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June 17, 2024
EGLE Media Office, [email protected], 517-284-9278
Jill Josef Greenberg, EGLE spokesperson, [email protected], 517-897-4965

Air-quality resources and pollution hazard guidance available to the public during high-heat event 

With high temperatures forecast to sweep over Michigan this week, the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) offers Michigan residents resources to take to protect themselves from risks related to poor air quality due to excessive heat and ozone creation.

EGLE urges Michiganders to stay informed when air quality advisories or alerts are issued. Resources include the Air Quality Index (AQI), which can be found on the AirNow website, and alerts issued through the EnviroFlash system. EnviroFlash system is a subscriber system that provides advisories and alerts for the area chosen directly through email or text message.

“With high temperatures across Michigan this week, Michiganders must stay vigilant about air quality concerns,” said Phil Roos, EGLE director. “High temperatures are often linked to elevated levels of pollutants, like Ozone. People can protect themselves and reduce pollutants by saying informed of changing air quality conditions. We urge the public to take advantage of notification systems and review alerts to protect themselves and their communities.”

The Air Quality Index is a color-coded way for residents to see what the levels of some types of air pollution are in their area. Higher AQI values indicate there is a higher concentration of pollutants in the air and a need for Michiganders to take steps to protect their health.

Ozone, one of the most widespread pollutants in America, is a dangerous smog caused by emissions from mobile and stationary sources. It’s also most common during warmer temperatures.

This year, EGLE has made changes to its air quality alert system. The new system now includes air quality advisories and alerts. Advisories will be issued when levels of ozone, PM2.5 (or both) of these pollutions falls into the Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups range. Alerts will be issued when one or both of these pollutants get into the unhealthy, very unhealthy or hazardous range.

With high ozone days, there are things people can do to help, like not filling their gas tank, not mowing their lawns, driving less or commuting, and not idling their cars.

During a poor air quality day, take action to protect your health based on the AQI Index. Some recommendations may include:

  • Reduce the time you are active outdoors.
  • Consider less intense activities that require less physical exertion.
  • If ozone levels are unhealthy, schedule outdoor activities for the morning or evening when ozone levels are usually lower.

Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Michigan Public Service Commission, and Michigan State Police also have resources available to help residents to keep themselves safe during forecasted high heat and humidity this week. A joint press release with resources can be found here.