit for veterans.

The transportation program will offer door-to-door service throughout Oakland County Monday-Friday between the hours of 6 a.m. and 9 p.m. Weekend transit services will vary by provider. The pilot program will run from June 1 to Aug. 31, or until the allocated funds are exhausted. Personal care assistants, widows and widowers of veterans may also ride for free. Veterans need only show their DD214, veterans ID from the Oakland County Clerk’s Office, or veteran designation on their driver’s license to get a ride. To schedule a trip, call 248-419-7984.

“This service is a small way that we can honor the huge sacrifice our veterans have made for all of us,” County Executive Dave Coulter said. “Veterans and their families can access essential services this summer without worrying about the financial cost of transportation.”

Funded by a $500,000 County Veterans Service Fund grant from the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency, with $28,000 earmarked for the pilot veterans’ transportation program, this initiative is expected to facilitate approximately 7,000 individual round trips.

To ensure comprehensive coverage across the county, SMART may collaborate with other transportation service providers, including NOTA (North Oakland Transportation Authority), WOTA (Western Oakland Transportation Authority), OPC (OPC Social & Activity Center Transportation), and PEX (People’s Express), utilizing a shared ride system. Transfer trips will be seamlessly integrated into the program, with charges being covered by the grant. Recognizing the diverse needs of veterans, the transportation service will also be Americans with Disabilities Act compliant, ensuring accessibility for all individuals.

“We are incredibly proud to launch the veterans pilot program in partnership with Oakland County. This initiative ensures that veterans have the access and support they need,” said Dwight Ferrell, general manager of SMART. “It’s more than just transportation; it’s about empowering our veterans to connect with their communities and lead fuller, more engaged lives.”

Oakland County is home to more than 50,000 veterans. This program represents a tangible expression of gratitude for their service and sacrifice. For information go to oakgov.com/veterans.


Winning Pieces from the Congressional Art Competition

Winning Pieces from the Congressional Art Competition

Hi there,

You may have seen U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra was in our district last week discussing important prescription drug provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act. Before that press conference, though, we had a few meetings I want to tell you about.

I invited Secretary Becerra to our 7th Congressional District because of your calls, emails and letters surrounding high prescription prices, drug shortages and maternal health disparities. It’s important for federal officials to see firsthand the issues that affect Michiganders in their daily lives.

First, we met with local hospital leaders, so Secretary Becerra could hear directly from them about the issues they’re facing.  Our first priority was the ongoing shortage of lifesaving cancer drugs that has forced our hospitals in Michigan to ration care. This crisis has shown once again that maintaining a sufficient supply of pharmaceuticals is critical for not just patients, but for our national security.  This issue of supply-chains for critical items has become a bit of an obsession of mine since shortages upended our economy during the pandemic.  It’s why I co-founded the bipartisan Domestic Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Caucus and have introduced legislation, like the Ensuring Access to Lifesaving Drugs Act, to keep vital medicines on pharmacy shelves.

In our second meeting with Secretary Becerra, we met with advocates and talked about the issue of black maternal health.  Today, Black & Native American women are three to four times more likely to die from complications surrounding pregnancy & childbirth than white women. Our meeting allowed Secretary Becerra to learn about the systemic & financial challenges faced by those who’ve been in the trenches on this issue. Thank you to the doctors, midwives, doulas, & public health & nonprofit leaders who provided ways to address this issue at the federal level.

Finally, we held a press conference on the Inflation Reduction Act.  This bill sends a really clear signal to the rest of the prescription drug world that the day where you can just charge whatever you want — where there’s no transparency on the price of medication — is an era that’s coming to an end.

I am thankful to all those who helped us have a productive day discussing federal solutions that would help Michiganders.

Rep. Slotkin

Hi there,

One of my favorite traditions as a Member of Congress is the annual Congressional Art Competition, and earlier this month we got to announce this year’s winners.

I wanted to share their incredible artwork:

In first place, “In Your Dreams” by Joanna Deng of Okemos High School. Her piece will hang in the U.S. Capitol, and she’ll be invited to an opening ceremony in D.C.


In second place, “Love Remains” by Julia Zastrow of Cheryl Stockwell Preparatory Academy. Julia’s piece will hang in my D.C. office.


In third place, “Divine Ripple” by Morgan Wilcox of Lansing Catholic High School. Morgan’s piece will hang in our Lansing office.


