How public transportation fuels economic development

On this week’s edition of the Talking Michigan Transportation podcast, a conversation about legislation that would appropriate economic development funds for community-based programs, including public transportation.

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TMT -How public transportation fuels economic development

This week’s guest, Jared Fleisher, who leads government affairs and economic development for Rock (Dan Gilbert’s family of companies), explains why he’s passionate about the proposed bills and their potential to enhance qualify of life across Michigan and attract and retain talent.

Jared Fleisher

On Tuesday, June 4, Fleisher testified in support of the bills before the House Economic Development and Small Business Committee. He framed the issue as an economic development imperative as Michigan is among states struggling to grow its population.

Others supporting the legislation include Oakland County Executive Dave Coulter, the Michigan Municipal League, Traverse Connect, Mass Transportation Authority Flint, Market Van Buren, The Rapid, Renovare Development, the Michigan Public Transit Association, Transportation Riders United, SMART, and International Union of Operating Engineers Local 324.

Also discussed:

  • How public transportation has helped transform Grand Rapids, with The Rapid’s many options including the state’s first bus rapid transit lines.
  • Investments in infrastructure like bus rapid transit and M-1 rail spur development.

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