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February 2, 2024


AG Nessel Wraps Identity Theft Awareness Week with Tips on Recovering from Identity Theft

LANSING – To conclude Identity Theft Awareness Week (January 28-February 3) and to provide consumers with the knowledge to recognize and respond to identity theft crises, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has re-issued her Identity Theft Recovery alert.

The alert lists steps that victims can take to quickly respond to the crime of identity theft. This crime occurs when an imposter uses key pieces of another’s personally identifying information (usually stolen) to commit fraud and other crimes.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reported that in 2022, it received more than 1.1 million reports of identity theft through its website. AG Nessel would like Michigan residents to not only know the signs that their personal information is being used by imposters, but also know the process for recovering their identity and securing their accounts.

“Having your identity stolen is traumatic and unsettling and can be devastating for your financial well-being,” Nessel said. “However, I want consumers to know that there is a path to recovery. My Michigan Identity Theft Support unit provides guidance on what to do as soon as fraud is detected, and my office stands ready to offer support to Michigan residents in those efforts.”

The Attorney General’s alert recommends taking the following steps as soon as identity theft is confirmed:

  • Call the companies where you know the fraud occurred and ask them to close or freeze your accounts.
  • Place a fraud alert and get your credit reports. These alerts last for one year and require you to be alerted whenever you or someone else attempts to open a credit account in your name, increase the credit limit on an existing account, or get a new card on an existing account.
  • Report the identity theft to the Federal Trade Commission — the federal government’s one-stop resource where they can report it and develop a recovery plan – or call the FTC’s ID Theft Hotline at 877-IDTHEFT (877-438-4338); TTY: 866-653-4261; and report the theft to your local police.

The alert also contains helpful information for reporting stolen mail, ordering credit reports, and contacting the 3 major credit bureaus.

The Michigan Identity Theft Support unit can provide identity theft victims with resources and guidance to help minimize damage caused by this disruptive crime. The Consumer Sentinel Network Data Book contains information the FTC has collected throughout the year on fraud, identity theft, and other consumer protection topics.

Additional information on identity theft prevention for Michigan consumers is available on the Attorney General’s website.

Consumers may also contact the Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Team at:

Consumer Protection Team
P.O. Box 30213
Lansing, MI 48909
Fax: 517-241-3771
Toll-free: 877-765-8388
Online complaint form