I’m always so blown away by the talent of students in our district, as well as their ability to use their artwork to make a statement.

One highlight from the reception that continues to stick out to me is Julia’s cheering section. Several members of her family made the trip, which made announcing her as our second place winner even more special.


Thank you to everyone who submitted this year — we had 44 incredible pieces and you did not make it easy on our judges!

– Rep. Elissa Slotkin

Whitmer Makes Appointments to Boards and Commissions 

Whitmer Makes Appointments to Boards and Commissions 

Governor Whitmer Header


May 9, 2024

Contact: [email protected]


Governor Whitmer Makes Appointments to Boards and Commissions


LANSING, Mich. — Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced the following appointments to the Commission on Community Action and Economic Opportunity, Michigan Board of Chiropractic, Michigan Board of Licensed Midwifery, State Fire Safety Board, Michigan Education Trust, Board of Law Examiners, and Midwest Higher Education Compact.


Today’s appointees represent Michigan’s young professionals, communities of color, seniors, and more. The appointees announced this week build on Governor Whitmer’s work to ensure appointees reflect Michigan’s diverse population. Sixty percent of appointees are women or people of color, and the Whitmer cabinet is the most diverse in Michigan history.


Commission on Community Action and Economic Opportunity


Kerry Lenaghan-Baughman, of Traverse City, serves as the executive director for the Northwest Michigan Community Action Agency. She has been with the agency for the past 17 years and has also held a position as the early childhood programs director prior to moving into the role of executive director. Lenaghan-Baughman received her Bachelor of Arts in social science and her Master of Arts in sociology from Eastern Michigan University. Kerry Lenaghan-Baughman is reappointed to represent community action agencies for a term commencing June 22, 2024, and expiring June 21, 2027.


Shamayim Harris, of Highland Park, is the founder of The Avalon Village, a non-profit community organization. Additionally, she serves on the Highland Park Board of Education. Shamayim Harris is reappointed to represent low-income persons for a term commencing June 22, 2024, and expiring June 21, 2027.


Justin D. Hodge, of Ypsilanti, is the chair of county commission for Washtenaw County and a clinical associate professor of social work at the University of Michigan. Hodge received a Bachelor of Arts in psychology and Asian studies and a Master of Social Work from the University of Michigan. Justin Hodge is reappointed to represent elected public officials for a term commencing June 22, 2024, and expiring June 21, 2027.


Ravi Yalamanchi, of Rochester Hills, is the president of INFIN, Financial Services Alliance Inc. and the CEO of the Plymouth Housing Commission. Yalamanchi received a Bachelor of Law and Bachelor of Science from Osmania University, a Master of Arts in international trade from Eastern Michigan University, and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Michigan. Ravi Yalamanchi is reappointed to represent the private sector for a term commencing June 22, 2024, and expiring June 21, 2027.


The Commission on Community Action and Economic Opportunity was created to provide opportunity for low-income persons to actively participate in the development of policies and programs to reduce poverty and serves as a statewide forum to address the needs and concerns of low-income people in the state of Michigan.


These appointments are subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.


Michigan Board of Chiropractic


Ahmed Hassouna, of Canton, is a partner at Novara Tesija Catenacci McDonald & Baas. Hassouna received a Bachelor of Arts in political science from Michigan State University and a Juris Doctor from the University of Toledo College of Law. Ahmed Hassouna is appointed to represent the general public for a term commencing May 9, 2024, and expiring December 31, 2027. Ahmed Hassouna succeeds Michael Connelly who has resigned.


The Michigan Board of Chiropractic was originally formed with the enactment of Public Act 145 of 1933. On September 30, 1978, this authority was transferred to the Public Health Code, Public Act 368 of 1978, as amended. The “practice of chiropractic” means that discipline within the healing arts that deals with the human nervous system and the musculoskeletal system and their interrelationship with other body systems. The Board also has the obligation to take disciplinary action against licensees who have adversely affected the public’s health, safety, and welfare. The board works with the department to oversee the practice of approximately 2,863 chiropractors.


This appointment is subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.


Michigan Board of Licensed Midwifery


Araya Montero, of Traverse City, is a practicing licensed midwife at Two Hearted Midwifery. Additionally, she is transitioning out of her role as president of the Michigan Midwives Association. Montero received a Bachelor of Science in midwifery from Birthingway College of Midwifery. Araya Montero is appointed to represent midwives for a term commencing May 9, 2024, and expiring December 31, 2027. Araya Montero succeeds Sandra McCurdy whose term has expired.

