Hi there,

I wanted to tell you about new legislation I formally introduced last week to address the threat of advanced vehicles produced by adversaries like China to our national security.

Today, new vehicles are equipped with sophisticated technology and sensors that can collect sensitive data along with the ability to store and transmit that data. That means if allowed into our markets, these connected vehicles manufactured in China could offer their government a treasure trove of valuable intelligence.

That’s why the Connected Vehicle National Security Review Act would establish a formal national security review for connected vehicles built by companies in China or other countries of concern and give the U.S. Department of Commerce the authority to limit or, if necessary, ban their import or sale.

We’ve been moving quickly to put the national security risk posed by connected vehicles front and center so we can address it before they’re in our market in large numbers. I worked closely on this bill with the Commerce Department, and I’m grateful to Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo for her strong partnership on this issue and appreciation of our efforts. Here’s what she had to say about the bill:

“Connected vehicles from China are capable of collecting huge amounts of sensitive data on drivers, which can pose a significant threat to U.S. national security and Americans’ privacy. Rep. Slotkin has been a strong partner in advancing U.S. national security, and I want to thank her for her efforts to get the Commerce Department legislative authorities we can use to keep Americans safe.”

In addition to the Connected Vehicle National Security Review Act, I also introduced legislation with a wider scope. The Information and Communication Technology and Services National Security Review Act, which would provide broader authorities for the Commerce Department to review information and communication technology and services beyond the automotive sector for national security concerns.

I’ve been outspoken about this issue and will continue to advocate for strong action – including the passage of this legislation – to combat this threat and protect our national security.

– Rep. Elissa Slotkin