Hi there,

Michigan is experiencing a significant heat wave this week, so I wanted to share some important reminders. Among weather-related hazards, extreme heat is the leading cause of deaths each year. With temperatures potentially reaching record highs, it’s crucial to take precautions this week.

Make sure you stay hydrated and avoid working or engaging in strenuous activities outdoors if possible, especially during peak heat hours. If your home lacks air conditioning, you can visit a cooling center.

For Lansing-area residents, CATA is currently offering free transportation to cooling centers. Tips and more information on cooling centers open around the district can be found HERE.

You can contact your local health department or call 211 to locate cooling centers in your community and access additional resources. Remember to check on your family, friends, and neighbors, as children and the elderly are particularly vulnerable to high temperatures.

Lastly, I encourage you to visit for detailed information on how to prepare for and stay safe during a heat wave, as well as how to recognize signs of heat related illness.

– Rep. Elissa Slotkin