The Michigan Board of Licensed Midwifery is housed within the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. The Board works with the Department to establish and implement the licensure program for the practice of midwifery in the state.


This appointment is subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.


State Fire Safety Board


Brian Talvensaari, of Marquette, is the battalion chief at the Marquette City Fire Department. Additionally, he is a licensed residential builder and a licensed emergency medical technician. Talvensaari received his associate’s degree in fire science from the Lake Superior State University. Brian Talvensaari is reappointed to represent organized fire departments in the Upper Peninsula for a term commencing July 16, 2024, and expiring July 15, 2028.


Jeramie Morris, of Saginaw, is a global fire protection manager at Dow Inc. He has previously worked as an assistant chief at the Saginaw Township Fire Department. Morris is a National Fire Protection Association certified fire protection specialist and a certified fire inspector. Morris received his Bachelor of Arts in criminal justice and communication from Saginaw Valley State University. Jeramie Morris is reappointed to represent the chemical manufacturing industry for a term commencing July 16, 2024, and expiring July 15, 2028.


Tavis Millerov, of Williamston, is a fire marshal at Meridian Township Fire Department in Okemos, Michigan. Additionally, he is a national fire protection association certified fire plans examiner, a licensed national fire protection association inspector I and II, and a licensed Michigan fire inspector. Millerov received his Bachelor of Science in fire science from Lake Superior State University. Tavis Millerov is reappointed to represent organized fire departments in the Lower Peninsula for a term commencing July 16, 2024, and expiring July 15, 2028.


Randall Halstead, of Lowell, is an operations manager at Homeworks Tri-County Propane. Halstead is a licensed mechanical contractor. Randall Halstead is reappointed to represent the liquified petroleum gas industry or the flammable compressed gases industry for a term commencing July 16, 2024, and expiring July 15, 2028.


Julie Bulson, of Grand Rapids, is director of business assurance for Corewell Health. Bulson received a Nursing degree from Blodgett School of Nursing, and a Bachelor of Science, Master of Public Administration in Healthcare Leadership and Doctor of Nursing Practice in Health Systems Leadership from Grand Valley State University. Julie Bulson is reappointed to represent hospital administration for a term commencing July 16, 2024, and expiring July 15, 2028.


Timothy Jury, of St. Clair, is the director of operations at Randazzo Heating and Cooling. Additionally, he has also worked as a Service Technician at Williams Refrigeration and Heating. He is a licensed electrical contractor, journeyman electrician, and mechanical contractor. Jury received his climate control certificate from Northwestern Technological Institute. Timothy Jury is appointed to represent licensed electrical contractors or master electricians for a term commencing July 16, 2024, and expiring July 15, 2028. Timothy Jury succeeds David Williams who has resigned.


The State Fire Safety Board assists in the development of fire safety rules covering the construction, operation, and maintenance of schools, health care facilities, penal facilities, and state-owned and leased facilities. The Board assists in the operation and maintenance of public assembly and other buildings, oversight of delegation of fire inspection responsibilities, and serves as an administrative hearing body on decisions made by the Bureau of Fire Services.


These appointments are subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.


Michigan Education Trust


Dr. Calvin C. Cupidore Jr., of Farmington Hills, is a retired education consultant. He is also a board member of the Michigan Certified Development Corporation. Additionally, he was formerly a board member of the Franklin Village Planning Commission, the chief financial officer of the Michigan Department of Education and an assistant superintendent of business services for the school district of the City of Pontiac. Cupidore Jr. received a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from Hunter College, and a Master of Business Administration and Doctor of Education from Walden University. Dr. Calvin C. Cupidore Jr. is appointed to represent the nominee of the Speaker of the House for a term commencing May 9, 2024, and expiring December 31, 2026. Calivn Cupidore succeeds Ronald Wiser whose term has expired.


The Michigan Education Trust (MET) is a qualified tuition program which provides tax exemption for the trust and tax exemption of earnings for contract participants who use MET funds to pay for qualified higher education expenses. The MET Board of Directors are responsible for policy development, investment initiatives, program development and implementation. The MET Board of Directors also serve as an advisory board for the Michigan Education Savings Program (MESP).


