ORION TOWNSHIP, Mich. – On Saturday, June 1, 2024, the Orion Center hosted an opportunity for residents to do some late-spring cleaning, sell their old stuff, and even get some new goodies to take home. Even though summer is not yet in full swing, Orion area residents gathered in the parking lot and in the inside of the Orion Center to partake in some free, fun activities for the first Saturday in June.

Photo by Joe Johnson

A community garage sale, a puzzle swap, a toy and comic expo, and a visit by the waste disposal company “Shred-It” prompted residents and non-residents to spend some time with the community and to relieve the burden of clutter.

Over two dozen vendors gathered in the parking lot of the Orion Center to sell their unwanted items that other people would possibly take a liking too. Everything from winter sweaters and summer clothing, to books, silverware, old appliances and even plants were sold at the community garage sale.

ONTV’s Joe Johnson spoke to Jennifer Vezina, a recreation programmer at Orion Township Parks and Recreation, about the event last Saturday.

“We have about 25 vendors set up out here selling all of their wonderful things that they no longer need, that somebody else desperately needs,” Vezina said.

Photo by Joe Johnson

The Toy and Comic Expo, along with the Puzzle Swap, took place inside the Orion Center and was with tables of toys, comics, collectibles, memorabilia and other items people in the collecting world might want – kids too, of course.

“Inside we have the Toy and Comic Expo, those guys have your collectible items, matchbox cars, comic books, things of that nature. We also decided to double down on our events today, I also have the puzzle swap and I have “Shred-It” coming from eleven to one,” Vezina said.

At 11 a.m., residents lined up across the entire length of the parking lot in order to dump their unwanted paper items into dumpsters to be taken away and disposed of properly and even recycled.

Residents and others seem to have enjoyed the event and were happy to get rid of some unwanted items as well as to spend some time outdoors on a nice Saturday morning and afternoon, but how long will it be before residents can do this again?

“We will repeat this event in August, with the Garage Sale and the Toy and Comic and that… but our next outdoor event coming up is Summer Sizzle, on Thursday, June 20, from 6 to 8 p.m., and it will be here at the Orion Center out back – and that is a lot of fun for families and everything is free,” Vezina said.

Photo by Joe Johnson

For more information on events like these, you can visit orionparks.com.