New data finds Michigan drivers putting down their phones

On this week’s edition of the Talking Michigan Transportation podcast, a conversation with Ryan McMahon of Cambridge Mobile Telematics, a Massachusetts-based firm that tracks data from drivers, participating voluntarily, to analyze statistics and driver behavior.

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TMT - New Data Finds Michigan drivers putting down their phones

Ryan McMahon

McMahon last spoke on the podcast in November, a few months after Michigan Gov. Whitmer signed the law making it illegal to use a hand-held electronic device while driving.

The news was less sanguine then, but now his firm is reporting updated numbers that show meaningful strides in the right direction.

Some key figures cited:

  • In the first month after the Michigan law was signed, distracted driving went down nearly 12 percent.
  • The next month, it was 13.5 percent lower.
  • The gains then diminished but are headed in a positive direction again.

Michigan Hands-Free Law Impact

Data and graphs provided by Cambridge Mobile Telematics.

Before the Law

Average trips per day: 4.7

Minutes per trip: 20

Minutes driving per day: 95

Hours spent driving per day: 1.58

Phone motion seconds per hour: 108

Phone motion seconds per day: 171

Phone motion time per day: 2:51

After The Law

Average trips per day: 4.7

Minutes per trip: 20

Minutes driving per day: 95

Hours spent driving per day: 1.58

Phone motion seconds per hour: 95

Phone motion seconds per day: 151

Phone motion time per day: 2:30

Cambridge Mobile Telematics Before-After Law Graph

Graph showing the Michigan hands-free law percentage change compared to one moth before the law.

Michigan Hands-Free Phone Motion Per Hour After

Michigan Hands-Free Phone Motion Per Hour After Law

Graph shows relationship of phone motio seconds per hour for one month before law through 12 months.

Phone Motion Trends: Before & After Hands-Free Law

Phone Motion Trends

Graph shows phone motion trends before and after hands-free laws in Ohio, Alabama, Michigan, and Missouri.

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