This appointment is subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.


Board of Law Examiners


Brittany Schultz, of Birmingham, is a current in-house counsel for Ford Motor Company, where she represents Ford in a variety of civil litigation and commercial matters. Additionally, she serves as a member of the Michigan Supreme Court Justice For All Commission. Schultz received a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the University of Michigan and her Juris Doctor from Wayne State University Law School. Brittany Schultz is reappointed to represent the nominee of the Michigan Supreme Court for a term commencing July 1, 2024, and expiring June 30, 2029.


The Board of Law Examiners is responsible for investigating and examining all persons who initially apply for admission to the Michigan bar. The Board may adopt suitable regulations, subject to approval by the Supreme Court, concerning the performance of its functions and duties.


This appointment is not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.


Midwest Higher Education Compact


Emma Young, of East Lansing, is a policy analyst at the Executive Office of Governor Gretchen Whitmer. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in international relations and social relations and policy from Michigan State University. Emma Young is appointed to represent the governor’s designee for a term commencing May 9, 2024, and expiring March 18, 2027. Emma Young succeeds Brandy Johnson, who is now an at-large member.


Brandy Johnson, of Lansing, is the president of the Michigan Community College Association, a role she has had since leaving State service in 2021. Prior to that, she was the director of the Office of 60×30 in the Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity, a policy advisor on education and workforce in the Whitmer Administration, and executive director of the Michigan College Access Network. Johnson received a Bachelor of Science in political science from Arizona State University and a Master of Public Policy from the University of Michigan. Brandy Johnson is appointed to represent at-large members for a term commencing May 9, 2024, and expiring March 18, 2027. Johnson succeeds Bill Pink whose term has expired.


Daniel Hurley, of Okemos, is the CEO of the Michigan Association of State Universities. Previously, he was an associate vice president for government relations and state policy at the American Association of State Colleges and Universities. Hurley received a Bachelor of Science in public relations from Grand Valley State University, a Master of Science in career and technical education from Ferris State University, and a Ph.D. in Public Administration from Western Michigan University. Daniel Hurley is appointed to represent at-large members for a term commencing May 9, 2024, and expiring March 18, 2025. Hurley succeeds David Eisler who has resigned.


The Midwestern Higher Education Compact is to provide greater higher education opportunities and services in the Midwestern region, with the aim of furthering regional access to, research in and choice of higher education for the citizens residing in the several states which are parties to this Compact. The Midwestern Higher Education Commission consists of five resident members of each state: The Governor or the Governor’s designee, a legislator from each house, and two other at-large members.


These appointments are not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.

Opioid Epidemic on National Fentanyl Awareness Day

Opioid Epidemic on National Fentanyl Awareness Day

Nessel Email Header

May 7, 2024

Media Contact:
Danny Wimmer

AG Nessel Sheds Light on Opioid Epidemic on National Fentanyl Awareness Day

LANSING – Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel is recognizing today as National Fentanyl Awareness Day. Now in its third year, National Fentanyl Awareness Day brings together individuals, parents, teachers, corporations, influencers, community groups, and government entities to raise awareness and combat this public health crisis.

“The devastating impact of fentanyl on Michigan families and communities is undeniable,” Nessel said. “My department is committed to deploying every resource at our disposal to combat the opioid epidemic and hold those who exploit those struggling with opioid-use disorder accountable.”

According to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, between the years 2000 and 2020, the opioid death rate in Michigan increased on average 13.9% each year. These deaths — and the impacts on thousands who have struggled with opioid addiction — have created considerable costs for our health care, child welfare, and criminal justice systems. More significant than the dollars and cents in damage to our state, the impact of opioid addiction, substance use, and overdose deaths has torn families apart, damaged relationships, and devastated communities.

Since taking office in 2019, the Attorney General, who recently launched a website dedicated to opioid settlement distributions, has focused intently on combatting the opioid epidemic and holding accountable those responsible for creating and fueling the crisis, resulting in over $1.6 billion to Michigan governments through settlements with PublicisMcKinsey & Codistributors (Cardinal Health, McKesson, Inc., and AmerisourceBergen), Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Teva Pharmaceutical, Allergan Pharmaceutical, CVS, Walmart, and Walgreens. The money is distributed to the state and local units of governments for opioid-use disorder treatment and remediation.